Chapter 14. Within everyday life (2)

Chapter 14. Within everyday life (2)

Bullying was not an uncommon sight in school. It was because every school would have the so-called 'delinquents'.

They were the students who will at first just want to look cool, but after a certain point will start to enjoy acting like gangsters.

It was because they will get a feel for power!!

Everyone will fear them, no one will be able to say anything to them and they can make money in the pretext of protection fee.

Isn't it simply the best?

At least, that's what the three delinquents that were beating the fatty thought.

They really enjoyed the sense of power, the sense of being the boss of the high school, the sense of being the most influential person in the school.

But the fatty that was being beaten up didn't think like that. His name was Xiao Ming and just like Lu Fei, he was a third-year high school student.

He didn't think of delinquents as someone influential. It was because their whole 'influence' will naturally end once they will enter society.

But he indeed thought of them as scary. It was because of a reason.

From a certain perspective, they could even be considered to be even scarier than those who truly frequented the dark side of society.

It was because they were unpredictable, not knowing how what they should and should not do, having no modicum of sensibility at all.

****, stabbing...they might really stoop to such things.

That's why he didn't say anything as he was being bullied. Sometimes, he will leak out some words but only a punch will await him.

"We told you to give us money but you don't think of me as much, huh."

The leader of the delinquents' Bao Zi said, kicking Xiao Ming in the stomach. He hadn't eaten anything for lunch, because of that only stomach juices will come out from that kick.

"No…..I, I don't....have…money."

Xiao Ming tried to open his mouth but even speaking was difficult for him. His face was punched again.

'I will die…'

Xiao Ming thought in his heart. He sometimes even wonder why he was being bullying.

Maybe because he was weak looking or because he was fat. Maybe, the problem lies with him and not the delinquents but he couldn't help but wish for a normal life.

Because of Bao Zi and his gang targeting him, everyone has distanced themselves from him.

He didn't have friends, girls don't even glance at him. It was truly a sad and lonely life.

He suddenly remembered something his dead grandfather has said to him.

"Xiao Ming, even if the world is against you and people don't like you, don't be sad. You have a long way to go and the world is vast. Someday, you will see a hope of light that will change your life."

Now that he thought about it, those words seem to be just bullshit spoken by his grandfather. It was no wonder he was said to be an alcoholic.

He must have spoken those words when he was drunk!


A punch again landed on his face, his lips started bleeding and there was a stinging sensation all over his face.

'Why can't I just be passed out?'

Xiao Ming thought in his head. He felt that passing out would be better than enduring the stinging pain all over his body.

Normally, one wouldn't think like that when he was getting beaten up but Xiao Ming was too used to it.

It was strange but it was the truth. He has been getting bullied from his first year of high school, it has already been three years.

It would be more strange if he has not gotten used to it yet!!


Xiao Ming suddenly cried out when he was elbowed by Bao Zi, straight on the face.

He thought that it would be the best time to pass out but suddenly, something strange happened. One of the delinquents suddenly cried out.

"Who are you? Get out of here!!"

It looks like someone has found them. Xiao Ming wished that it was a teacher so that he can finally be free but contrary to his thoughts, something strange happened.

He suddenly heard a painful cry of someone groaning in pain.

Due to getting punched on the face several times, his vision was hazy and he was not able to see clearly but he was sure that painful groan was of one of the delinquents.

He can also see a blurry figure kneeling on the ground, his hands on his chest as he tried to breathe.

"You bastard!!"

"I won't let you off. You are clashing with me, Bao Zi...Gwack!!"


The sound of someone getting slammed on the ground came out and after that, those types of sounds keep resonating.

'What's going on?'

Xiao Ming thought in his mind as he tried to focus his vision to see what was going on but he could only see the blurry figure of someone moving around with shocking speed, knocking out the others.

He wasn't able to see the face of the person or which year he was from. It was all too blurry!!

"Next time, you did something like that, I will personally meet you to have a talk with you."

A calm and gentle voice could be heard but hidden in the voice was a large amount of malice and this malice was directly aimed at Bao Zi, who repeatedly nodded his head.

"I, I understand. We won't do anything like this from now on."

Bao Zi was too scared to do anything from now on. It would be foolish if he really did anything after seeing the shocking prowess of the person beating them.

He was fairly confident in his and his group fighting ability but there were not even able to stand for five minutes against him and the more shocking fact was that they were not even able to touch him.

It was too shocking!!

He had heard rumors about this person but he has never believed them till now but after seeing his strength, he doesn't have any choice but to believe them.

He even bowed in his heart that he won't do anything, at least until they graduated.

"Now, disperse!!"

