Chapter 32. The Dragon Lizard, Leverill (3)

Chapter 32. The Dragon Lizard, Leverill (3)

If someone talks about the most thrilling thing in Ark, that would naturally be fighting with monsters.

Monsters in Ark were the same as the monsters in other VRMMO games but they were vastly different than them at the same time.

It was because monsters in Ark were the same as humans from a point of view.

They also had intelligence!

Naturally, it didn't apply to all the monsters. Lower level monsters would still act like A.I. but it was not the case for higher-level monsters.

Especially the boss monsters!

The boss monsters would have their own fighting styles and they will react according to the player's moves.

It also means that they can feel emotions like happiness, sadness, and rage. It was the same case with the Dragon Lizard, Leverill.

He was the boss monster of the hidden dungeon, Lizardman colony, and even the boss of the whole Arth's sewer.

The sewers were like his home.

He doesn't like people entering his room but Ian and his party had even entered his room.

They had even gone on to kill his subordinates. There was no way he would stay silent about this. That's why he retaliated.

During the fight, he had thought of Ian and his party as pushovers. They were no match to him and the most they can do is to scratch him.

He became arrogant because of that but that arrogance turned into rage when they attacked his right arm.

He was thinking that the most they can do is to scratch him but they had heavily injured his right arm. He was enraged by that.

The Dragon Lizard, Leverill had a lot of pride in him and him getting injured was the same as his pride getting injured.


The Dragon Lizard, Leverill looked at Ian with his red eyes. His body was getting bigger as he entered his berserk mode.

Anyone who will see him like that will surely be scared but Ian was calm.

'I had seen worse monsters than him.'

Not just seen, Ian had even fought more ferocious monsters than Leverill in the fantasy world.

The fantasy world was still the real world. Anyone can die thereafter taking a hit from a monster. It was to the point that death was common there.

Compared to that, Ark was just a game. It was real to the point that one can't differentiate between the game and the reality but it was still a game.

One can try again after dying but Ian was not going to die here.


Ian slashed his longsword horizontally at Leverill and this time, Leverill didn't even bother to block it.

The longsword slashed at his chest but nothing happened. It was like Ian had attacked with a stick rather than a sword.


With rage in his eyes, Leverill swung around his mace, like he was cleaving through the air but Ian dodged it by lowering his head.

'His arm speed has decreased.'

It was obvious since Leverill's right arm was heavily injured by the earlier attacks. He was barely able to hold the mace in his hand.

But it was not the only thing Ian had noticed!

'His strength and defense have increased due to him going berserk.'

It was nothing new as it was common knowledge that monsters will get a boost in their strength after going berserk.

"Penetration strike!!"

From the side, Clara again used the penetration strike but it was easily blocked by Leverill.

Leverill was trying to slash at her but before he could do that, another arrow hit him on his chest.

'You humans…!!'

Leverill didn't take much damage by the attacks but his fury was rising. He quickly wanted to kill Ian and his party but something again happened.

A strange aura suddenly enveloped him as he felt his strength draining out from his body.

"Strength drain!!"

It was the curse magic strength drain that can drain 10% health of the monster for 10 minutes.

It was the only curse magic Ria knew.

Moreover, it took a lot of time to chant the spell for it and it had a high mana consumption. Ria was preparing it for a long time.


Leverill let out an ear-piercing cry as he swung around his mace in madness. His target was the person who had annoyed him the most, Ian.

Swish! Swish!

'We can win this battle.'

Ian thought as he continued to dodge the mace of Leverill. Although his strength was drained, Leverill was still too strong.

If Ian went to block Leverill's attacks in his current state, he would again slam into the wall.

The only thing he can do was to dodge!


Ian dodged to the right and then, he lowered his head to crouch down and stopped Leverill's mace to behead his neck.

But he was not just dodging the attacks. He was acting as the bait.

"Clara, now, slash at his abdomen. Wayn, use fire arrows and Ria, buff up Clara."


He was acting as the bait to give time for his party members to attack and it was working too.


"Fire arrow!!"

"Strength up!!"

Various attacks hit Leverill and he was injured. On one side, he was trying to kill Ian and on the other side, he was getting attacked.

But his focus was still on Ian.


Leverill's mace cleaved through the air as he tried to slash Ian's body into two parts but Ian moved to the side to avoid it.

