Chapter 49. Reporter Alice (2)

Chapter 49. Reporter Alice (2)

The proliferation of the virtual reality games has a major impact on the other industries such as sports, movies and media.

Virtual reality games has became more popular than sports and virtual reality tournaments were more popular than even the world cups.

This had affected sports greatly.

As for movies, people had started watching less movies and they were now more interested in watching the world of Ark.

Ark was far more better than any fantasy movie for the people.

Many directors are even planning to make a movie in Ark and many actors and other celebrities were already playing Ark.

Some of them even have their own streaming channels in which they will stream their gameplay.

The world was slowly changing because of Ark and the media can be said to be the one who was the most benefited from it.

Various media companies has earlier guessed the potential of virtual reality and Ark and they had invested millions of dollars in it.

As a result, game specific broadcasting stations were created and most of them would only show content related to Ark.

Some of these broadcasting stations were GBC, KSM and SKR.

These three are competing against each other for a long time and currently, GBC was winning the fight among them.

The other two broadcasting stations wanted to overthrow GBC and they were constantly pressuring their broadcasters and reporters to find good content in Ark.

As a result, Reporters were searching for good content to show desperately.

'I want to leave my job!!!'

Alice was also one of these content searching desperate reporters. More than desperate, she was frustrated.

It was because she hadn't found any good content for two months. Her superior had been scolding her everyday.

'If you can't bring some good footage in 15 days, then you would be demoted and someone else will take your position.'

Getting demoted meant that she would have to do office work.

Just thinking about sitting in a chair and typing on the computer whole day was enough for Alice to want to die.

She was a outgoing person from birth and she hated those 9-5 office jobs.

Her superior also can't fire her from work as Alice was the top graduate of the Beijing Media university. It would be hard to find someone like her.

But still, despite being a top graduate, her results was the same as a third class graduate.

It wasn't like she didn't find good content. There were times when she had managed to grab a great opportunity.

Once, she managed to get a ranker to have an interview with her but in the middle of the interview, the ranker got a message that his guild was clashing with another guild.

He left the interview in the middle and Alice wasn't able to contact him after that.

There was a time when she was shooting footage of players hunting the Orcs in the Pedian plains.

Everything was going well but without her realising, two Orcs had captured her and they had even dared to toss her around.

It seems like they were bored. After playing around with her, they had brutally killed him.

If she told somebody about it, they would surely feel pity for her.

Her list of misfortune didn't end there. It was much bigger. It was not like she was unskilled. Her problem was just that she was unlucky.

Too much unlucky!

It was to the extent that she was praying in Buddhist temples. She was even thinking of meeting a shaman to see if she was cursed or not.

'Should I leave the job?'

She was contemplating that while walking near the Granan mountain range.

It was not like she didn't love her job. Being a virtual reporter meant that she can roam around Ark while also doing her job.

A virtual reporter was a new job that was formed because of virtual reality games.

It was basically like a on-the-site reporter or a correspondant. The only difference was that the site was Ark.

Alice loved being a virtual reporter!

Because of her job, she can explore the medieval fantasy world of Ark. She don't even have to pay for her arkane capsule.

Her broadcasting station was paying for it and she can do her work and play at the same time.

Because of this reason, being a virtual reporter had became a dream of most of the students in media universities.

Alice was the same. Her dream was to become a virtual reporter and she fulfilled it but, she learned a thing later in her job.

Virtual reporter was a dream job but only when you can find some good footage.

Otherwise, you would be scolded by your superior everyday and you would be on the verge of getting demoted.

That was what had happened with Alice.

She had to bring soon good footage or she would be demoted. It was a do or die situation for her.

The problem was that she didn't knew where to look for a good footage. She tried to find some famous players to interview but she was not able to find one.

In the end, she started looking for a expert player in the hunting grounds but most of the hunting grounds near the capital of Althiem empire were for newbies.

She can't find a expert player there.

In the end, she had decided to go to the Granan mountain range.

There was not any reason behind her actions. It was just her intuition telling her that she would found something there.

Her intuition was also right!

She had indeed found an expert player in the Granan mountain.

It was a player that was hunting Tooth wolves and he was even alone. He was swinging his spear like he had been practising spear skills for years.

In a minute, he had defeated two Tooth wolves and he was now fighting the third one.

