Chapter 57. The Goblin king (2)

Chapter 57. The Goblin king (2)

"Hunt them!!"

"Block their attacks with your shields. Use your spears to stab their necks. You can easily peirce their neck!!"


"Damn Goblin bastard!!"

These sorts of shouts were coming from everywhere as the battle between the villagers and the Goblins commenced.

It was just like the scene of war which Ian had participated in his life in the fantasy world, but it was on a much smaller scale.

The Goblins far surpassed the villagers in number, but the villagers were superior in strength and they were also attacking in a formation.

No matter how intelligent the Goblin king was, he was not at the level that will think of dividing the Goblins in formations.

"Most of these bastards are only using spears. If we fight within the reach of spears, it will only cause us more damage. Use your shields. Hold yours bucklers up, march forward, narrow the gap in between, and prevent them from thrusting their spears freely."

Ian shouted as he thrusted his spear into one of the Goblins who was rushing towards him. Then, he kicked another Goblin.

The villagers all listened to his command and started to block the Goblin's attacks.

"Listen to the saviour."

"He will lead us to victory."

"Kill these wicked bastards who killed so many!!"

Excitement and determination were driving the villagers. All of their nervousness was gone and they were just thinking about killing the Goblins.

That message appeared before Ian at that moment. Charisma was one of the special side stats and players can't invest stat points in it.

It was because this stat can make the game unbalanced. That's why, the developers has applied restrictions.

'I don't have to care about the mobs.'

Ian thought as he looked straight at the Goblin king. He was just sitting on his throne and looking at the ongoing battle.

He had a rather uninterested look on his face.

It was like he didn't care about the Goblins getting killed. He treated their life as nothing. They were just born to serve him.


Ian became angry thinking about that.

As the villagers were handling the Goblins, he don't have to worry about them. He can attack the Goblin king without any worry.

"Tacan, don't let anything happen to the villagers. I'm going to fight the Goblin king. Alice, assist me with your spells."

Ian shouted towards Tacan and Alice. They both looked at him for a second and replied.


"My spells won't let anything happen to you."

Ian don't have to worry about anything now. He rushed towards the Goblin king without even glancing at the other Goblins.

It was not like the other Goblins just opened a path for him. They tried to block Ian with but the only thing they got in return was death.


Swish! Stab!

Ian plunged his spear into the chest of one Goblin and then, he pulled it backwards and hit the chest of another Goblin with the stick.

"Don't get in my way."

He said as his spear glowed with a red light and he swung it around, easily killing three Goblins who were rushing towards him.

'Killing them is taking too much time. I have to evade their attacks.'

Ian thought as he became focused. He didn't want to waste time on killing the Goblins. That's why, he decided to just evade their attacks.


A Goblin jumped and slashed at Ian but he just moved sideways to dodge that attack. Then, without even killing the Goblin, Ian moved ahead with a rapid sprint.

Dodge! Dodge! Dodge!

Ian kept dodging by turning and twisting his body around. There were times when he was hit but his armour was enough to take those blows.

Like that, Ian finally reached the Goblin king.


The Goblin king let out a low pitched shriek when he saw Ian, but he was still sitting on his throne.

He was staring at Ian, but he didn't have any intention to attack him.

Ian became slightly angry seeing this.

He felt like the Goblin king was looking down on him. That's why, he decided to attack the Goblin king.

Swish! Whoosh!

"Triple thrust!!"

Ian started with his most powerful attack. Triple thrust. After using it for sometime, it's proficiency has greatly improved.

The Goblin king would surely get injured If the attack landed but…


Before Ian could even reach the Goblin king, someone attacked him. It was a direct kick to his chest and Ian flew around and fell on the ground.

"Gyak!! What?"

Ian threw out some blood as he looked at the figure who had attacked him.

The figure was a head taller than all the other Goblins and his body was wrapped in black clothes from top to bottom.

He has a dagger in hand as he looked at Ian with killing intent.

'He's a Goblin but he don't look like a normal one?'

Ian was sure that the black clothed person was a Goblin as his hand was green in colour, but he was not a normal Goblin.

The black clothed Goblin was an assassin, a rare type of Goblin. Ian had never seen one before nor he had heard about it.

There was nothing about a Goblin assassin in the A.L.F community.

Ian can deduce that the Goblin was a really rare and unique type of Goblin. He had earlier thought about the reason why the Goblin king had an uninterested look on his face.

Now, he knew why.

He was protected by the Goblin assassin.

There was no need for him to worry about Ian. It seems like he was fairly confident in the Goblin assassin's strength.

'Why are there two mutation here?'

Ian wondered about that. The Goblin king controlling a Goblins nest was not rare, but Ian can see that the Goblin king in front of him was special.

He was even protected by a Goblin assassin, which was a rare thing in itself.

"I don't have time to think about it."

His health was at 80% currently. He has enough health to deal with both the Goblin king and the assassin.