Bao Zi and his gang immediately ran off hearing that. They would only get more wrath by being here.

'Someone defeated Bao Zi and his gang.'

Xiao Ming thought in his heart. It was hard to believe thing but it has happened before him, but there was still uneasiness in his heart.

A person that can easily defeat Bao Zi and his gang are far more scarier than them. He couldn't help but think that the person who has defeated them will do something to him.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Huh? Are you asking me?"

"Yes, there is no one other than you here."

Xiao Ming was startled when he heard that but he still decided to see this situation optimistically. He then said.

"Than-thank you for saving me."

"It's not a big deal but I want to ask something."


'Will he ask for payment for saving me?'

Xiao Ming's thoughts were like that but contrary to his expectations, the words that he heard were something different.

"Is it not hurting? Your body seems to be in pain and you are bleeding too. You should go to the infirmary."

"Ah, yes but I can't see much, I mean it's really blurry."

"Let me guide you there then."

"Are, are you sure?"

"Yes, it's no problem."

After that, Xiao Ming was guided to the infirmary. As he noticed that the person who saved him was leaving, he hurriedly asked.

"What's your name?"

"Why do you want to know that?"

"I want to repay you for this favor if I can."

"Lu Fei."

Lu Fei left the infirmary after that thinking that once in a while, a good deed is a good thing.

Xiao Ming, on the other hand, kept thinking about him. His grandfather's words again resounded in his mind.

'You will see a hope of light that will change your life.'

He did not believe his grandfather at first but now, he was sure that his grandfather was not just a drunkard, his words were right. There was really hope of light.

For Xiao Ming, Lu Fei was his hope of light!!

* * *

'I should quickly head to the cafe.'

Lu Fei thought as he exited the high school campus. His destination was the Forest cafe but he was suddenly stopped by a car.

"Ms. Fang."

It was Fang Xue who has stopped him on his way. She was sitting in her car as she gestured him to get in the car.

"I will drop you to your home."

"I have a part-time job. Drop me there."

Getting a lift meant that he will be able to reach the cafe soon. There was no reason to give it up. That's why Lu Fei hopped in the car and told Fang Xue the direction of the Forest cafe.

There was silence in the car as both of them were thinking about what to talk about. Taking the lead, Fang Xue suddenly said.

"You should not have opted to fight to stop the bullying."

"There was no other way. If they can be persuaded with words, then I would already do that."

Fang Xue frowned and looked sternly at Lu Fei when she heard that.

'Will she reprimand me again?'

Lu Fei thought in his heart but contrary to his expectations, she didn't reprimand him, instead, she said.

"You could have gotten hurt?"


Lu Fei was confused when he heard that. For a second, he thought he was hearing wrong but the slight anger and worried look on her face confirmed that his ears were fine.

"I am not a delinquent but I know how to fight. I won't and I didn't get hurt at all."

"Still!! Fighting is dangerous. You didn't hurt yourself today but you can hurt yourself tomorrow."

Hearing her rant, Lu Fei couldn't help but ask something.

"Ms. Fang, why are you so worried about me?"

Fang Xue's mind went blank for a second when she heard that, her breathing became rapid and her eyes were continuously glancing at Lu Fei who was sitting on the side.

'Why am I so worried about him? Maybe…'

Fang Xue shook off these thoughts from the head and answered while taking calm breaths.

"It's because I am your teacher. Do I know another reason to worry about you?"


Lu Fei said as he stared outside the window.

'Her breathing was uneven.'

Lu Fei was a mercenary for years, it was not hard for him to sense the breathing pattern of other people with who he was sitting close.

Just when he asked that question, he noticed that her breathing was uneven. It will only not happen normally. In most cases, it will only happen when someone is trying to lie.

'Did she lied to me?'

Lu Fei thought in his mind but he didn't ask anything else. The rest of the journey was pretty silent.

"So, this is the place you work at?"

"Yes, it's a nice and calm place. It's quite famous too. You should try it out sometime."


Fang Xue instinctively felt that a cafe really suits the image of Lu Fei, calm and tranquil.

"Oh, give me your number."

"Huh? Why?"

"I promised to treat you. I need your number to call you out."

In the end, Lu Fei exited the car after that and seeing Lu Fei going into the cafe, Fang Xue drove away with a tinge of happiness in her heart because of receiving his number.

"Lu Fei, who was the girl with you?"

Zhao Na, the owner of the Forest cafe asked him when he wearing his waiter uniform.

"She is my teacher from school"

"Teacher nowadays drop their students to work these days?"

"I don't know. Maybe some do, who knows?"

Lu Fei started to work after that but Zhao Na felt that something was wrong.

'This is the first time I have seen him with a girl.'