Chapter 30. The Dragon Lizard, Leverill (1)

Chapter 30. The Dragon lizard, Leverill (1)

Swish! Thrust!

Ian was constantly trying to attack the Lizardman with his spear but his attacks were constantly getting blocked by the special skill of the Lizardman.

The ability to prolong the spear!

It may look like a weak skill but if used correctly, it can become a deadly skill for the opponents.

The Lizardman knows how to use it well and because of that, Ian was constantly on the defensive. He doesn't know when the Lizardman will use his skill.

At that same time, he was trying to look for a chance to counterattack him.


Ian swung around his spear as he attacked downwards towards the Lizardman's legs but the Lizardman used his skill and blocked the attack.

Ian didn't stop there.

He turned around and attacked with the tip of his spear. He was aiming for the neck area but the Lizardman dodged it easily.

'I can only use that now.'

Ian thought about the skill that he was keeping as a secret weapon. It was a skill he hadn't use in the Lizardman colony at all.

It was because he never felt the need to use it.

But he had to finish off the Lizardman faster. His party was starting to get overwhelmed by the attacks of the other subordinates.

"You won't be able to dodge this!!"

Ian said as he backed off a step and swung around his spear. He was using a skill his master had taught him and it had helped him defeat his opponents countless times.

Thrust! Swish!

Ian quickly attacked just below the Lizardman's neck but his attack was blocked.

The Lizardman was planning to counterattack but something unexpected happened at that moment.

Ian's speed rose explosively as he turned around and attacked the Lizardman's chest. This time, the Lizardman wasn't able to block the incoming attack.

Taking advantage of the situation, Ian then prepared to finish it off.

"Triple Thrust!!"

As he thrust his spear upwards with all his strength. The tip of his spear shined as explosive power burst from it.

The aim was the neck of the Lizardman and the spear directly plunged into his neck.

Two messages popped up as Ian killed the Lizardman but he didn't stop there.

He used his momentum and rushed towards the halberd wielding Lizardman.


The halberd wielding Lizardman let out a snake-like sound as he continued to slash at Clara. On the other side, another Lizardman was attacking her with a sword.

"Damn Lizards!!"

Clara cursed as she blocked the sword but from the side, the halberd wielding Lizardman stabbed at her.

'I'm done for.'

She thought but a spear blocked the halberd.



It was good that Ian came on time or Clara would be dead.

"Just focus on fighting that one. I will handle this bastard!!"


Ian pushed back the halberd wielding Lizardman. He knew that he can't waste any time fighting these lizardmen.

He doesn't know when they will use their special skills. He had to hurry. That's why Ian shouted.

"Ria, buff me with speed up!!"


Ria was quick to cast speed up.

Ian felt sudden energy flowing in his feet as his body became lighter. Then, he looked at the halberd wielding Lizardman with killing intent.

The halberd wielding Lizardman also looked at Ian with ferociousness in his eyes.

People had dared to come into the lair of his king. He won't let them go alive from here but before he could do anything, Ian has already made his movie.

"Vital thrust!!"

Ian shouted as red light-filled with power rushed out from the tip of his spear.

With the added effect of speed up and Ian's foot techniques, the power of the vital strike was immeasurable.


The halberd wielding Lizardman didn't even have time to react as Ian slashed at his chest with a vertical strike of the Thales spear.

The halberd wielding Lizardman cried out as blood gushed forth from the wound on his chest but he was not dead yet.

He tried to attack with his halberd but Ian was ruthless while attacking.


With a swishing sound, he struck the lizardman's wounded chest.

The halberd wielding Lizardman felt a sharp pain in his chest as he lost his life. He turned into red shards of light and left his halberd behind as the item drop.

"Now, only the mage and the sword-wielding Lizardman are left."

Ian turned back and looked at Clara who was exchanging blows with the sword-wielding Lizardman. Wayn was assisting her from the back.

Whoosh! Swish!

His arrows were distracting the sword-wielding Lizardman as Clara slashed at him. They would soon be finished with him.

That's why Ian left them alone.

'Now, where's the mage?'

Ian thought as he looked for the mage. The Lizardman mage was at the back from the start of the fight and Ian was able to find him soon.

But he noticed something strange…

The Lizardman mage was forming a spell and it was directed towards Ria.


Ian cursed as he ran towards her but the mage had already fired the spell.

It was one of the intermediate fire magic, flame burst!!



Ian shouted towards her but she was late at responding because of casting buffs.

'She won't be able to dodge that.'

Ian thought, as he was thinking about ways to save her but there was nothing he could do. He was not close to her and there was no time.

