Getting powers

Gods POV:

I had just finished my lunch. It was a good break from creating and managing the omniverses. The burger was pretty good, and I still have 10 more minutes before I must rebegin work. I push the button on my side to talk to Gabriel. "Bring me another one" God declared. He brought me the first burger so I assumed he would know what I'm talking about.

Ten minutes later he still hasn't come with my food. I get kind of agitated so I apport to him. He Is in his office talking to other angles.

God: Where is my other Cheeseburger?

Gabriel: What other burger? You only asked for one.

God: -.-

Gabriel: -.-

God: oh no.

??? POV

*Ten minutes ago*

GOD: Bring me another one.

I was just Parked on side of the road when I heard gods voice. I can't even count how many times he has told me to bring him someone.

Bus-kun: Can I help this time.

(ME) Truck-kun: Nah, don't worry about it. I will make this quick.

I started driving at this kid I saw walking. He was roughly around 17 so I figured he was good enough. He was looking away, so I was kind of sneaking up on him.

Bus-kun: Watch out, watch out, watch out!

I kicked up my front wheels so I could jump on his head. I hit him and his head went straight towards the round at around 45 miles per hour.


I watched as he left this world and his soul went to the sky. He died looking straight at me.


I had just left from the theatre center. I had enjoyed the movie X-Men: Dark phoenix. It was pretty good, but I hated that Mystic had died. I was on my way home to to review the movie. No one knows but I am a famous reviewer online. I have reviewed countless places and they can turn a five-star restaurant, into a three-star restaurant. That was when I turned to see a bus and a truck coming straight towards me.


Dammmmmmmmmmmm, that hurt. It feels like all my bones are broken. I looked at the truck and I can almost swear there was nobody driving. In my last moments I can only think of the regrets I have.

When I reviewed GUSTEAU'S and gave it four-stars. I knew It deserved only three-stars, but I didn't want to make them feel bad.

When I reviewed That Cinema and gave it two-stars just because it didn't have recliner seats so I can relax.

When I reviewed Spider-Man and gave it five-stars… Wait no, No regrets there.

I had a good life. I wonder If I am going to heaven or hell. Maybe even the endless void. I could never really truly believe in god. I knew he was real because the universe didn't just come out of nothing. But then, What made him? What made the thing that made him? How did the first thing come into existence.? There are just way too many unanswered questions for me. The lights fading…

I think I see the pearly gates. Or is that the pits of hell I can't really tell.

It's an office. All that OVER DRAMATIC BULL FOR ME TO END UP IN AN OFFICE. WHY AM I EVEN YELLING IN MY OWN HEAD. *Deep Breath*Okay so where even am I?

God: You are in my office.

MC: No sh** Sherlock. Who are you?

God: I am the one, the only, The wise, The benevolent, The great, The almighty God!

MC: Wow -.-

I sat there in awkward silent for a coupe second. I guess he finally wanted to get this over with because he said,

God: To be honest It wasn't your time to die yet. So, I'll just send you somewhere with three wishes.

MC: Ha God. Pshhh! You sound like a genie to me.

God: WHAT!? I am way better than some genie. I'll give you seven wishes.

Wow It was that easy to get more wishes. I guess god really has some pride.

God: So, what do you want Elijah.

Elijah: I want to have all of your powers with none of the responsibilities.

God: NO. You are pushing your luck. If I gave you as much power as me, then you would be my equal. And nobody is my equal…. *whispers* Yet.

Elijah: Then can I have the potential to be better than you?

God: Yeah, sure why not. It might take you millions of years, but you might eventually get there.

Elijah: So how do I train that potential?

God: How do you want to train it?

Elijah: Sleep.

God: Okay. One wish down 6 to go.

Elijah: Can I have the powers of a genie but none of the downsides. I just want to be able to grant mine and other wishes with no limits.

God: Done. 5 wishes left

That's it right. Do I need anything else? I could just wish for It myself. I don't really want to waste my other wishes on something I could do myself. Should I get a system? But if it gets sentient and Is a girl, I don't want to go down that route. That cliché route where the the guy turns his system into a real person and marries them. But if the system is just a system that would be boring, and I could do pretty much all that by myself.

God: I could make the system A guy.

Did he just read my mind?

God: Yes, I did.

Elijah: Hell No. I'm not gay. That's weird having a guy in your head. Watching and experiencing everything you do. Well even if it was a girl that would be weird, but the point still stands. Also If I use my genie powers can I wish for knowledge equal to yours?

God: No because I am all knowing. You would basically be wishing for OMNISCIENCE and the wishing stops at my level of power/knowledge.

Elijah: Okay then I wish for the knowledge of every rick Sanchez.

God: well played. He was written to be the smartest man in existence and knows just about everything. 4 wishes left!

Elijah: Well that's all for now. I would like to save the rest of my wishes.

God: I don't usually allow that, but ill make a exception this time.

He hands me a necklace that was glowing and looked like the whole universe was inside.

God: When and IF you want to use the rest of your wishes pour your energy into the necklace. Now if that is all then goodbye

Elijah: Wait where am I going?

God: Where do you want to go?