I’m so generous and great!

Last time on chilling in marvel:

She said, "yep, you first Elijah, put your hands on the dest with your knuckles out!"

Bruh she had me FU***** UP. I looked her dead in the eye, "HELL NO"

-.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.- -.-

She looked at me with disbelief. She looked me up and down before yelling "EXCUSE ME!"

Did I stutter. Or is she death because I think I said the very clearly. I cleared my throat, "Hell to the No." I knew I should be respectful and mind my manner but she thinks she's about to hit me. Nah fam.

Her eyes widened some more. I guess a student never dared to speak to her like that before. I wouldn't either if we were in the present. She had a big frown on her face and looked ferrous!

She flew towards me but then just walked right by. I kept looking to the front not even bothered to look behind me. I thought she would go to the principle or try to tell my parents. I was wrong.

I heard something unhinge. The door also didn't slam or close so that meant she didn't leave yet. So I decided to look back over my shoulder while my body was still facing the front. Let me just say I was shook!

I looked back to see her with a giant paddle in her hand like she was about to put a pizza in a over. It had holes all around it with engraving. I heard all the class say, "it's. About. To go. down."

The last thing a heard was a whistle before a felt a sting on my cheeks. Not my face, my cheeks. My cake, my butt, my bum, my hunkers, my caboose. Whatever you want to call it, she hit it.

It definitely hurt more than a belt, and switch. My dads hands still took the cake though. In both ways.

I didn't know what to do. Do I turn around and try to fight back? That might make more aggressive. I'm definitely not going to use my powers cause that would've just wrong.

Before I could even finish my thoughts the hits stopped. When I looked again I saw her laying on the ground in a pool of blood. Victor was standing over her with his mouth covered in blood. He bit straight threw her through and killer her.

I looked at victor and didn't know how to feel. He just killed someone, but it was to protect me. He did a good job in my book. I raised my hand towards him expecting a hive five. "Good job," I said to him whole high giving. I them put him to sleep and made him forget about about what he just did.

I was not going to let him live with the fact that he killed someone. I mean I will at least wait till he is 18/ an adult.

I looked towards the other kids in the class and stared at them. I whispered just loud enough for them to hear. "No witnessed." They then freaked out. Dang the over react. I put them all asleep and erased their memories of the beginning of the day.

I then put my brother in a desk and brought my self to the other empty desk on side of his. I removed the injuries from the teacher but still left her dead. I'm not petty I just don't have that ability. *wink*

I don't want to be a bad guy and take her out of her wonderful new life she was going to have. I checked on her new life with my powers to make sure she was okay. She was fine and she even had a pretty name, Anne frank. I was confused why she was so far in the future but I guess reincarnation takes a while.

I made sure nobody would wake up for at least five hours, and put my self to sleep too.

When I woke up I was at home with my brother beside me. I grabbed him by his shirt and shook him awake. When he woke up he was confused. He said, "We home?"

I shook my head my head yes and started to get up. When we were just about to leave the room our mom busy in and started hugging us. She had a couple tears in her eyes. She spoke sounding panicked, "we took you to the doctor but they said you were okay! But you were not waking up no matter what! I was so scarred!"

Maybe I made a mistake making it five hours. Should just said till a disturbance occurs to our bodies. She looked me in the eye and asked what happened.

I just said how the last thing I remember was buying a apple and then I was here. Victor also said the last thing he remembered was walking to school.

She told us that the sheriff was like be by later to ask us questions. Apparently our teacher mysteriously was dead and every one in the class was asleep. Victor tried to ask what happened but my mother didn't know.

The sheriff arrived about a hour later to ask us questions. He made sure to talk to mom and dad to, because he found it very suspicious how this all happened on our first day of school.

He finally left after us telling him over and over agin we didn't know. He started getting even more suspicious of me though at the begging. He said to me, "after being a sheriff for so long, you start to know things. One of those things is knowing when people are lying. So I'll ask you again boy, ARE. YOU. SURE." Immediately after he said that I erased my memories of that morning and made sure I would get them back Tommorow.

Me and my brother are with the whole family while Clara and Saul kept asking what had happened. Our parents were pretty freaked out too because they didn't think school would be this dangerous. I made sure that night that I cried while hugging her. "Mommy. Why can't I remember this morning. Is this going to happen everyday."

She looked at me while petting my head. "Of course not sweetie. Today was just 'special'. You'll see. School will be super fun and not scary at all!" Dang it. Guess I'm not going to be able to get out of school. She did say that we wouldn't have school until next week because of the "accident" though. Now all I have to do is cause accidents for a couple years and I don't have to go to school. Yay!

Never mind. I'll just have to deal with it and go. If it'll make mom happy, then who am I to complain.

Me and victor decided to sleep in our parents bed today. When Clara and Saul heard they joined in too. We all slept together as a happy family in the bed. Thank god it was Queen sized!

{any complaints?}