Chapter 29. Lizardmen colony (3)

Chapter 29. Lizardmen colony (3)

It had already been a week since Ian started hunting in the Lizardmen colony.

The Lizardmen colony was a bigger dungeon than he had thought. It was befitting of its title as a hidden dungeon that had not been discovered yet.

Hidden dungeons are often like this. Some will be smaller, and some will take months to conquer.

No one besides Pegasus corporation knows the reason behind this.

Ian felt that it was good this way because, in the last week, his leveling speed had increased rapidly. It was to the point that he was already level 38.

Ian thought it would take him 2 weeks to get to level 38. Still, it was quicker than he had thought, presumably because of the Lizardmen colony.

The Lizardmen in the hidden dungeon were hard to defeat opponents. Still, they also gave a much more significant amount of experience.

Ian was able to level up quickly because of that!!


One of the Lizardmen spewed out blood as Ian attacked his chest with the stick part of his spear.


Then, he quickly turned around and beheaded him with his spear, killing him swiftly, but it was not the end of his fight.


Another Lizardman flickered his tongue as he attacked Ian with his sword.

Clang! Kkang!

Ian quickly blocked it, but the Lizardman tried to push him. His battle style was more of a tank-type battle style, but Ian was able to promptly notice his weakness.

"You have too many loose ends."

Ian said as he sidestepped and attacked at the Lizardman's ankle with a leg swipe.


The Lizardman fell on one knee, and that moment was enough for Ian to stab the spear directly to his head, finishing him off.

Although he killed off the Lizardman, there was no time to relax. Ian saw a Lizardman mage creating a spell, and his aim was Ian.

It was the standard fireball magic.

Although it was standard magic, it was still powerful, and it had an extensive AOE damage. Ian couldn't dodge it even if he wanted to.

He had to face it head-on, but before he could even begin to think about facing it head-on, a sword slashed at him horizontally.

'What do I do now?'

Ian thought in his mind. He can face two, even three Lizardmen together, but only if they were the warrior types, he couldn't handle a mage with them.

Maybe he would take a vast amount of damage here, but his worries were for nothing.

"Power shot!!!"


Before Ian could think about fighting the Lizardman warrior, an arrow embedded with red light passed through his head.

He fell to his knees and soon turned into red specks of dust.

"Ian, focus on the mage, I will take care of these lizards."


It was Wayn who her fired that arrow. It was his special skill he had obtained after passing level 35.

Power shot!

Just like its name, it was an arrow embedded with immense power.

'The newbies have started to grow up.'

Ian thought in his head.

It's already been more than a week since they started fighting together, and their overall combat ability and compatibility had grown.

They can now easily fight with a group of Lizardman because of their synergy.

Of course, Ian's leadership and the buffs from nature cooking had a lot to do with it.


The Lizardman mage flickered his tongue as he released the fireball, but Ian didn't try to dodge it; instead, he started running towards it.

Magic attacks were a pain to block with normal weapons, but you can still cut through them with enough force.

Swish! Slash!

Ian was also trying to do the same.

He cut through the wind as he lifted his spear and slashed it downwards towards the fireball.

The fireball started to flicker like the rustling of a snake, but Ian was able to finally cut it into two pieces in the end.

"You are dead!!"

Then, Ian looked at the Lizardman mage, his eyes filled with killing intent. He quickly went towards the mage and used one of his newly learned skills.

Red energy gushed from the tip of his spear as Ian swung it around in an arc.


Blood soon splashed everywhere as Ian finished the Lizardman mage.

"It will soon end."

Ian said as he looked at Clara, who was fighting with the last Lizardman warrior of the group.

The fight was intense, but due to Ria's buffs, Clara quickly dodged the blade and stabbed her sword into the abdomen of the Lizardman.

It ended his life, and Ian and his party gained another victory!

* * *

"We killed another one. It's getting easier to hunt the Lizardmen."

"Of course, we are getting used to them."

Clara and Wayn were talking with a smile on their faces, presumably because of their victory, but Ria grumbled from the side.

"Yes, but it's getting boring."

"You are saying that because you are just casting buffs in the back."

Ria pouted when she heard that, but she can't refuse it either.

As the three of them were talking with each other, Ian was checking out his stats and allocating the bonus stat points he had received after leveling up.

After getting to level 38, his stats looked like this now.

* * *

Job: Jobless

Disposition: Neutral

Title: Rising newbie, Master hunter, Nature cook, Demonic bat killer

Fame: 1300

HP: 2736/5800

MP: 2100/2300

Satiety: 73%

Strength: 77 (+20)

Agility: 81 (+20)

Stamina: 55 (+20)

Intelligence: 10 (+20)

Vitality: 40 (+20)

Mana: 15 (+20)

Luck: 15 (+20)

Remaining points: 0

* * *

Like a combat-based class, Ian had allocated most of his points in strength, agility, and stamina.