Ian stood up from the ground and tightly gripped his spear.


The Goblin assassin also saw this and rushed towards Ian. His speed was higher than any other Goblin as he attacked with his dagger.

Swish! Slash!

'I won't let you harm me.'

Ian quickly blocked the dagger with his spear, but the assassin made use of his quick movements to slash at Ian's side.

Stab! Swish!

The dagger just brushed past Ian's skin as he was able to dodge to the side. Ian didn't waste that opportunity and kicked towards the assassin.


The assassin took a few steps back and again rushed to attack.

'His movement speed is really high.'

Ian kept dodging the assassin's attack, but it was getting more and more hard to attack him. It was because the spear was not made for close combat.

Because of the assassin's speed, it was close to impossible to attack.

A spear's main attack was stabbing and thrusting, but the assassin kept moving. Making it harder to fight him.


The Goblin assassin tried to attack Ian's chin, but Ian crouched down to dodge the attack. Then, he quickly kicked the assassin.


The assassin whimpered as the kick directly hit his chest. At that moment, several messages appeared before Ian.

It was the effect of one of his passive skill 'weak spot highlighting'.

Ian didn't miss this chance and quickly swung around his spear. He wanted to finish the Goblin assassin quickly.

That's why, he used triple thrust.

His surroundings suddenly slowed down as he raised his spear upwards, directly striking the Goblin assassin's neck.

Then, he twisted his body but…

'What the…?!'

As Ian was about to hit the assassin on his chest, the assassin suddenly disappeared and Ian's spear only managed to pierce through the empty air.



As Ian was wondering where the Goblin assassin had disappeared to, he suddenly felt a stab in his back.

It was a quick and rapid stab.

It was good that Ian was able to turn around quickly because of his reflexes or he would have gotten another stab.

"Damn bastard."


The person who stabbed him was the Goblin assassin. Ian didn't know how but he had managed to deceive him.

'I won't let you do that again.'

Ian quickly swung his spear at the Goblin assassin, but his spear touched the empty air again.

"He is using a skill."

Ian muttered as he quickly heightened his senses. The Goblin assassin was using a skill called 'shadow hide'.

It was his special skill and it helped him hide in the shadows for a small period of time. This skill was deadlier than stealth.

Ian had to be careful.


Suddenly, Ian heard a swishing sound from behind him. He quickly twisted his body, but he was little late.


The Goblin assassin shrieked as he slashed at Ian's arm. Ian was able to dodge most of the strike, but the dagger still grazed his skin.

'Damn it!!'

Ian cursed and continued struggling with the Goblin assassin. As the attacks of the assassin were coming from every direction, it was hard to block or dodge them.

Ian's health was quickly depleting and he was in trouble.


Ian rolled on the ground to dodge from a strike and a sigh leaked out from his mouth. He was fighting with the Goblin assassin for 5 minutes.

But he was not able to harm him much.

It was Ian who was on the receiving end of the attacks.


At that moment, Ian suddenly heard the Goblin king's voice. One can't tell much from that voice, but looking at the Goblin king's face, Ian knew that he was mocking him.


Ian became somewhat angry at that.

He wanted to rush at the Goblin king in that moment, but he had to deal with the assassin first.

But the Goblin assassin was really fast on his feet and Ian was struggling because of his special skill. Suddenly, he got an idea.

'Wait!! I can do that…'

If the Goblin assassin wanted to play in the shadows, then Ian would do the same. A smile formed on his lips, thinking about that.

But Ian shook off the smile quickly. It was not the time to smile.

He can celebrate after killing the Goblin assassin, no, the Goblin king!!


The Goblin assassin suddenly attacked from Ian's side, but Ian dodged the attack by twisting his body. Then, he swung around his spear.

A horizontal strike came towards the Goblin assassin, but he was quick to give into the shadows.

'I would kill this human who dared to attack my lord…'

The Goblin assassin thought as he gripped his dagger. He wanted to attack from behind and plunge his dagger into Ian's neck.

But as he prepared to attack, Ian's figure suddenly vanished.

'Where's the human…?'

The Goblin assassin stopped in his tracks and looked around, but Ian was nowhere in his sight. It was like he had disappeared.

At that moment, the Goblin assassin suddenly felt a chilling feeling around his neck. He tried to move away, but a sharp object had already pierced his neck.

"Spiral spear!!"

Ian shouted as he stabbed the spear with all his strength.


The Goblin assassin wasn't able to react in time, and the spear pierced his neck and came out from the other side.

The assassin's eyes become red as he slowly fell on the ground. His body slowly turned into red sparkles of light.

No matter how fast he was, the assassin was a Goblin in the end. His defense was really weak and it was easy to cut through his skin.

It was Ian's win in the end.

Ian simply looked through those messages. He didn't have time to waste. He can look through the messages later.

It was time to kill the Goblin king!!