Chapter 48. Reporter Alice (1)

Chapter 48. Reporter Alice (1)

When Ian had first heard about the Venomous python from Gran, he had thought that the monster's name was familiar.

Later, he had searched about the information on Venomous python.

What Ian had found had shocked him.

The Venomous python was a level 300 monster and it was even the boss monster of a region called Poisonous swamp.

The poisonous swamp was located near the Alevori mountains. It was an area north to the capital of Althiem empire.

The high ranking players were around level 290 currently. The highest leveled player was the hidden prince, Brendon.

He was the only player who was above level 295 and people were anticipating him to be the first one to reach level 300 too.

But he was also receiving competition from the other high ranking players.

The competition to become the first player to reach level 300 was intense and every high ranking player was trying to come out on top.

For that, they were looking for good hunting grounds and one of the good hunting grounds for the high ranking players was the Poisonous swamp.

Earlier this month, the Dark Luna guild tried to raid the Poisonous swamp but they were thoroughly defeated by the Venomous snake.

The Dark Luna guild was one of the top 5 guilds in the whole Ark but they were still defeated.

It was because of the Venomous python's deadly poison. They were not able to fight the poison and there was no antidote to it.

In the end, they can just give up on the Poisonous swamp but the guild master of the Dark Luna guild, Rayner was very angry about it.

It was a very humiliating defeat for him.

Everyone knows that Rayner was hot blooded and he didn't accept defeat easily.

He also was not doing to stay silent on his defeat against the Venomous snake. That's why, he made a post in the A.L.F community.

In his post, he said that he was looking for the antidote for the poison of the Venomous snake and he was willing to pay a high price for it.

Many players who were playing the alchemist class were enticed by the post.

They started searching for the antidote. Many alchemist players even dared to venture into the Poisonous swamp to get a clue to make the antidote.

In the end, they just died a miserable death!

Not just the alchemist class players, but even the ordinary players started searching for the antidote but they found nothing till now.

There's no way the players would have known that the antidote would be sitting in a small village.

They were looking for a famous alchemist to make the antidote but an unknown NPC alchemist has made the antidote.

'Ark is really unpredictable!!'

Ian thought in his head but his expression was one of a bright smile.

He had came across something that can help him earn a lot of money. Ian won't let this opportunity go away from his palms.

It was a chance for him to secure his sister's high school fees. Maybe, he can even get some money for his university fees.

As he had decided to go to a university, Ian was getting more and more serious about it.

"If you are satisfied with just some extra vials of the antidote, then I'm more than willing to give it to you. Please kill that wicked Goblin king!!"

The Village Chief Gustav said as he bowed his head but Ian quickly stopped him and grab his shoulders firmly.

"You don't have to bow. It's just my duty as a chosen one to help people."

'I'm getting the most benefits here. I would feel bad seeing you bow.'

Ian thought in his mind.

He would complete his quest, gain some extra antidote and even make some money. He was not even counting the level ups he will get after defeating the Goblin king.

Ian was just doing it because he would get benefits from it but in the eyes of Tacan and Gustav, he was seeing as benevolent.

"Most of the chosen ones aren't like you."

"I think it's my duty to help people in need but some people are just born selfish and they won't do anything without getting benefits."

Ian said that with a smile but inside his heart, he was thinking they he was also one of those selfish people.

"Yeah, you are right."

Listening to Ian's words, Village Chief Gustav even started to cry.

The Ale village was helpless in front of the Goblins and there was no hope of them surviving but Ian has saved them.

He was even willing to kill the Goblin king and rescue the young girls.

Village Chief Gustav can't help but feel immense gratefulness for Ian. His affinity with Ian was quickly increasing at that moment.

In the end, Village Chief Gustav wiped the tears from his sleeves and said.

"I request you. Please kill the Goblin king and rescue the young girls and the guards."

"I accept."

A quest was quickly generated and Ian looked through its contents.

* * *

The Village Chief of Ale village and the old alchemist, Gustav has requested you to kill the wicked Goblin king and rescue the young girls and the remaining members of the vigilant guards.

If you don't hurry, then the young girls chasity would be lost and the vigilant guard members will die.

-Difficulty: B

-Time limit: 3 days left

-Conditions: A person who has high affinity with Gustav.

-Rewards: Extra vials of Venomous python's poison antidote.

* * *

Ian quickly accepted the quest and left the Village Chief's house.

As there was a time limit, he had to hurry. There was no time to waste as he had to return to the capital with the antidote too.

'I should go to the blacksmith's shop first.'

Ian thought but he suddenly noticed that Tacan was following him.

"Why are you following me?"

