Chapter 12. Pkers (2)

Chapter 12. PKers (2)

During a hunt, PKers will usually attack the weaker members first or the clerics.

Clerics are weak in combat but their buffs and healing abilities made them a force to reckon with. It was done so that they can't support the combat class members.

Grando and his group also decided to do that. They planned to kill the cleric and then Ian. In the end, they will be able to have fun with Clara.

There was a reason behind this.

It was because of Grando's preferences, he loved to break the will of strong-looking girls and Clara met his preferences well.

He was truly a pervert in every sense!

That's why, he attacked Ria from the start but unexpectedly, Clara blocked his attack from reaching her.

"You won't be able to get away with it."

"We will see that. I will thoroughly play with you later."

"Damn pervert!!"

Sparks flew out from the clashing of their swords. Both of them were giving it their all. There was no moment to even breathe as they continuously attacked each other.

But due to the level differences between them, Clara was pushed back.

If not for Ria buffing her, she would have died but the situation was still critical.

Her mana was not able to keep up with the buffs and Ria was continuously drinking mana restorations potions but even they have started to deplete.

"What should I do now?"

She said as she saw that Clara was barely able to dodge Grando's slash. She felt that only a miracle can save them now.

Thinking of that, she looked towards Ian but he was in a more desperate situation.

Pant! Pant!

"Ah, they just don't stop coming!!"

Ian's chest heaved up and down as he rolled around on the ground, protecting himself from the barrage of ice shards and arrows.

The ice magician and the archer were still hiding among the trees and bombarding Ian with their attacks.

It may look like they were in a good situation where they can easily kill their target but the reality was slightly different.

"Dammit!! How can he keep dodging all our attacks?"

Even after using different spells and arrows, they were not able to even scratch Ian.

He kept dodging their attacks like he knew where they will come from. It was making them desperate and desperation will surely lead them in creating a mistake.

While the PKers will thinking like that, Ian was looking for a chance to break out of this predicament.

"Where are they?"

Ian was trying to find their location on the trees but the PKers kept changing their position. He was also glancing at Clara and Grando from time to time.

He knows that the fight would not last long this way and they will ultimately lose. At that moment, an idea occurred in his mind.

It was an idea with risk but it could work, especially because Ian knows that the PKers are getting desperate.

"Wait!! I surrender!!"

Ian shouted with all of his might, startling all the people in the area, especially Clara and Ria.

"Ian, what are you saying?"

"Why are you surrendering to these bastards?".

"Shut up!! You two won't be much affected by this but I will take a huge loss if I died."

He said as he shouted towards the two of them. His idea was following reality.

He was a normal player from his attire, with beginner clothes and a common bow while both the girls have uncommon grade items.

The PKers thought that Ian has gotten desperate and abandoned the girls.

"Just let me go. You won't get rare equipment from me anyway. It would be easier for you this way too."

Ian even threw away his bow to show that he was being sincere. The bow was already broken, so it was no use of him anyway.

"You aren't playing a game with us, right?"

"I don't dare to, I am just a poor person. I will only get death by lying to you. Please let me go!!"

His tone was sincere and the PKers were starting to believe him. They had no choice but to get smitten by Ian's act.

The smirk on Grando face was visible, Ian was the toughest member to beat, now that he was surrendering, it would be a breeze to subdue the other two girls.

"Ian, how could you do it?"

"We thought of you as a friend but you are really the worst."

While the PKers were laughing and smirking, Ria and Clara had a wronged look on their face. They were betrayed by Ian and they would surely die here now.

Ian can't do anything about it. He was instead feeling that their curses have made this scenario more believable.

"Leave all the items you have gained from hunting in the fields here and we will let you get away."

"Yes, leave the monster fur and meat here."

The PKers still can't let go of their greed and Ian listened to their commands. He let out all the meat and fur from his inventory.

Seeing the meat and fur that can go for high prices, both the mage and the archer finally came out of hiding.

'They finally showed themselves.'

Ian thought as he continued his act.

They jumped to the ground and started inspecting the meat and the fur. Their eyes were flashing with light as they said.

"Boss, it will for more than 50 silvers."

"We can get more If we bargained a little."

Grando laughed when he heard that. He looked at Clara and Ria who he has already defeated, then he glanced at Ian and said.

"Hey, you, we will be magnanimous and let you go."

"Thank you."

