Chapter 31. The Dragon Lizard, Leverill (2)

Chapter 31. The Dragon Lizard, Leverill (2)


No matter which game it is, dragons are always the most powerful of the bunch. They are the most mysterious and powerful mythical creatures.

It was the same in Ark.

There were dragons in the game but no one has found any dragon yet.

Some people will claim to have seen a dragon but they are just fools who are trying to attract attention.

The backstory of dragons was very mysterious in the game. It was said that several hundred years ago, there were many dragons present on the continent.

But due to war, many dragons died and the rest of the dragons disappeared and no one knows when they will reappear again.

Dragons were one of the mysteries in the whole Ark!!

Several people wanted to unfold the mysteries behind the dragons and there were even rumors of a hidden class called 'Dragon rider'.

But these are only rumors as there was no confirmation of it yet.

Although dragons are mysterious creatures in Ark, there are still some subgroups of dragons that had been already discovered.

They are Wyvern, Sea dragons, and the Dragon Lizard.

These creatures and not legendary like dragons but their ancestors were still the dragons.

Many people even say that a Wyvern or a Sea dragon can evolve into a real dragon by using some sort of items but it was just another rumor.

Like this, there were many rumors about dragons.

The Dragon Lizard Leverill was also one of the subgroups of dragons.

His body was bigger than the ordinary Lizardman and there were tattoos all over his body. His eyes were like a predator and the most important thing was its tail.

His tail was more than 2 meters long and there were spikes at the end of it.

If one got hit by them even once, then he would surely take a whole lot of damage.


The Lizard King, Leverill flickered his tongue as he jumped off from the throne. The mace in his hand was ready to cut anything in his way.

His green eyes were full of rage as he stared at Ian's party.

'He's around level 40.'

Ian quickly analyzed Leverill's level but he was not sure of it. He was sure that the battle against Leverill would be his toughest battle ever.

Thankfully, he was not alone.

"Be careful of his tail. Try to stay away from it and aim at his weak points like eyes and the neck area. Ria, buff me and Clara with speed up."

Ian quickly gave orders to his party. He then gulped down a health potion quickly and gripped the Steel longsword in his hand.

The other three nodded their heads as they took their positions. Ria quickly gave them buffs and Wayn took out his arrows.

The frontline attack would be up-to Clara and Ian as they were responsible for close combat.

It was an all-out battle from now on!

"Let's go."

Ian said as he and Clara rushed towards Leverill with their swords in their hands.


Leverill also let out a cry as he swung his mace at Ian.


The speed of the mace was like a bullet train. Leverill had swung his mace horizontally trying to behead Ian in one attack.

But Ian dodged it by lowering his head.

'What is that arm speed?!'

Ian had dodged the attack but it was by a hair's breadth. If he was even a second late, then his head would have been on the ground.

Leverill didn't give much time to think as he swung around his mace at Ian but it was blocked by Clara's sword.


Both the mace and the sword clashed with each other but the strength of the Dragon Lizard was too much for Clara.

"I can't hold on for long…"

Clara muttered as she was pushed back but Ian suddenly came to her rescue.

Kkang! Clang!

Now, Leverill's mace was facing two swords. It was not easy to face them together. Moreover, there were also the arrows from Wayn.


Ripping off the air, it was precisely hitting Leverill but they were getting bounced back by his scales.

It was not easy to penetrate Leverill's defense but Wayn's arrow were annoying him, increasing his anger and rage more.

"Clara! Back off!!"

Suddenly, Ian noticed something strange.

Leverill's eyes were shining and his muscles were bulging as if they would come out of his skin.

Ian noticed it quickly as he shouted towards Clara but it was too late. Leverill's body shined with a green light as his strength increased.


It was one of his special skills!!

He pushed back with more strength and Clara was thrown off.


She slammed towards the wall. It would take time for her to get up again.

"You damn lizard!!"

Ian managed to back off in time but he was now against the Dragon Lizard, Leverill.

Trying to fight him alone was akin to jumping off a building but Ian wasn't going to back out. For him, Leverill was just another monster.


He swung around his longsword as he aimed at one of his arms but it was blocked with the mace.


For a while, both Ian and Leverill exchanged several blows as they swung around their arms but Ian was still being dominated by the insane arm speed of Leverill.

'I have to back out.'

Ian thought but Leverill was not going to give him any chance to back out.

He pushed back Ian as he continued to deal with several blows. Ian was able to block most of the attacks but some strikes still grazed past his skin.

These messages brushed past Ian's gaze but he completely ignored them.

His focus was on Leverill and his mind was working faster than a supercomputer to find the weakness of the Dragon Lizard, Leverill.