He had also allocated some points in vitality, increasing his overall health. Vitality was the stat that would improve one's health if one allocated points in it.

Ian was not focusing on the stats like intelligence and mana, it was because he didn't have much use for them yet.

He was not aiming to be a magician class from the start.

Moreover, due to his titles, his stats were better than any other level 38. He could now fight with a player 5 levels above him without any problems.

After checking his stats, Ian checked out his skills next.

Most of his skills were passive, but he got some active skills lately.

His passive skills include sword mastery, dagger mastery, spear mastery, nature cooking, gathering, etc. In contrast, his active skills were slash, triple thrust, vital thrust, etc.

It was impressive considering that he had gotten three weapons mastery.

Although Ian had gotten three weapons mastery, it was not witty to focus on more than one mastery.

If one focused on many weapon mastery skills, one could gain the hidden class 'Weapon master.' Still, it would take a lot of time to increase the proficiency of the skills.

It was a rather considerable disadvantage, but Ian had already decided on using the spear as his primary weapon and the sword as the backup.

It was because he felt that fighting monsters with a spear was more comfortable for him. He could block and attack at the same time with a spear.

It was not the same with the sword.

'I should change my weapon!!'

Ian thought as he examined the Thales spear. Ian was still using it, but it had already grown old.

Its durability was also depleting. If Ian had the repair skill, he could quickly fix it, but the repair skill was not something easy to get if one was not a blacksmith.

'I will buy a new weapon after this hidden dungeon.'

Ian thought as he looked at his party members, and then he shouted towards them.

"Let's go hunt some more Lizards."

* * *

"We finally found it!!"

Wayn said as he smiled.

In front of them was a big door. There were some strange green inscriptions on it, like the entrance of the Lizardman colony.

It could be only one thing.

'The boss room!!'

Ian thought in his head. While coming here, he had noticed that the Lizardmen were getting stronger and stronger.

It was good that his party was also improving or they would have already died.

At the same time, Ian wondered how strong the boss would be.

The battle with Krysil flashed through his head, but Ian was sure that the Lizardman boss would be far more powerful.

"Let's go in."

Ian said, and all of them moved inside the door.

The inside of the door was damper than the outside, and there was moisture everywhere, even on the walls.

The most noticeable thing about the boss room was the golden throne, which was in the center of the room. Someone was sitting there.

He was bigger than the other Lizardmen, and there were strange tattoos all over his body. His tail was like a dragon's tail, and there was a sword mace in his hand.

The Dragon Lizard Leverill!

That was the identity of the Lizardman sitting on the throne. He was also the boss of the hidden dungeon, Lizardmen colony.

'He's an observer type boss.'

Bosses came in different types. Some were frontline combat bosses, while some others were backline combat bosses.

Leverill was an observer type of boss.

Ian gauged that because he was just calmly observing them since they had entered the room. His green eyes were looking over them.

Observer types bosses are those who would wait for their subordinates to deal with the intruders.

After the players have killed the subordinates, they would then enter the battle.

'The battle is starting!!'

As they stood there, Ian suddenly noticed that the eyes of Leverill were shining.

The messages popped up, and then, four Lizardman came out from behind the throne.

The three Lizardmen were warriors with a sword, spear, and halberd in their hands, respectively. The last one was a mage.

"They look tougher than the other Lizardmen. Be careful of them. I think all of them can use some sort of special skill."

Ian ordered his party members, and they all nodded their heads.

Wayn took out his bow and started firing at the halberd wielding Lizardman, while Ria prepared to buff the other three.

Slash! Swish!

Clara quickly pulled out her sword and slashed at the sword welding Lizardman.

The Lizardman quickly counterattacked, and both of them kept clashing with each other. Clara had improved a lot since the first time Ian had seen her.

Kkang! Clang!

She was not a newbie now!

After Ian taught her about the footwork, her dodging improved, and she began to rely on technique rather than raw strength.

'She can deal with him.'

Ian thought in his head and started to fight with the spear-wielding Lizardman. Wayn was attracting the attention of the halberd wielding Lizardman.

But there was still the mage in the back.

So, they had to hurry.


Ian thrust his spear towards the chin of the Lizardman, but his attack was easily blocked.

He had already foreseen it, so Ian quickly attacked again with the pole end of the spear.

His spear was swift like a cheetah, and it turned around like the wind. His skill proficiency was steadily increasing too.


Ian didn't waste much of his time and quickly attacked with his skills, but the Lizardman was also not an ordinary one.

He was one of the personal subordinates of The Dragon Lizard, Leverill.

The Lizardman's spear suddenly started flickering as it became longer. Ian was not able to dodge because of the instant attack.


The Lizardman took advantage of it and stabbed at Ian's shoulders. Blood came out as Ian lost his health.

'Just one strike is this deadly.'

Ian thought as he backed away. He was trying to get away from the prolonged spear.

'This battle won't be easy!'

Ian thought as he grimaced and thought on how to defeat the Lizardman.