Spooky scary skeletons, shivering down your spine!

Last time in chilling in marvel:

On that day he vowed that he would not let victor creed NO, HIS BROTHER become like that!

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Elijah was now in a little happy family. He had a mother and father who loved him. He didn't have all the distractions of technology. He also had a brother that he always wanted!

All in all he was enjoying his days. He was now three years old and the year was now 1827. His brother's Beast was starting to come out though.

His father and mother first noticed when victor cut himself on something. The cut healed in about three seconds. Victor was 1 year and 4 months old. He could make a complete sentence with about 5 words in it.

His parents thought he was a genius but Elijah figured it was because of his recovery ability. Because of the recovery his cells at a super rate his brain cells never really get lost and he retains a lot of the knowledge he is taught.

Victor had very very sharp teeth compared to Elijah. Elijah still has very long and sharp canine teeth but the rest were regular. Victor on the other hand had a all razor sharp teeth!

While he was relaxing these few years he took the time to open himself up and take in his surroundings. His mother had bedazzling azure blue eyes, blond hair, and looked to be in her 30s. His father looked like a heavy built war veteran. He also had blond hair but with lapis blue eyes.

Elijah spent most of his time just thinking. He would look at everything and know exactly what made it. Like he would look at a tree and be able to tell it's age from its rings. He would look at his mom and know how to make her body without losing a arm and a leg.

He finally understood why rick was drunk all the time. It's not just because of depression but because of this knowledge. When you know everything, everything becomes boring. The only thing he didn't know yet was magic and he would probably be able to learn that just from reading some books.

Even though his parents thought he was was distant from others he got really close to his brother. They would often play outside and spend a bunch a bunch of time together. They felt happy watching their kids play and get along.

Elijah on the other hand was thankful for his enhanced strength and powers. He would sometimes notice that his brother would get violent and very strong. He nipped that in the bud though. Every time victor tried to bite him he would punch him in the balls. No mercy!

When Elijah was five and Victor was four they got some more members their family. They where born on October 16, 1829. Yes they. They were twins. Not identical but still twins. They were named Saul creed and Clara creed. After they were born her mother swore she wasn't going to have any more kids. According to her it "hurt like a butt cheek on a stick."

Elijah wasn't sure or not if they had the Sabertooth powers though. They were just regular babies in his eyes. So he decided to do the right thing, and make them mutants! He did this when they were two. He gave them super regeneration like his brother and a little bit of super strength and stamina. He couldn't just let his siblings be mob character!

He also gave all his sibling semi-immortal so when they get to their prime age they would stop aging. They would never die from old age. They would all think it was because they were mutants and he would never tell them different.

Elijah knew by "the laws of nature" and "plot" he shouldn't have done it, but F*** it. He wasn't about to just let them die. He would be damned if he just let them grow old and wither away. He only knew them for two years but he was not going to let anything hurt them.

Since they were illiterate and still kids he couldn't really do anything 'interesting' with them. He would wait until they where older to have real fun with them. Probably when they turned twelve.

For now though he was just chilling. The kids noticed he was.. abnormal. Not in any weird way but they noticed little things.

Like if they were ever hurt, even just a tiny bump Elijah would be there. Even if they knew he was no where around, it they called him in the tiniest voice, Elijah would be there.

One time they got together for a experiment.

They all got together in the front yard while Elijah was with his parents.

Victor was the leader of the plan. "Okay" he said in a hushed voice, "let's go in the room first". They headed to the room and in the way they saw Elijah and their parent in the living room, doing 'big boy stuff'.

When they got in the room the closed and locked the door. The searches the entire room and made sure Elijah wasn't in the room.

Meanwhile Elijah, who was with his parents grew suspicious of their behavior. It wasn't that they were playing together, but the fact that the want into the guest bedroom. There was no reason for them to be in there. There where no toys, no books, just a bed, closet, and desk.

If they were playing they definitely would not be in there. So he asked his parents to be excused to use the bathroom. When he got up, was heading up their he heard one of them call him in a high pitch. So he immediately tried to go in but the door was locked. So he teleported behind them and just saw that everything was fine and they were staring at the door.

He was confused but a second and didn't know what to do. If they wanted to play with him they wouldn't lock the door. They called him and nothings wrong, so...

Yep, he read their mind. He didn't often use this power. He usually only used it when one of them were hurt or when someone looked down/hurt. When he found out they were trying to "catch him being weird" he almost chuckled. He didn't even realize he was being weird. He just wanted to be their for them. He felt kind of hurt.

So he did the rational thing and decided to show them weird. He first turned invisible so they wouldn't be able to see him. He then started to nock on the closet door. Victor thought it was him so he said "see, I told you he would come."

He then proceeded to come towards the closet and open the door. Clara and Saul followed, so when they saw nothing inside the got a little scarred. As soon as they opened the door the noise stopped. Elijah saw that they where all looking at the closet so he started stomping, making it sound like something was running to them. They made a loud shriek and turned around quickly.

When they looked down at the carpet, they saw two foot prints. Elijah knew that were looking at the prints in the Carpet so he stared walking away then made the prints disappear. They got scared and tried to run out of the room. Their parents were just coming up the stair so they could not see the room door yet.

As soon as they unlocked the door and tried to bolt out. Elijah gave him self six hands and grabbed them by the feet. He made sure to cushion their fall when he yanked their legs and pulled them into the room. He also shut the door.

When they looked back at their legs they froze. They were looking at pennywise. They got terrified of the clown and started screaming for their mom and dad. Elijah made sure to block out the sound. At that moment he finally thought for a second.

Am I going to far? Is this going to scar them for life? Why am I doing this again? He just decided he already started so might as well finish. He talked to them in a terrifying voice, "hello kids, why are you so running? Don't you wanna play?" He then started opening his mouth basically unhinging his jaw and showed rows upon rows of sharp teeth like a shark.

At that moment his parents where about to walk in so he hurried up and disappeared and teleported behind his parents. They were looking at the room so they didn't notice him.

His mom was the first to talk, "what's wrong, why are y'all screaming?"

They all ran and started to hug their mom. She was confused at to why they were so scarred but then Started to hug them and show her motherly love.

Victor started to speak and said, "there was a scary thing up here."

There mother looked around and saw nothing. She figures they where either playing a scary game or just spooked themselves. She looked at them and said, "what were y'all doing Up here anyway."

They where about to tell their parents about how they their brother was acting weird and they where trying to catch him. They where about to start talking when they looked behind their parents and saw him standing there.

He looked them in the eye and put one finger over his mouth with a sinister smile. They all thought at once, it was him? Why he scare us? They instantly decided that it would be a bad idea to tell their parents. So they just said they where playing a scary game the other kids told them about.

There parents picked them up on their shoulders in a hug and told them not to play that game anymore. When the where walking down stairs Elijah spoke. "Y'all should stop doing WeIRd stuff." He put extra time emphasis on weird.

They made a unanimous decision and decided they shouldn't call him weird or provoke him anymore.

They spent the rest of the day slightly scared of their brother.