Chapter 13. Within everyday life (1)

Chapter 13. Within everyday life (1)

The third year of high school was an important time for all the students!

In the first year, students will make new friends and form their own circles.

In the second year, most of them will be embroiled in complicated love relationships but the third year was not like that.

It was because the results of this year will determine if one will be able to enter a good university or not. One could even say that it decides the trajectory of one's life.

That's why, even the worst kind of student will show some interest in studying and if a student didn't study even after that, then there can be only one reason.

He has already given up on going to a university!

There was only one person in the entire high school that was like that, it was obviously Lu Fei.

Two of the female students were whispering during a lesson. They were glancing at Lu Fei who was sitting beside the window.

He was rubbing his eyes as he had just woke up from a nap.

"He's so handsome."

One of the female students said with stars in her eyes. She could not help but leak a sigh seeing his calm and gentle face.

"What? Are you going for the troublemaker? You know that he's a delinquent, right?"

"Yes, I know that but isn't it kind of cool? He seems like those cold but gentle types, moreover, he's super handsome."

There was a phase in a female's life when one would be entranced and attracted to the bad type of guys.

It would stay until the whole teenage years.

Due to this, many girls will go out with delinquents and street gangsters but most of them will regret their decisions in the end.

It was also the reason why a normal guy wouldn't be able to find a girlfriend after searching for a long time but a delinquent will always have a girl in his arms.

"You should focus on your studies more. We don't have much time left until the college entrance examinations. Lu Fei has already given up on going to university but you are going to one."

The other girl with short hair reminded her but her friend just waved her hand and said.

"I know that and it's not like I will date him, maybe I will if he asked me out but the chances of that are quite low."

"You are right. Even though he has various rumors about him, there's not even one rumor of him harassing a girl or even having a girlfriend."

"Maybe he doesn't like girls?"

The short hair girl was wide-eyed when she heard that. She reprimanded her friend.

"You are reading too many BL comics these days."

"What's wrong with that? I can have my own fantasies about him."

Their talk was getting louder and there was a giggle or laugh from time to time. Because of that, their voices reached the ears of the teacher as he shouted towards them.

"Hey, you two in the back. If you want to talk, then go outside. Don't disturb the class!!"

The two girls immediately lowered their heads in their books, feared that the teacher will throw them out of the class.

'It's good that they stopped talking.'

As Lu Fei was sitting quite close to them, he was easily able to hear their talk about him but both the girls don't know that.

He was ignoring their talk but he was also getting annoyed by it. That's why he was glad that the teacher scolded them.

The reason for his annoyance was not just that. There's another reason behind this.

It was because in the morning when he was about to sell off the items he has received from Grando and his gang, he was forcefully logged out.

He was frustrated about that. He even suspected that there was something wrong with his neuro gear but after searching online, he found that it was due to a law.

He couldn't help but curse the government after reading that.

'Damn old farts.'

He wished that those old politicians can be transported to outer space or something.

The law was called the 'Game addiction prevention law'. According to this law, one can only play a VR game for 18 hours.

If a player stays in a game for longer than 18 hours in a day, then he will automatically be logged out. He can only access the game after six hours of the forced logout.

That's why players can get six hours of sleep this way but Lu Fei didn't like this option but he also couldn't do anything about it.

He can only sigh!

Well, sleeping was necessary too but Lu Fei doesn't have time to rest. He was now playing Ark most of the time, the remaining time is spent on doing part-time jobs.

Even his sister was getting worried about him these days because of that.

"Ah, I wish I can get past high school soon."

Lu Fei muttered softly as he looked at the bald teacher talking about some conference.

"The countries which attended the Potsdam Conference were Russia, the US, and Britain. Of these, Russia's leader was Stalin."

He tried to focus on what the bald teacher was speaking but he didn't even have the basic knowledge to understand all of that.

In the end, he could just lower his head and again dive into the so-called world of dreams.

* * *

"Maybe I should jump over the walls."

Lu Fei thought and contemplated over that matter. It was currently lunch break and his frustration has gone past a certain point.

He was glancing outside the window, standing in an empty classroom. It was getting noisy in his classroom, that's why he came here.

He has already taken three naps and now, he can't even fall asleep. He wanted to go home and connect to Ark.

Ark was now not a game but a whole new reality to him. The people living there, the monsters, the soil, and even the wind, he can't help but think of them as real.

Lu Fei felt that it was a lot better place than Earth.

"You fucker, I told you to bring money today."

"We already gave you too many chances. Don't you care about your life?"

"Yes, we can't try the VR game rooms because of the little money you are giving us. Can't you see that we are desperate here?"

Lu Fei stopped thinking about Ark when he heard those noises, he glanced downwards and saw that three delinquents were beating down a fatty in a quiet corner.

