1 year later

Last time on Chilling in marvel:

After 30 minutes of sucking two things happened.

He was no longer hungry

And He lost his pride.

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In his time as a baby he has only made one wish so far. His wish was to be named Elijah Sanchez. Sanchez was to honor the smartest person, Rick. Elijah was just his name. He found it weird being different than what he had his entire life.

He mostly spent his time as a baby in his crib. He didn't play with toys like other kids and was mostly kept inside the house. He slept, ate, cried, and got cleaned. There was nothing to do as a baby but he liked the peacefulness.

His only entertainment was the books that his mom read him sometimes. There where no TVs and phones in his house. He only found out what year it was from his mother and father talking.

He was born on February 29, 1824. He liked that his birthday was on a leap day. That means he only has to get a birthday party once every four years, or at least he hoped.

Elijah never liked having to open presents and act happy and surprised with what you got.

"Awww mom, you home a new pair of socks. Thank you so much! 😊"

That was not Elijahs personality. He loved and respected his parents so he wouldn't be mad or happy...




Just disappointed.

Unlike what he hoped, his parents gave him a birthday party the year after he was born. The birthday party was just his two parents and him though. They learned from experience that he wasn't very "fond" of other kids.

The figures it was just because he was a little special. He said his first woulds at four months old. Most kids didn't start till 6 months so they thought of him as a genius! They just wanted him to be happy, so what if he wasn't very social. He was a baby for gods sake!

On the day of his first birthday which was today is when he finally figured out why the last name creed was familiar.

His mother brought him in the living room where they had cake and had something draped over the roof. His mother and father helped him open his presents which he had three of.

He got some picture books, some toys, and he didn't open his last present yet. In fact he didn't even see his last present.

Mother: your last present isn't really a present but a new part of the family! This present is for you and your dad.

Being the kid he is Elijah looked up at his mom while looking giddy. He was still a child so he had to act like he didn't know what his mom was talking about.

The mother then went to a string that was hanging from what ever was on the roof. She pulled it off and some blue balloons came down from the roof. She looked into his dads eyes and spoke very happily

Mother: I'm pregnant. And it's a boy!

She looked down at Elijah and spoke again

Mother: your going to have a little brother!


{AUTHOR: guess I'll explain since some of you don't know}

When a boy and a girl love each other very much.... his mother was a firm believer in superstitions. Like if it's a boy you would want salty, and savory food. If it was a girl it would steal you beauty. Also the intensity of the morning sickness will all help to know if it was a boy or girl. All she did was become Sherlock Holmes and figure it out!


Elijah was a only child in his past life. He always wanted a little brother or sister so he could dote on. He wanted a little sister more but he didn't complain.

Elijah: brother?!

Mother: yeah, your going to have a baby brother.

Once again like the kid he is he just repeated the word over and over sounding happy. He felt it was really tiring to act like a baby.

He sometimes just wanted to go to the future where he could just live his life. Have phones and laptops. Not needing to act shameless.

He didn't want to hurt his parents though. He figured it would be very heartbreaking for their child to just disappear and leave them.

He was happy he decided to stick around. He would be able to see his younger sibling grow up. He felt a little sad though. He knew he would have to watch his parents and brother die of old age. Unless they wanted immortality which he could give them.

//eight months later//

Elijah was now one year and eight months old. He now started talking in sentences but with some baby gibberish. He found it very hard to talk at first because he had no teeth.

After he found it hard to talk because his teeth was growing in. It hurt line hell to have and feel your teeth growing in his mouth. He finally got sick of it and just made it so his all his teeth came in instantly.

His parent were a little surprised when the woke up one morning and he had a full row of teeth. But this was their first child to they just thought that is was normal.

Today was a special day for the creed family. Today was the day where his mothers water broke! His family was in panic but a little less since it was the second time this was happening.

They rushed themselves to the nearby hospital and within two hours his baby brother was born. He got to watch the whole process of him coming out of the womb. He was a little surprised that he was allowed in but it was the 1800's so, meh.

When they were done cleaning the baby they let the father and mother hold the baby. His mom showed him the baby and let him say hi.

Mother: say hi to your baby brother, Victor Creed.

Elijah waves and looked at his baby brother in awe. After around two minutes though it finally clicked in his head. Victor creed! That's the name of Sabertooth. And Luther creed his the name of his brother whom he killed.

Elijah didn't know where to be happy or sad. On one hand he got one of the strongest mutants as a brother and he wouldn't die of old age any time soon. On the other hand he got a cold blooded killer and very ferocious beast as his brother.

Having the mind he dose if only took him a second to get out of his head. So what if he was a cold blooded killer. That was only because he couldn't control himself and his father tortured him.

Speaking of his father he never seemed like the type to torture people. He seemed like a kind and loving sole. I guess having your kid kill his brother and turn into a beast will do that to you!

On that day he vowed that he would not let victor creed NO, HIS BROTHER become like that!