Chapter 15. Hidden dungeon (1)

Chapter 15. Hidden dungeon (1)

Selling items was considered one of the major points in the whole Ark. No matter if it's a weapon, an armor or a potion, there would be a buyer.

It was because of the huge player base of Ark!

With more than 1 billion people playing the game, you are bound to find someone willing to buy an item you have.

But it was not easy to find the right buyer for your item. There are many times that a player was swindled not only by a player but also by an NPC.

It was because NPCs were the same as normal humans, they can be shrewd too.

There are three ways to sell an item in Ark.

First was the item transaction site Ian would often visit to see the current prices of items and what new items were being sold.

It was a website that will take both real-life money and in-game currency.

The second was selling directly to the merchants or in NPCs owned shops, but no one could guess how much you will receive for an item there.

It was because there are several factors like reputation and fame involved in it.

For example, a normal player would only be able to sell a sword for 10 silvers, no matter how much he tries but a player with enough fame and reputation will be able to sell the same sword for 13 or even 15 silvers depending on the reputation he has.

The third and last way was the Mercenary association.

Mercenary association didn't just give the quest to players, it was also an association which handles item transaction.

Selling items with Mercenary association will give some reputation points with it and one could gain access to special quest after one has passed a certain threshold.

The only downside was that you can't bargain in Mercenary association.

There was a system called 'ranks' in the association. One would be given more special quest based on the rank he has.

Ian's current rank was of an apprentice. It was the lowest rank since Ian has only completed the Training Dungeon and hasn't done any quest.

That's why some players will deal with the Mercenary association just to increase their ranks but it was uncommon to do it.

The prices are based on the market prices, that's why players will normally not deal through it but Ian was currently standing in front of Gran.

"I will give you 2 golds for it. It's the market price and I can't increase the price because of the rules."

"It's okay. I'm satisfied."

Gran felt that something strange was going on. From what he knows of Ian, he was not the type of just give in.

He felt something was strange but he didn't think too much about it.

"But these items are rare. Are you sure you want to sell them?"


Ian said with no hesitation in his voice.

There were two items in front of him. One was a giant green axe and another item was a leather shoe.

* * *

-Rating: Uncommon

-Effects: Strength+30, Attack power+10

-Requirements: Level 25 , Strength+20

-Durability: 70/70

The giant axe is created by an above-average blacksmith who has just completed his apprentice. It is made up of a special metal called Grangnite.

* * *

-Rating: common

-Effects: Movement speed+20%

-Requirements: None

-Durability: 30/30

There's nothing special about this shoe other than the comfort you will feel wearing it.

* * *

These two were the items he has received from the PKers. Ian was quite happy about them, as he could sell them at high prices.

Apart from that, he was also selling some mana restoration potions that the PKers have dropped.

Normally, when one would die, two or three items from his inventory will fell and there was no way to retrieve them.

That's why there are many PKers in the game. Normally, a game would have some penalty against PK but Ark was renowned for its realism.

There was no penalty for PK. That's why players can kill other players without any restraint but there was still risk in PK.

Anyway, Ian was happy that he was able to get his hands on some good items.

"Then, here's your 2 gold."

Gran said as he held 2 golds in his hand but Ian didn't take them. Instead, he started at Gran.

Seeing his gaze, Gran felt uncomfortable. He asked, still holding the gold in his hand.

"Why are you not taking your gold? Is something troubling you?"

"Yes, there's something that is greatly troubling me. I hope you can solve it for me before completing our transaction."

'Here it is.'

From what Gran knows of Ian, he knew that he was a shrewd person that will never do anything that will not benefit him.

His wanting to come to the Mercenary Association to sell items was shady in itself. He should have been on guard from the start but he can only play along with it now.

"What is the thing that is troubling you?"

"It's just a small thing. I can't seem to find a quest suitable for me. I hope you can help me with that?"

'It's just that.'

Gran thought in his mind but he was still on guard.

"There are many quests on the quest window. I think I just saw a quest about a goblin village subjugation. I think you will like it?"

Ian shook his head when he heard that.

"I have already gone through that quest and the rewards don't satisfy me. What I am looking for is a valuable quest."

Valuable quests like these were usually given out by NPCs.

Usually, players could receive Mercenary association related quests by going to a Mercenary association citation branch located in each castle, then looking through the available quests in the quest window.

It was like getting Wi-Fi at a coffee shop.