Time seemed to stop for Ian as his brain worked like a supercomputer. In the end, there was only one way to save her.


Ian gripped the Thales spear in his hand and threw it towards the ball of flame


Sparks flew out as the Thales spear was engulfed by the flames. It was like some demon was devouring him whole.

The Thales spear turned to ashes but it was able to stop the spell by engulfing it.

"I will kill you."

Ian turned towards the Lizardman mage after that. Thales spear was a weapon he was using for some time now and he was already familiar with it.

But Ian didn't care much about all that. The only thing he cared about was…

'I had bought it for 2 gold!!'

It was a spear he had bought with his hard-earned money. Ian was about to change it to a new weapon but it can still be sold.

For someone who was in a large amount of debt, every penny was valuable, not to mention the 2 gold coins.

Ian will now compensate the 2 gold from the Lizardman mage.

'This human!! His eyes are scary…'

At that moment, Ian's eyes were akin to a predator to the Lizardman mage and the prey was him. The mage gulped as he prepared to cast a fireball.

He had to defeat Ian or his head will fly like his comrades.

But Ian was already rushing towards him. He may have lost the Thales spear but he still had a backup weapon that he had prepared for emergencies.

Ian brought forth the Steel longsword he had bought earlier. The surface of the longsword was shining as it had never been used before.

Its durability and sharpness were at its max.


The Lizardman mage fired the fireball at Ian but he merely lowered his head to dodge it.

Ian's focus was only on the Lizardman mage as he rushed towards him and slashed at him.

Swish! Kang!

Ian's slash was blocked by a magic shield which was one of the high-level magic of the Lizardman mage.

Kwang! Kkang!

Although the shield was high-level magic, it was not enough to stop Ian. He continued to slash at it like he was beating it up.


A white line followed the trajectory of his longsword as Ian slashed downwards towards the shield.

Ian was using his skill slash!!

Like that, Ian continued to strike the shield for a long time before cracks finally appeared in it. The shield will soon break.


'What's with this human…??'

The Lizardman mage thought as he quickly prepared for another fireball. He can see that the shield will soon break and the next one to break will be him.

Crack! Break!

Finally, the shield broke and Ian then looked at the Lizardman mage but the mage had already finished structuring the spell.


He quickly fired it towards Ian. It was a deadly attack, especially because Ian was really close to the Lizardman mage.

But Ian didn't panic and rolled to the left to dodge the attack. At that moment, a message appeared in front of him.

Side stats!!

They are stats normally hidden and will only appear if one performs an action several times or complete a special quest.

Getting a side stat wasn't easy. Ian was only able to get it because of him constantly dodging attacks.

'I don't have time to look at it.'

Anyway, it was not the time to look at his new stat, Ian quickly gripped his sword tightly and got up from the ground.

'I have to hurry or this human will kill me…'

The Lizardman mage was already preparing another spell to deal with Ian but before he could finish it, Ian slashed down towards him.

The longsword slashed at the spell and then, at the body of the Lizardman mage, finishing him off.

That message appeared before him and Ian finally took a sigh. He was holding his breath for a long time but he can finally relax now.

"Ian, are you okay?"

Soon, Clara, Ria, and Wayn came towards him. They had already finished the last Lizardman.

"I'm fine."

Ian said as if nothing had happened to him but there were several cuts all over his body. He had taken damage while fighting the Lizardman.

At that moment, Ria came towards him and said.

"Thank you for saving me back then. If not for you, I would have already died. You even have to sacrifice your spear for it."

"No, it's fine. It was more important to save you."

At that moment, Ian's smile was heroic like he was a prince from those fairy tales.

His handsome and calm demeanor, mixed with his fighting capabilities were definitely like some hero from the old tales.

Ria couldn't help but see him with admiration.

There was even a slight blush on her face, as she looked at him with upturned eyes.

Clara was the same. Every girl likes guys who will protect them in the time of need. Ian was just like that in the eyes of both the girls.

Wayn was feeling jealous of him but he couldn't do anything about it. Instead, he was also feeling admiration for Ian.

They were feeling like that because they thought of Ian to be an honest and courageous guy but they would never think like that if they could hear Ian's inner thoughts.

'No need to admire me, just give me some money as compensation later!!'

It was good that Ian didn't let out his thoughts.

At that moment, the ground suddenly started trembling. They had forgotten that they were currently in the middle of a boss battle.

The Dragon Lizard, Leverill opened his green eyes, the rage was clearly visible in it. He lifted the mace in his hands as he jumped off his throne.


The boss battle against Leverill will finally begin now!!