Chapter 58. The Goblin king (3)

Chapter 58. The Goblin king (3)

King of the Goblins!

That was the dream of one of the Goblins who was born in the Goblin nest. From the start, he coveted the position of the king.

He wanted to become the ruler.

For him, serving under someone was a nauseating thought. What he wanted to do was to make others serve under him.

Because of that, he worked really hard. Goblins are creatures that were handed weapons when they are just a week old.

He also received a weapon and went hunting. Receiving a weapon also means that you are on your own.

Other Goblins made groups to hunt but he was always alone. He didn't need teammates but subordinates.

No Goblin was ready to become one. A one week old Goblin can't even understand what he was saying.

The only thing on their mind was food!

That's why, the Goblin hunted alone and he soon found out one thing- he was stronger than the other Goblins.

When the other Goblins would hunt one Horned rabbit in a group, he would easily hunt two or three alone.

That boosted his competition.

The Goblin began to work harder and he got stronger and stronger. One day, when he thought that he had become strong, he challenged the then Goblin king to a duel.

In Ark, monsters in a pack or a group can challenge the leader of that pack to get the position of the leader.

It was a system that greatly boosted the uniqueness of monsters. They were not just simple A.I.s.

A normal looking Goblin can become the next leader of a pack. No one knows what can happen and everything is left to fate.

'I would become the next ruler of the Goblins...'

That was the dream of one of the simple Goblins.

He even considered it his fate but when he challenged the Goblin king, he was instantly defeated.

That day, he got to know the difference between skills. He was just a normal Goblin and his opponent was the Goblin king.

There was not a chance he would have won.

Still, the Goblin didn't lose hope and trained more and more, but no matter how hard he trained, he was weak.

'Why am I so weak...?'

He became frustrated thinking about it but there was nothing he could do about it.

As he was losing his hope, someone approached him. It was a man with his face hidden behind a mask.

The Goblin was scared at first, seeing the appearance of the man. He was getting the feeling that the masked man was not human.

Humans would kill him when they would see him but the man was just silently staring at him.

"Do you want to become strong?"

His voice was ominous but the words struck at the Goblin's heart.


The Goblin answered in the Goblin language and the man smiled hearing that. He was expecting this answer.

After that, the man just threw a glass veil at the Goblin and left. It was a veil containing blood red liquid.

The masked man has said that it would make him strong. That's why, the Goblin gulped the liquid in one go.

That night, the screams of a Goblin echoed throughout the forest.

His whole body was screaming in pain but at the same time, it was getting more and more stronger. It was like the weak parts were transforming into strong ones.

That day, the current Goblin king was born!

His whole body changed and a red tattoo appeared on his cheek.

He threw away his short sword and took on a weapon that can show his overwhelming power, a greatsword.

After that, he defeated the former Goblin king, but instead of killing him, he made the former Goblin king into his personal bodyguard.

It was common for leaders of a tribe to get killed after being defeated in a duel, but this time, it didn't happen.

It can be said that the intelligence of the current Goblin king was way above normal Goblins. He got the position of the king and even a loyal bodyguard.

Everything was going his way but...

'My loyal bodyguard got killed…!!'

Anger emerged in the eyes of the Goblin king as he looked at the human who had killed the Goblin assassin.

He never thought that a day would come when someone would dare to kill his bodyguard.

It was just like challenging his authority and the Goblin king won't forgive anyone who would dare to do that.

He would kill them!!


The Goblin king let out a wild shriek as he stood up from his throne. His hands gripped the hilt of the greatsword.

Then, he glared at Ian and jumped at him.

'I will kill you…human...'

The Goblin king eyes were filled with killing intent as he swung his greatsword.

* * *


Ian quickly gulped down a health potion he had reserved for himself.

His fight with the Goblin assassin has really drained his health. He needs health to deal with the attacks of the Goblin king.

'He looks like a strong opponent.'

Ian thought as he looked at the Goblin king who was standing while gripping his greatsword. He looked to be angry.

It was also understandable but Ian didn't feel any fear. He wanted to complete the quest related to the Count soon.

For that, he has to kill the Goblin king!


The Goblin king shrieked as he jumped from the throne.

'Here he come.'

Ian was also ready for him as he twisted his spear to block the strike from the greatsword. Then, Ian quickly turned back.


The Crevice spear moved like a snake as Ian attacked the neck, chest and the ankle of the Goblin king.

'Damn human…!!'


The Goblin king became angry after taking those attacks. He took a step back and his blade cleaved through the air.

The Goblin king wanted to behead Ian but Ian just lowered his body to dodge the attack.

'I am used to these strikes.'

Ian was well used to these types of horizontal strikes. He was playing Ark for a month and has mastered the basics of evasion.

The Goblin king has to work harder to harm him.

"Vital thrust!!"

Swish! Clang!