They were asking for money so that they can use the VR game rooms. VR game rooms were expensive but they let you play Ark.

Ordinary people who can't buy a neuro gear go to these game rooms to experience the virtual reality.

"I, I don't have any more money...Kwak!!"

The fatty begged for mercy but the three delinquents kept hitting him with punches and kicks.

Lu Fei didn't like that sight but he also just stood there watching it happen. There was no reason to interfere in these sorts of matters.

Bullying was not something new. It happens in practically every school but there was no end to it.

If he even stopped them from bullying the fatty, the next day they will bully someone else. It was better to turn a blind eye to it.


At that moment, the door to the empty classroom suddenly opened.

"What are you doing here?"

Lu Fei turned back and saw that it was Fang Xue, the beautiful teacher who had made assumptions about him being a delinquent.


His answer was short as he didn't feel like talking to her. He was sure that she has come to reprimand him.

"If you are doing nothing, then why aren't you in your class?"

"The class is too noisy just like you."


Fang Xue stomped her feet as she came close to him, her brows were knitted together, displaying her slight anger.

"What did you just said?"

"I just said what you heard."

She frowned when she heard that, continuously stomping her foot but after a while, she sighed and said.

"Can't you talk nicely to me?"

Lu Fei didn't answer as he kept staring outside. His attitude was clearly showing that he doesn't want to talk with her.

It was also understandable, he doesn't like people who keep assuming things about him, he will mostly ignore them but that doesn't mean he will be nice with them.

Fang Xue also understood that she knew that she was at the fault here. That's why she said suddenly.

"I am sorry."


Lu Fei raised his eyebrow when he heard that. He wasn't expecting that.

He turned towards her, staring at her face to see if she was sincere or not and there was certainly some sincerity on her face.

"Why are you apologizing?"

"it's because I was wrong before. I spoke without knowing your circumstances."

"Who told you?"

Lu Fei said as he raised his eyebrow. There are not many people who knew about his circumstances in school.

"It was Old Zhou."

'Damn Old Zhou!!'

Lu Fei thought that he should talk with Old Zhou later to stop him from blabbering about him.

There was a silence after that for a while with Lu Fei looking at Fang Xue with a slightly strange look, not knowing what to say.

In the end, Fang Xue spoke.

"So, do you forgive me? I can also treat you to dinner sometime."


"Yes, if you want, we can go anytime."

Lu Fei thought for a second and he nodded in the end.

He can see that Fang Xue was sincere and he would be petty if he kept hanging on a small matter.

A smile naturally bloomed on Fang Xue's pretty face.

"Thank you, we should go any…..Kyaa!!"

In her excitement, she accidentally slipped on her heels and lost her balance, she was about to fall on the floor but Lu Fei was quick, he pulled her up towards him, saving her from the fall.

But due to this, the distance between them closed and her face was on his chest. She raised her pretty face that was blushing as her eyes met the gentle and calm eyes of Lu Fei.

The time seems to be stopped at that moment as both of them stared at each other.

'She's beautiful!!'

That thought suddenly appeared in Lu Fei's mind at that time.

He looked at her carefully, her demeanor elegant, her smile quiet and beautiful, appearing mesmerizing even when she was angry and the red blush on her face.

Lu Fei couldn't help but think that God had created her with great care.

That moment was ambiguous for both of them but before anything can happen, a rough voice broke the silence.

"You damn fucker!!"

Fang Xue swiftly separated from Lu Fei, her face lowered as she said gratefully.

"Thank you for saving me."

"No, it's okay."

Lu Fei violently shook off those vigorous thoughts in his mind. He was mesmerized for a moment but he was calm now.

After that, both Fang Xue and Lu Fei looked at the place where that rough voice has come from. It has come from the delinquents who were still beating the fatty.

"They are beating him and he's even bleeding. I have to save him."

"Don't do anything. Your interfering will only worsen it.".

As Fang Xue was going to stop the delinquents, Lu Fei blocked her.

"Why? I can't leave that sort of behavior. I am a teacher, it's my job to punish these types of students."

"Then, can you guarantee that those three delinquents will stop beating him after your interference. No, they will instead take out their anger on him."

Fang Xue was not able to say anything about it.

In a corner of her heart, she knew that Lu Fei was right but she shook her head and said.

"But it's still my job. I can't just see him getting beaten up and not do anything."

When she said that, her face seems to be overlapped with someone else in Lu Fei's mind.

'She's just like her in a sense.'

He thought in his mind as he stopped her from leaving.



"You stay here. I will resolve that matter."

"How? I don't think you can solve it."

"Just stay here and watch the show. My frustration was accumulating anyway."

Lu Fei said as he left the empty classroom and headed towards the three delinquents.