Ian said as he bowed with a sincere and grateful expression. The PKers laughed seeing that but they don't know that their demise will start from that moment.

Suddenly, the Blaze dagger appeared in Ian's hand. No one seems to notice it but Ian's eyes were filled with killing intent.

"Hey, you retard!!"

Ian shouted as he raised his head. The PKers were not even able to understand what was going on.

Before they could gauge the situation, the Blaze dagger has already pierced the heart of the mage.


It happened in a breath and no one was able to see anything. Even the mage was not able to see the tip of the Blaze dagger entering his vision.


Grando shouted in confusion but before he could do anything, Ian has already started his killing spree.

The Blaze dagger was bound to his soul and he can summon it anytime. It was the special ability of the dagger and Ian quite liked it.

Ian summoned the dagger back and threw it towards the archer. The Blaze dagger struck the right eye of the archer and his vision was faltered.


Ian kept summoning and throwing the dagger and in just a while, both the archer and the made were bleeding from several spots.

"You bastard!!"

Seeing his comrades dying state, Grando was filled with rage. He didn't care about anything and swung his sword at Ian.

Swish! Clash!

Ian blocked it with his dagger and smirked at Grando. That made him more furious.

As he was furious, there was no technique in his attack. There was only brute strength, it was easy for Ian to fight an opponent like this.

Grando swung his sword horizontally as a baseball bat and Ian dodged it by lowering his waste. Then, he aimed his dagger at his ankle.



Grando cried out from the pain when he felt a stab on his ankle. The pain was minimal but there was still pain.

He dropped his sword and that moment was enough for Ian to finish him off.


Ian struck on his forehead and a message popped up.

Grando was killed like that. Then, Ian moved towards the mage and the archer. They wanted to run seeing Ian coming towards him.

But they can't even walk properly after getting stabbed by the Blaze dagger multiple times.

They can only struggle and wish that Ian will give them a quick death. Ian was also being merciless and he killed them by slicing both of their necks.

Their bodies disappeared into red specks of light, leaving some of the items in their inventory on the ground.

Ian quickly checks the information on the skill.

* * *

-Active skill

-Proficiency: Beginner Lv. 1

-Cooldown: 30 seconds

-When attacking a target with a sharp weapon like a dagger or sword, your attack power will increase by 20%.

-The damage will increase base on the proficiency of the skill.

* * *

Ian was quite happy about the skill.

'Was I too ruthless?'

Ian thought that he was being as ruthless as he was in the fantasy world. After the death of his comrades, he has become a merciless mercenary.

After returning to Earth, he had forgotten his killing intent and bloodlust but today, it has come back again.


Ian turned back when he heard that. He saw that Clara and Ria were looking at him strangely.

'They must be disgusted by me after seeing my killing people mercilessly.'

This was the same in the fantasy world. Due to his mercilessness, Ian was also hated and feared by many people.

Even fellow mercenaries were scared by him and he was titled the 'Ruthless killer' by everyone.

'I should just go away.'

Ian was about to go away but contrary to his expectations, both Clara and Ria were not disgusted by his killings. Instead, they were entranced.

"Ian, what was that? That was so awesome. I can't even see your movements. You went like swish and then, blood spluttered out everywhere. Your dagger was also amazing."

"Yes, you were super cool!!"

Both Clara and Ria were stunned and surprised by his performance but they were not disgusted even by a bit.

Ian has saved their lives and killed the PKers. He was akin to a hero to them.

"You are not disgusted by me?"

"Disgusted? Why will we?"

"No, it's nothing."

Ian said as he smiled. He felt that it was worth being friends with both of them.

There are not many people who are good to him and he would always take care of them who treated him sincerely.

"Ian, you seemed too skilled? Are you a pro gamer or something?"

"Pro gamer?"

"Yes, I have heard only pro gamers and rankers can fight like that. You are just starting the game, so you can't be a ranker but you are a pro gamer."

Pro gamer!!

They are the people who play a game for a living. Ian's ultimate goal was that, so he accepted it in the end.

Both Clara and Ria thought that Ian was a pro gamer from a different game who was just starting Ark. That also explained the level of his skills.

In the end, both Clara and Ria were too tired after that incident and they both went offline. It was decided that Ian will take all the items from the PKers.

Ian wanted to give some items to both Clara and Ria too but they both refused it. In the end, he could just accept it.