Ian quickly used vital thrust as he attacked at the Goblin king's arm but the Goblin king perceived that attack and blocked it.


At that moment, Ian felt a slight ripple in his arm. It was because of the shocking strength of the Goblin king.

He was pushed back.

'His power is abnormal.'

Ian thought as he quickly composed himself.

Normal Goblins world only uses weapons that focus more on agility rather than heavy weapons but the Goblin king uses a greatsword.

Just by that, one can imagine that his strength was not simple.

Ian was no simple player too. He quickly used his skills in order to suppress the Goblin king.

From the back, Alice also helped by using explosive spells like flame burst and blast on the Goblin king.

The Goblin king's armour was in tatters after a while. It was not able to take those attacks. It has several cuts on it and it has blackened because of the fire spells.

'Isn't it too easy?'

For a second, Ian thought that.

The fight with the Goblin king was not hard. It was even easier than his fight with the Goblin assassin.

He just has to dodge the attacks and attack at the right time. The Goblin would also get annoyed by the spells and attack frivolously, that was when Ian used his skills.

The health of the Goblin king was also doing gown.

Swish! Slash!

Ian twisted his body around as he dodged an incoming attack. Then, he lowered his body and attacked at the legs of the Goblin king.


Some blood spluttered out as the Goblin king let out a painful voice.

Even if the Goblin king was strong, his attacks were often wild with only strength in them. As he was Goblin king for not long, his fighting experience was still not much.

But he had something special...

'Chew! I would have to use that to defeat this human...!!'

The Goblin king thought as he let out a loud shriek.


"What's happening?"

Ian thought as he stopped himself from attacking the Goblin king. It was because a powerful energy was blowing out from the Goblin king's body.

It was like his whole body was burning as he started to let out a red light.

'What's with that tattoo?'

Ian noticed that the red light was coming from the strange tattoo on the Goblin king's cheek. The red light was resembling the colour of blood.

The Goblin king's body suddenly started to grow up and his muscles bulged.

Ian could even see veins popping up on his forehead and the greatsword in his hand started getting plated by a purple liquid.

After a while, the transformation finally stopped and the Goblin king was a head taller than before.

He was looking stronger too.

'Let's attack him!!'

Ian thought as he twisted the Crevice spear in his hand and then, he attacked with a vertical strike, directly on the Goblin king's chest.


Ian's spear slashed across the Goblin king's chest but nothing happened...

'My attack was not able to penetrate his skin.'

Ian's eyes shook when he saw that but before he could do anything, the Goblin king's greatsword moved towards him.


The greatsword was like cleaving the air as he striked at Ian's shoulders. Ian tried to twist his body to dodge but...

It was too late!


Ian cried out as he glanced at his shoulders. The attack penetrated his armour and made a wound on his shoulder.

At that moment, Ian suddenly got a message.


Ian could not help but let out a curse when he got those system messages. Not only the Goblin king's strength has increased, he can now even poison him.

Ian was in a disadvantage now.

'His attack power and speed has increased. His defence too. Moreover, his attacks have the effect of poison on them.'

Ian quickly deduced the abilities of the Goblin king.

Then, he quickly made a plan to counter them. He would try to evade all the attacks and strike at the parts which were easy to penetrate.


Ian moved quickly after thinking all that. He was being aggressive because he would only get overwhelmed by the Goblin king if he went on the defensive.

Attack was the best defence after all!!


"Ahh, I'm sick of that noise. Don't you have anything else?"

Ian said as his body moved nimbly. He lowered his posture and striked at the ankle but the Goblin king blocked that attack.


Sparks flew out as both the blades clashed with each other.

Ian was quickly getting pushed back. So, he quickly back out and rolled to avoid the incoming attack.

He really can't go against the Goblin king head on. For some reason, he would always struggle against monsters with more strength.

It was because Ian was working more on his speed rather than strength.

His attacks are more technique rather than strength and speed was the thing that can support it.

Swish! Slash!

Although Ian rolled to the side, the Goblin king didn't stop attacking.

He sprinted towards Ian and attacked with power. Ian was still on the ground. So, he blocked the attack with a crouching posture.


The Goblin king's attack power was really too much and he has the momentum. Ian was in a pinch.

If he backs down here, then a strike will come for his head.

He was in a situation where he can die.

'Why is this Goblin king so strong?'

Ian screamed in his mind. He was always getting tough opponents. Krysil, Leverill and now, the Goblin king.

He felt like game developers were playing a prank on him.

'I'm going to die…'

As that sentence formed in his mind, he suddenly heard the whistling of air.

Swish! Whoosh!


A barrage of fire arrow has descended on the Goblin king. They managed to harm him but before he could compose himself, a sword pierced his back.

"Ian, quickly back off."

"Let us handle him for now."

'Tacan and Alice!!'

His comrades had come to him and both of them were looking more reliable than ever to Ian at that moment.