As a result, when players visited the Mercenary association, they could see a mob of people fiddling around near the quest window.

Earlier, when Ian has come to the Mercenary association looking for a quest, he was unable to find a suitable quest for himself.

Most of the quest that gives good rewards can't be completed without a party and going with a party means dividing the reward.

That's why, he was looking for a good quest but after he was unable to find it, he thought of Gran.

It was also the reason he was selling his items here, instead of going to an NPC shop.

"Maybe you don't remember but you told me to go level up and then look for a quest."

"That doesn't mean I would have a quest for you."

"Yes, but I was leveling up without rest because I thought you would have a quest for me. I know it's my fault for the misunderstanding but don't you think, you should help me here."

Gran fell into thought when he heard that. He very well knows that Ian was acting but it wouldn't take much to help him out.

When he was contemplating over that, Ian suddenly said.

"Maybe I should sell the items elsewhere."

"No, no, why are you deciding on that? I have a quest for you, I am sure you will like it."

Gran hurriedly said. He can't let Ian sell these items elsewhere. For every item an employee can sell, he will get a 10% commission.

As people don't sell items at Mercenary association much, it was hard to earn some extra money.

Gran can't let this chance go.

"What type of quest is it?"

"It's a quest that has not been completed until now, despite several people challenging it."

"It looks like a tough one."

"Indeed it is a tough one but I think you can do it. You want to try it?"

Ian nodded, excitement visible in his eyes. He wondered what type of quest will it be.

'Hunting, finding for a treasure or something completely different.'

He was getting excited just thinking about it but Gran's words made him dumbfounded.

"It's a quest of gathering herbs that can only be found on a cliff located inside the Grenuo Forest."

'Herb gathering?'

"Are you joking with me?"

Gran shook his head when Ian asked that. He was not joking and was fully serious but Ian only thought that he was playing with him.

Herb gathering was one of the quests that beginners will often do but it was the lowest of all the quest available.

"You may think that it's just an ordinary quest but I have to tell you that no one has ever managed to do this quest. It's one of the oldest quests here."

"Why is that?"

Ian became slightly interested after hearing that.

"It's because it's not easy to climb that cliff. Moreover, you will be attacked by flame winded birds while climbing the cliff. No ordinary person can climb that cliff because of that."

Because of Ark's realism, one had to have some rock climbing experience If one wants to climb a cliff or a mountain how many people would have it?

There was another way that was to get a rock climbing skill but that skill was exclusive to the 'Explorer' class, which is a hidden class in itself.

And there are also the flame winged birds. One cannot fight with them when climbing the cliff.

Ian understood why it has not been completed yet.

"So, you want to do this?"

"Yes, I will take this quest."

Ian said after looking at the rewards. No one was able to do it; it doesn't mean that Ian will also be the same.

The herbs he has to collect were called 'Nar herbs' and they are used in medication.

"I will advise you to go to the public library to get more information about them and the flame winged birds before departing?"

'Public library!!'

Ian suddenly recalled that he has neglected the library until now. He couldn't be blamed for that.

If one isn't into books, then he would not bother to go to the public library. Players will not frequent it until it is necessary or is related to a quest.

For them hunting monsters and going on adventures was the main point of the whole game.

Ian hurriedly finished the transaction and left the Mercenary association to go to the library.

To reach the library, one has to pass through the central plaza. The central plaza was a place where players will mostly set up stalls or look for players to join their party.

"Selling these swords just for 2 silvers. You will get one free if you buy three."

"We are recruiting members for the raid on the Black skull dungeon. Only players above level 100 can enter."

"It's a lucky offer!! We are recruiting members in our guild 'Production' just for today. Any user can join. Users with auxiliary classes are prioritized."

Ian was able to hear all those noises coming from the players. He ignored them and went towards the north of the capital, where the public library was.

'It's too big.'

Looking from outside, Ian can tell that the library was too big. It was probably several times bigger than his school library.

He wondered if there was something like a pass he would need but all of his worries were for nothing. He was easily able to enter the library.

"Hello, what books are you looking for?"

A cute looking girl greeted him when he entered. She was probably the librarian of the library.

"I am looking for books regarding herb gathering, especially the Nar herbs."

"Go to the second floor. You will find it there."

Ian hurriedly moved to the second floor after that. Seeing the number of books inside the library stunned him.

It was not like they were empty books, just for display. They were all real and have words inside of them.

Ian was again surprised by the scale of the game called Ark!!