Then, in just a split second, Ian's longsword moved like a snake as it pierced through the opening and struck at Leverill's abdomen area.

It didn't have much effect but Ian continued to strike the same area again and again.

It was the only way to injure Leverill.

'He's getting confused.'

Leverill was getting confused every second as he doesn't know where he should focus. Attacks were striking down on him in every direction.

That was also what Ian was aiming for.

Leverill was in a berserk state currently that had increased his strength and defense but because of being angry, Leverill was also making more mistakes.

At first, his attacks didn't have an opening in it but now, Ian can see many openings.

As the battle was prolonging, Ian was attacking more and more. It was to the point that Ian's focus was only on Leverill.


A white trajectory followed the tip of his longsword as Ian struck the abdomen of Leverill once again.


Leverill let out a cry but before he could counterattack, Clara had already attacked at his neck area.

'I can't lose to Ian.'

That was the thought in her head.

Despite being a combat class, Clara was behind Ian in attacking and dealing damage. Moreover, Ian was also classless.

That had hurt her pride.

Of course, she wasn't angry or jealous of Ian but she was just feeling a sense of inferiority.

That's why she was taking tips from Ian and steadily improving her skill proficiency.

As Ian was dodging and attacking Leverill, she was not just standing beside him. She was waiting for a chance to attack.

When she finally got the chance, she didn't hesitate to use her most powerful skill.

"Multiple jabs!!!"

Clara's sword moved dizzyingly in the air. Three silhouettes struck the lower, middle, and top part of Leverill's body at the same time.

Multiple jabs was a rare skill that Clara had bought from the item transaction site. It was also her secret weapon in case of an emergency.


As Clara finished using her skill, she moved back, and at the same time, an arrow pierced through the shoulder of Leverill.

It was Wayn's special skill Power shot!!


Leverill let out a cry as he felt pain from every part of his body. There was blood coming out from every corner of his green skin.

'It will end soon!'

Ian thought as he stared at Leverill who was close to dying but suddenly the strange tattoos on his body started shining.

A message appeared in front of Ian at that moment!

Wrath of the Lizardman!!

It was the most special skill of Leverill and one that he would only use if his health is below 10%.

Ian was wondering if the skill was good or bad for him!

At one point, it had deceased his defense but on the other hand, it had increased Leverill's strength to an insane level.


Leverill's let out a cry different than his normal one. It was more of a scream as he looked around at Ian and his party members.

It was like he was choosing who was going to die first!

"Ian, what do we do now?"

Clara asked him as she stood beside Ian.

"It's an all-out battle from now on. It's either him or us now. We can just give it our all."

That was the most logical plan Ian can think of in this situation.

It was an all-out war from now on. It would fun to watch if Ian will be able to defeat Leverill or he would die, just like the first time with Krysil.

Slash! Swish!

Ian gripped his longsword as he attacked at Leverill with a vertical strike, straight to the chest, and Leverill didn't try to block it this time.

He also attacked at the same time.

As his defense was lower now, there was no point in blocking.

Even as a monster, Leverill understood that much or maybe, he was just in too much anger to think about blocking.

Clang! Kkang!

As both of their weapons clashed with each other, Ian quickly realized something.

'His strength is too much.'

He acted in the spur of the moment as he backed off. It was the right decision or Ian's face would have slammed into the wall due to Leverill's strength.


Clara also slashed at Leverill from the side. Her blade was shining with a luster of red as she used her skill 'sword strike'.


Her attack was not able to get past a certain point as Leverill quickly slashed at her like he was going to chop her head off.

She lowered her body to dodge it but something slammed at him from the side.


It was Leverill's tail that had attacked her. It was an unknown attack, especially because Leverill was not using his tail till now.


With a crashing sound, Clara fell on the floor and her health was below 10% now.

'He only uses his tail if his health is below 10%.'

Ian was quick to analyze in his head.

He was sure that Leverill will go after him with his full strength. It would be an all-out war with the Dragon Lizard, Leverill.

'My health is just below 15%.'

Ian was close to dying.

Now, that it had come to this, Ian didn't have anything to hold back. He and Leverill were close to dying and only one of them can survive this.



Ian called out Leverill's name and Leverill flickered his tongue like he was doing the same.

Both of them were staring at each other. Their eyes were filled with various emotions as the grip on their weapons become tighter.

'Will I be able to win or not?'

That was the question inside Ian's head but there was no one to answer him.