But every swing from Leverill was decreasing his health. He has to quickly do something now.

'Here it is!!'

Ian suddenly found a gap between the attacks of Leverill. He quickly changed his focus on blocking his attacks as he waited for a chance to strike.

He soon got the chance.


A white trajectory followed the tip of his longsword as Ian slashed at the abdomen of Leverill.

Swish! Slash!

It was a deadly blow with all of his strength and the penetrating ability of the Steel longsword but nothing happened...

The skin of a dragon cannot be penetrated easily. It can only be penetrated with an epic grade weapon or legendary grade weapon.

Although Leverill was not a dragon, he was still the subgroup of it.

His skin was harder than metal and Ian's attack only managed grazed it.

"What the…??

Ian couldn't help but want to curse at it but he was already knocked off by Leverill, even before he can manage to complete his curse.



Ian groaned as his body slammed into the wall. He can feel a sharp pain on his shoulder. It was a deep cut by Leverill's attack.

His health had been depleted to less than half.

'Will we lose?'

That thought appeared in his mind but he quickly shook it off when he noticed that his party members were looking at him.

Clara was still on the ground as she was trying to stand up, but her gaze was on Ian.

Wayn who was firing fire arrows at Leverill was also looking at him from time to time.

Ria was casting a healing spell on him but there was a question hidden in her gaze. It was a question Ian was also asking himself.

'Will we lose?'

Not just Ria, Clara, and Wayn were asking the same question from their eyes.

The difficultly of the hidden dungeon, Lizardman colony was far higher than they had thought. The only reason they had managed to come this far was because of Ian.

If he gave up now, then they won't be able to even think about winning.


A small laugh managed to leak out of his mouth as he thought about the time he had just started his mercenary band.

His comrades were newbies and Ian was the most experienced one in the group.

In tough situations, they would look at Ian with the same gaze. Their gazes would be asking the same question 'Will we lose? Will, we die here?'.

At that time, Ian would always answer with one sentence.

"It's not over yet..."

Ian muttered it out but his voice was too weak. That's why he muttered it out loud the second time and once again the third time.

He was not just telling this to his party members but he was also telling it to himself.

The memories of his fights in the fantasy world were

passing by his mind.

'The time I attacked the Goblin village, the Direwolf hunt, or even the time I was facing off against thousands of troops in the war.'

All these fights flashed through his mind as Ian gripped the Steel longsword in his hand.

He then looked straight at the Dragon Lizard, Leverill, and rushed towards him. It was like his speed had increased as he kept sprinting towards Leverill.


Ian slashed at Leverill with all of his strength as a white light formed the trajectory of the blade.



The attack was blocked by Leverill and the Dragon Lizard flickered his tongue like he was mocking Ian but there was a calm smile on Ian's face.


He calmly kept clashing blows with Leverill but Ian didn't show any emotions on his face.

He would slash at Leverill and the Dragon Lizard would block it with ease. A slash from the right, then from the left and a vertical strike.

Due to Leverill's strength, Ian was pushed back but this, time, Ian was keeping his ground as well.

He was trying to absorb most of the blows through his body as he waited for a chance to counterattack and he got his chance too.


Ian used slash with all his strength but Leverill already noticed it and blocked the attack.


He blocked Ian's longsword as he thought in his head.

'This human will not be able to even scratch me...'

Leverill was laughing in his mind but he soon noticed something strange. Even after missing his chance to attack him, Ian's face shows np signs of sadness or fury.

Instead, he was…smiling!!

'Why is the human smiling…?'

That question appeared in his mind but he soon got the answer to it.


Leverill let out a painful cry as he felt something penetrating his right arm. It was like someone was pulling out his flesh.

He looked sideways and Clara was standing there, with her sword pierced into Leverill's right arm.

It was one of her special skills 'Penetration strike'.

Ian had earlier sent her some eye signals to attack once he distracted Leverill. She had understood it because of her fighting with Ian for more than a week.

Due to that, her attack had finally managed to harm Leverill but it was not the end of it.

"Wayn, do it!!"

"Power shot!!!"

Ian shouted and Wayn quickly loosened the string of his bow as an arrow filled with power struck the same area where Clara had attacked.


Leverill again let out a cry as his eyes turned red. He nearly dropped his mace as he looked in the eyes of Ian.

'I don't have to defeat him alone because I have a party.'

If he can't defeat Leverill by himself, he would defeat him with his party.

That was Ian's plan and it had managed to harm Leverill, even nearly cutting off his right arm but it was not the end yet.

'What's happening?'

Ian thought as he noticed Leverill's eyes become redder, his muscles bulged as Leverill let out another cry, but this time it was filled with fury and rage.

It was the start of the true final battle for Ian and his party!!