'He's surely an expert.'

Alice was mesmerised by the player's skill and she had wanted to interview him but as soon as he killed the Tooth wolves, he sat on his horse and left.

Alice didn't even got the chance to introduce herself to the player.

The player had already left and Alice was now back to square one.

'No, I can't give up now. I have to follow him.'

It was Alice's last chance and she can't let the player run away from her. That's why, she had decided to follow the player.

The player was on his horse and she was on foot but Alice was playing an elf character.

Elves were agile from birth and they can easily climb through trees. Alice can also do it because of her racial characteristics.

She quickly climbed a tree and started hopping from one tree to another, swiftly and steadily following the player.

Her problem came when the player reached the plains.

There were no tress on the plains. There were only grass and the only thing Alice can do here is to run on foot.

She had came a long way chasing the player. She won't accept defeat here.

That's why, Alice had even chased after the player in the plains. Thanks to her constant running, she had even gotten the side stat 'endurance'.

It was a good thing for her but she don't have time to check the details of the stat.

She was still running after the player and while chasing him, Alice saw a sight that greatly surprised him.

'Goblins! More than 100 Goblins!!'

More than100 Goblins were marching on the grass fields. They were going to attack a small village and the player she was chasing was also going towards that village.

She quickly thought of a scenario in her head and started the recording function.

The recording function can be accessed by any player and this way, any player can shoot himself fighting monsters.

Many rookies will do this to boast in front of their friends.

'He's fighting with them!!!'

As Alice chased after the player, she noticed that he was in the middle of a Goblin army.

He was fighting alone to protect the villagers. It was a heroic scene. A scene in which the audiences will cheer for the player.

"He is really great!"

Alice could not help but let out an exclamation from her mouth. The player's spear skill was that great and his movements were refined.

Moreover, his face was calm during the battle. It was like he knows that the whole thing was going according to his plan.

With his handsome appearance and skills, he was the perfect candidate to become the next big sensation on the internet.

"He would sell!!"

The work of media was to broadcast things that will garner people's interest.

It was the same like selling something and according to Alice, the player would be sold for quite a high price.

Alice kept shooting the scene as the player massacred the Goblins.

The player dodged an incoming Goblin's blade and then, he stabbed the Goblin.

He noticed that another Goblin was coming from the other side and he twisted his body to hit the other Goblin with the stick part of his spear, directly into the chin.

Then, he finished the Goblin with a slash on his neck. All of this was being recorded by Alice and the smile on her face was never ending.

Soon, the player killed the Goblin leader and finished the Goblin army by himself. It was a thing not many people will believe.

But Alice has saw this by her own eyes.

At the same time, there were many questions in her head.

'Who was the player? What's his name? Does he belong to a guild? What was he doing in this small village? Where did he learned his spear skills?'

She wanted to ask these questions from the player but as he was thinking of the questions, she noticed that the poster had gone inside the village.

Alice followed him inside.

As he entered the village, she saw that the villagers were grieving over their dead comrades.

She felt sad seeing this and a sense of sympathy arose inside her heart. NPCs were just like real people.

That was a fact that she had known earlier in the game.

But she can't just stay there, she had to find the player and make him agree for an interview but the player was nowhere in sight.

Alice found a old woman and asked her about the player.

"If you are talking about the saviour of the village, then he has gone to meet the Village Chief."

The old woman was calling the player, the saviour of the village and it was a title that suits the player too. At least Alice thought like that.

Alice also came to know about the Goblins nest by the old woman.

'If its him, then he would surely go eradicate the Goblins in the nest.'

Alice was not confident about it but her intuition was telling her that. She decided to trust her intuition and quickly went to the Village Chief's house.

She was hurrying because she didn't wanted to miss the chance to meet the player.

Her luck was also good this time as she found the player just outside the Village Chief's house. He was talking to an NPC.

Without wasting any time, she approached the player and introduced herself.

"Yeah. I'm a player and my name is Alice but you can call me Reporter Alice too, if you want. I'm actually a reporter from KSM broadcasting station. Can I ask you some questions?"

The player was silent for some time when he heard that, but after a while, he opened his mouth and introduced himself.

"My name is Ian."

That was the first meeting between Ian and the elven magician, Alice!!