Birth giver

Last time on Chilling in marvel:

A second later Elijah was gone.

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Somewhere in the universe god just created, A Married couple just got done doing the naught. It was their first time and the woman was a virgin so he thought there was no way she would get pregnant on the first pump. They would never forget that honeymoon night.

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I woke up in complete darkness. I felt terrible but great at the same time. It could feel my body slowly being built but it felt like I was on crack. I haven't tried drugs, but this is what I think it would feel like. I figure I should be around four weeks old. From what I have read on Wikipedia that is when my fetus brain develops. Might be wrong though

*five minutes later*

Uggg, this is torture. How can kids be in the womb for nine whole months! There is nothing to do here but Try to move, which is feeling impossible and sleep. Wait sleep. I could be using this time in the womb to become stronger. But only nine months' worth of strength wouldn't be much.

This Is where my Cosmic genie power comes into play! I knew I didn't become smart for nothing. With Rick's knowledge I think I could do something amazing in this womb!

NO, I'm just going to sleep till I come out of the womb. Great thing I don't have to talk to make wishes.

1st I wish the time in the womb was separate from the time outside. Every second outside was a googolplex by the power of a googolplex in here. (highest known number to man)

2nd I wish I would go into hibernation and wouldn't feel the time pass. So, when I come out of the womb I would wake up and it would only feel like a second to me.

3rd I wish that after around 25 weeks of outside time My body will spasm sometimes to make it seem like I'm kicking. I don't want my parents to thick I'm dead.

And 4th and finally I wish that my power would be complexly hidden, and nobody could tell my power's growing. I don't need anybody coming to kill me while I'm still in the womb!

Aaaaaaaaand activate.

// 8 months later/an unknown amount of time later//

When I finally open my eyes again, I feel like someone is kicking me. I look around frantically and realize I'm still in darkness. I try to move my hand around.

Ah ah oh my god! What is this!? I'm going to die! Something impaled my stomach! It seems like one of those xenomorph mouths.

I'm so fu****** stupid. I have Rick's knowledge, but I don't even know how baby's work. It is called an umbilical cord you fu***** retard!

About three huff and puffs later that I can swear almost blew the hospital away I could see the light. There were two gigantic hands coming towards me trying to coax me out. That's when I realized I didn't want to be born.

IT WAS SO BRIGHT OUT THERE. Let's not even mention how loud it was. It sounded like pure panic out here.

Elijah: "Wahhh wahhh"

I couldn't help but cry. I wish I could just crawl my way back in but I have a sneaking suspicion that that might cause them to panic even more.

?Doctor?: It's a girl

What? What do you mean it's a girl? I feel my heart rate spike like I was running a marathon. Was I going to grow up as a girl? Get hit on by guys? Have that time of the month? Have to put on pretty dresses?

Get penetrated and have kids!!!

?Doctor?: Oh my bad. It's a healthy baby boy! Its little willy was just so small I can't even see it.

FU** YOU. Giving me a heart attack. I will kill your entire generation. First you make me think I'm a girl and now you insult my man hood.

//Back to third person POV//

When the doctor announced the baby was a boy the parents still looked happy but a little less. They had really wanted a girl and from what others told them, boys were more 'wild' and troublesome.

The baby then stopped all out wailing. He wasn't crying anymore but had a tear streaming down his right eye. It looked like he had A little fire burning in his eyes.

Dad: Is that okay? Is he supposed to just stop crying?

The doctor picked up the baby and smacked it hard on his cheeks. The baby then started bawling again.

?Doctor?: See he is fine. Just give him and a little pet and hell perk right up.

The doctor then handed the baby to his mother.

The mother then stared at the baby while holding him in his hands. She spoke while looking at her husband.

Mother: Hey little guy. It's nice to meet you. Your name shall be… Luther creed.

That is when 'Luther' became suspicious. He felt like he heard that name before. He didn't know from where through.

Mother: And that's your dad Zebadiah creed.

His suspicions grew even further. He had never heard of Zebadiah before, but he did remember that last name, Creed. It just stood out to him for some unknown reason.

His mother pulled him close and made both of their heads touch.

Mother: and I'm your mother Victoria creed.

At this point Luther just decided to give up. He figured if it was important, he would remember it eventually. He slowly drifted off to go back to sleep

They spent about three hours at the hospital filling out form and checking on the condition of the mother and child. They were finally allowed to go home after filling out the birth certificate.

When Luther opened his eyes, he found himself in a crib. There were two people standing over him who he now recognized as his mother and father.

He started giggling like another baby would do and raised his hands out.

Mother: aww look at our baby, he's so energetic.

Dad: He's probably just hungry.

Mother: Yea it has been about three hours, it's about time he gets his first baby feeding.

She slipped off her bra and let one of her "food bags" out.

Luther was startled. He knew he was a baby and he would have to eat but knowing and doing Is two secret things! He quickly gave up the idea of not eating though because he was very hungry.

After 30 minutes of sucking two things happened.

He was no longer hungry

And He lost his pride.