Last time on chilling in marvel:

Me and victor decided to sleep in our parents bed today. When Clara and Saul heard they joined in too. We all slept together as a happy family in the bed. Thank god it was Queen sized!

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//One week later//

Once again it is the first day of school for victor and Elijah. The week that they were out of school they just played around.

Their mom brought them to school in the morning. She was still worrying about them because of the incident. Elijah got a little nervous though when his mom brought him to buy a apple.

She brought them close to the building and let them go the rest of the way. There was still ten minutes to class so they had time to look around. There was a lot of kids playing In the front and the building looked very old.

Elijah though it looked like the school from Matilda. Victor left Elijahs side and tried to get along with some other kids. Elijah on the other hand stayed back and just looked at the crowd.

Elijah didn't like people but at the same time he didn't not like people. He was a introvert but he liked talking. He would never be the first to talk to others but let himself free once he got to know them.

After around 10 minutes a big white man came out the front and yelled to the kids, "Play times over! It's time to learn!" He then clapped his hands and went back inside. All the kids are rushed through the doors and went to class. The door was small but they still managed to go in five at a time.

When Elijah got to class he notice victor was already there and In the middle of a group. There was five boys talking to him and two girls. 'I hope he isn't gay,' Elijah thought while going towards a seat.

He chose the standard protagonist seat. All the way in the back by a window. The window was to his left and a empty seat to his right. A little bit later a girl walked in and sat next to him.

She had white hair and golden eyes. Her face had no emotion and she was about three inches shorter than Elijah. When she sat down she noticed him sitting next her seat and stared at him. After about three seconds she looked away and sat down.

Elijah thought of her as a ice queen and tried to reach her hand for her to shake. He tried to sound cheery and said, "My names Elijah, what's yours?"

She looked over her should and stated, "Dakota" before looked back in front. Elijah was about to speak some more before a teacher walked in and introduced herself.

She was a ginger and had freckles all around her nose. She introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Stacy and I'll be your new teacher due to a unfortunate accident that happened to Veronica. I like brownies, books, and cleaning the house for my husband."

She got all the other students to introduce themselves too. It was like the first day of school even though they were in the middle of the school

Year. When it got to the ice queens turn she just looked at and said her name. Nothing else. She didn't even bother to stand up.

Elijah didn't know what to think. He liked the type of woman who didn't show emotions but slowly warmed up to you the more you got to know them. He was in a dilemma though.

Was it weird for him to like someone who was so much younger to him. He thought about it for a while before coming to a conclusion. He was immortal. Eventually he would be thousands of years old while everybody else was so much younger. Also she was technically around the same age as him.

His body was five. Only his mind was almost 30. He admits that sounds like how a person would convince himself it's not rape. But he couldn't help it. How in the world would he try to get with someone on his own age group. He would be five trying to get a girl around 34. That is the real weird thing.

He found out from the teacher that she was the only teacher for them. There was no such thing as switching between six teachers everyday. Colledge was nowhere like this.

He had to admit though. This was actually pretty OK. Defiantly not fun but it wasn't the worse. I especially since the teacher didn't seem mean. She seemed like a mother to all the kids. She was teaching them how to add. Things line 3+7 and 10-3.

The best thing is, SHE BROUGHT COOKIES. There was was twent kids in the class and she brought 30 cookies. She placed them all on her desk and talked to the kids. "If the teacher had 30 cookies and she gave 20 cookies to the kids, how many cookies does she have left?"

All the kids were looking at the cookies but still confused. They didn't know how to count that much. The girl sitting beside Elijah spoke up though. She said, "10" while getting up and grabbing a cookie.

The rest of the class was confused how she knew but happy that they could finally go get the cookies. While Elijah was getting up he saw her nibbling on the cookie. He though she looked cut and adorable. When he got his cookie he placed it on her desk while getting in his seat.

Dakota looked at him then down at the cookie. She looked at him again then back at the cookie. She mumbled out a thanks before going back to eating. Elijah felt like he did a good thing but he was a little sad. Who didn't like cookies?!

He just settled with watching the ice queen eating her cookie. He wondered how she was able to keep up that look while eating the cookie. After they were done with the cookies they were allowed to go home. When Elijah and victor got outside they found there mother and father waiting for them.

"How was school?" Their dad asked.