Thinking of “A whole new world”

Last time on Chilling in marvel:

God: When and IF you want to use the rest of your wishes pour your energy into the necklace. Now if that is all then goodbye

Elijah: Wait where am I going?

God: Where do you want to go?

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Elijah: Where do you think I should go?

God: Well considering you want to just relax but also have some adventures you shouldn't go into any anime worlds for now.

Elijah: why. Not all anime worlds are constant fighting and you could relax there.

God: Okay then, name some.

Elijah stood there for a second thinking of any good anime worlds.

//Action words//

He thought of "Dragon ball Z" but It would be boring just sitting in the civilizations and the people were too annoying. Goku was Dense, Vegeta was stuck up, Piccolo was aggressive, Gohan was a wimp (not teen Gohan, he was the best). So NOPE.

"Naruto" was not an option. There wasn't much room to be in any team because it would mess with the plot. All the different villages were hostile if you weren't a part of them. If you were just walking around, not in cities, there is a above 50% chance of death.

//Romance worlds//

"Highschool DXD" and "Highschool of the dead" were a NOPE. Too many enemies in that world to relax. The girls are cute, but they pretty much can't be trusted. The only one he could see himself being with was Koneko.

All the rest either had too much action or defined love interest. And Elijah was not about to spend his life alone or with someone who would eventually die like cannon fodder.

//adventure world//

He wasn't even thinking about these. He thought they were pretty unreliable. There are usually monsters everywhere and the only people who live well are royals. The only real good adventure world was "Danmachi", "In another world as a slime", and "Hunter X Hunter".

Elijah: Okay so some of them can't meet my wants but I can fix them with my wishes.

God: Then your life would be boring. If you just do everything with your wishes why don't you just wish to live in a utopia by yourself. Nothing is perfect.

Elijah: Then what do you suggest?

God: how about a movie or Book world. "Sherlock Holmes" or "Sonic" seems nice. You could even go to "frozen".

Elijah: Eww disgusting. How dare you even mention that movie. And I am nobody's sidekick. I'm not about to spend my time helping them and moving the plot along like a side character.

He stood there for A minute. In his thoughts once again. Movies and books, he thought. Well if he was going to one of those worlds he would want it to be his favorite. He tries to think back and remember what his favorite things were. Superheroes he thought.

The Only shows and movies he rated as the best in his life. "Harry potter" and "Dairy of a wimpy kid" as books, and "Spider-Man", "Avengers", and "Birds of Prey" as movies.

Elijah: Can I combine some worlds

God: Sure, but It's going to take some time.

Elijah: Okay. I want the marvel movie world with the backstory of spiderman as the regular spider man not Amazing spider man. Spider should still be Tom Holland though because he looks better. Combined with birds of prey. Not the whole Dc world, Just the four girls. I don't need all those psychopaths in my world. I only want the four girls because they seemed nice after they changed their life around.

God: Okay it will be done. I'm also counting this as another wish because this is a lot of work, I don't feel like doing.

Elijah whispered "Stingy," under his breath.

God: FOUR WISHES LEFT. Now get out of my office. I want some peace and quiet.

Elijah: where am I supposed to go?

God: I don't care. Go explore! Act like children your age are supposed to.

Elijah: I'M 27!

God: AND!

Elijah mumbled something under his breath while turning to leave the office. He was meted by Gabriel outside. He told him he should just enjoy the god's domain while he can because he won't get to come here often.

He explored the garden which looked beautiful. There were cherry blossom trees everywhere and Plants all around. If he didn't know any better, he would say this was the garden of Eden, A perfect Paradise.

He explores the giant cathedral which he learned was for the gods. Many of their people would worship them and, in that place, they can respond to some of their wishes. They don't always respond but they like to keep an eye on their people because they don't like to see their subject go through many hardships.

He saw some of the gods that wandered around. He was surprised because he was a major fan of all of them. Yes, not a believer but Fan. He played smite a lot and was familiar with all the gods on the game. He also played God of War and gave the game a five-star review. He didn't see Kratos but wondered If he was there. And If his son was allowed up here.

He has fun just walking around and seeing the things and people he would only see in his dreams and wildest fantasies. He even had the chance to talk to the god of Love, Beauty, Pleasure, Passion and Procreation. Yes, he was talking to the one and only Aphrodite.

He started out the conversation with an awkward smile and didn't know how to conduct himself.

Elijah: Hey, I'm a big fan. You were the best support character ever. I mean the most beautiful goddess I have seen so far.

Aphrodite: Support, what do you mean? I support no one. Matter of fact, they support me.

Elijah: No, I was talking about A game that I played.

Aphrodite: I'm in a game? Anyway, what Is a human doing up here anyway?

Elijah: Long story short, Gods a jerk and he sent me to explore while trying to fix where I'm going to go.

Aphrodite: Well I'm sorry for you. I hope you enjoy your new life.

They continued the conversation for about three more minutes before she had to go. They mostly just talked about trivial things and it was mostly her talking about her duties. When he was about to continue exploring a golden light started to appear under him. He heard a whisper in his ear.

God: Good luck.

He felt his feet disappearing slowly creeping towards his head. At the same time, he also felt power flowing through him which he assumed was the stuff he wished for. Just when he was about to disappear Elijah thought of something and had to take precautions for it.

Elijah: I wish to regain my memories and gain consciousness as soon as my brain develops in the womb.

God heard this and whispered something under his breath. He sounded and looked annoyed at the teleporting boy.

A second later Elijah was gone.

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Somewhere in the universe god just created, A Married couple just got done doing the naught. It was their first time and the woman was a virgin so he thought there was no way she would get pregnant on the first pump. They would never forget that honeymoon night.