"I want to help you in killing those Goblins. You don't know the location of the Goblins nest anyway. So, I would be of help."

Tacan was basically saying that he wanted to come with Ian. There was a strange glint in Tacan's eyes as he waited for a reply.

Ian thought that Tacan was slightly different from the first time they had talked.

'He's like someone who has made a resolution.'

Ian thought but he was not planning to reject the offer of Tacan. It would be foolish to reject such a good offer.

Tacan was the leader of the vigilant guards of Ale village. He was certainly a high leveled NPC and Ian would indeed need some help in locating the Goblin's nest and fighting them.

He can't do that alone.

"What's your level?"

"It's 40."

NPCs can't see their status screen like the players but they can still check their level by touching a crystal called Spirit stone.

It would show the strength of one's spirit or in the language of players, status.

'It's less than I thought.'

Ian thought but he didn't know that Tacan's level was low because he hadn't fought many monsters in the last 5 years.

If he would have not left the army, then Tacan would be at least around level 300.

"Where is the Goblins nest located?"

"It's located near the forest on the southern side of the village. I have seen the exact location of the nest. So, you can rely on me."

Ian nodded his head and began to ask other questions.

Collecting information before the battle was always necessary. One can win or lose the battle depending on the level of information one has.

They were going to raid the Goblins nest. So, information was more than just necessary.

"What's the number of Goblins in the nest?"

"I can't say for sure but it's probably around 2000."


Ian was speechless when he heard that. He thought that there would be 500 Goblins at best but the number was around 2000.

Won't he just be looking for death if he went there?

It was not easy to defeat the Goblins who were attacking the Ale village. He won because his level was way higher than the Goblins.

But he can't go against 2000 Goblins!

Even with Tacan for help, there was no way two people can defeat that much Goblins alone.

Aside from the normal Goblins, there would surely be Goblin leaders and even mages. The most worrisome part was the Goblin king.

The quest was a B grade quest. So, it was also understandable.

Getting the antidote would not be easy for Ian. He was confident in killing the Goblin king before, but now he was feeling some doubt.

'I need help.'

Ian thought and asked.

"Can the rest of the vigilant guards come with us?"

"I'm afraid not."

Tacan made an awkward expression and began to explain the reason behind this.

"The fight against the Goblins has drained their strength. Moreover, they are helping in reconstructing of the fence and some of them are helping to set up the funeral for the people who died in the hands of the Goblins."

While saying the last part, Tacan's eyes were filled with sadness, grief and anger.

He was griefing the death of his comrades and at the same time, he was angry on himself that he was not able to save them.

Now, he can just kill the Goblins to take revenge for his dead comrades.

'It can't be helped then.'

NPCs were the same as ordinary people in Ark. There was no difference between them and real life people.

No one will even think that they are just computer programmed A.I.s.

Ian could do nothing if the vigilant guards are mourning for their dead comrades. He himself has mourned for his dead comrades for years.

No, he was still mourning for them.

That's why, he could understand the feeling of Tacan and the rest of the vigilant guards.

"It's fine. Mourning for their comrades are more important."

"Thank you for understanding."

Tacan showed gratitude that Ian didn't pushed the topic but there was still the problem of fighting with the Goblins.

They can't fight the Goblins alone.

"Do you know someone who can help?"

"You won't find anyone in this village. Most of the villagers are farmers. The one who can fight has already gotten old."

'I wish there were some players in this village.'

Ian had earlier inquired about it and found that there was no player other than him, in the Ale village.

Moreover, Ale village hasn't gotten any players for the past three months. It was not uncommon as players will generally ignore these type of small villages.

As someone from modern earth, most of them think that they would get more benefits in the big cities and towns.

Players will only pass through a small village if they were there to do a quest or they would just be passing through the village.

Even Ian would not have come to Ale village, if not for the quest.

'This way, the quest will surely fail.'

As Ian was worrying about this, someone approached him.

"Are you going to kill the Goblins?"

Ian turned his head to look at the person who has approached him.

It was a girl with short brown hair and she was wearing a red colored robe that magicians would often wear.

Her face was above average and she can be said to be pretty but Ian's attention was not on her face, but on her ears.

"Pointed ears? Elf?"

The girl was a elf magician. Elves were the race with an agile body and high mana power and control. It was one of the most desirable race to choose in Ark, after humans.

"Yeah, I'm an elf magician."

"Are you a player?"

There was no way an elf magician would live in a small village like Ale.

The girl was surely a player!

"Yeah. I'm a player and my name is Alice but you can call me Reporter Alice too, if you want. I'm actually a reporter from KSM broadcasting station. Can I ask you some questions?"


Alice said in one breathe and Ian was again speechless.