Chapter 59. Spear blast (1)

Chapter 59. Spear blast (1)

"What's going on? Is this real?"

"Those attacks, the rapid movements and that strength. The saviour is really strong!!"

"Rather than him, look at Tacan. He's so strong."

"Are retired army men that strong?"

"Ahh, I think I'm in love with Ms. Alice. Elves are so beautiful and she's really great in magic too."

All the villagers muttered as they watched the screen unfolding in front of their eyes. They can't help but rub their eyes seeing that.

It was because they had never seen a battle like this before. For the villagers living in a remote village, these types of fights are once in a lifetime opportunity.

They don't know if they would be able to see this kind of fight again.

The villagers had already killed all the Goblins.

There were some people who were injured severely but they were not in a condition in which they would die.

After they had finished the Goblins, the villagers wanted to help in the fight against the Goblin king but they know that involving themselves in that fight would only mean one thing.


They won't be able to move at that speed and even if they involved themselves, they would only become a hindrance.

The only thing they can do is to watch and cheer.

Just watching was enough for the villagers to get goosebumps. With each attack, their heartbeats were increasing.

The Goblin king was giving tough competition to Ian and Tacam. The elf magician Alice was firing attacks from the back.

It was the sight of a real battle!

The fight was growing intense every second and the villagers were gulping down their salivas in their dry throats.

"I wonder who would win."

One of the young vigilant guards said as he stared at the fight.

He touched his chest and noticed that it was beating at an unprecedented rate. It was almost like it would burst out.

At the same time, there was another thought in his mind.

'Will I be able to fight like them?'

That question would only be answered in the future. That's why the young vigilant guards just kept on watching.

* * *

Swish! Whoosh!


The Goblin king roared as he swung around his greatsword vertically, trying to slash Ian in two pieces.


But before he could do that, a big fireball struck his arm. From the other side, Tacan also let out a roar and slashed.

'We can win!!'

Ian thought as he twisted his spear and attacked one of the legs of the Goblin king.

The situation was a balanced one now.

Ian was not at complete disadvantage as he had the support of Alice and Tacan, but the Goblin king was still powerful.

They were fighting head on but both parties were taking equal damages.

"Alice, use spells which don't have the AOE damage, try to trap him and Tacan, try to sever one of his limbs. I would try to distract him."


Ian gave out orders and the other two quickly followed his commands.

"Come forth the raging flames and burn the enemy into ashes. Incinerate him like he was never even born!!"

Alice quickly chanted out the spell and pillars of flame appeared around the Goblin king. It was a special spell called flame pillars.

The speciality of this spell was that it won't harm your party members. That's why it was used to trap monsters in a raid.


The Goblin let out a confused shriek as he looked at the flame pillars. He tried to escape but the flames were really hot.

He would get the burn effect If he tried to escape.


At the same time, he also has to deal with Ian who was seemingly unaffected by the flames.

Ian was using his skills as soon as their cool down was finished.

Triple thrust was one of his most deadly skills and an original one too.

Ian had tried to make more original skills after making Triple thrust but he was not able to make one.

He doesn't know why but his efforts were all failures.

That's why, Triple thrust was more valuable for him. It's proficiency was increasing as Ian was using it more and more.

That's why, it's attack power was great!


"Stop with that. It's getting annoying."

Ian used Triple thrust and his spear moved flexibly like a snake. It has three parts and Ian was able to execute the first two parts successfully.

But the third and final strike was blocked by the Goblin king.


The Goblin king let out a mocking shriek as he blocked the third strike but Ian didn't get angry. He was instead… smiling.

It was a strange thing and the Goblin king also felt that but it was too late.

"Sword strike!!"

From the side, Tacan has already pierced the Goblin king's armour and skin. His blade let out a trail of mana as it penetrated the Goblin king's skin.

This was the only skill Tacan knew and he had learned this from his superior when he was in the army.

The skill also didn't let him off as it managed to wound the Goblin king.

Tacan was hiding himself in the flame pillars while waiting for a chance to attack and their plan was successful.

The Goblin king was seriously injured.

'Now, just a little more push.'

Ian thought as he looked at the half kneeling figure of the Goblin king. His health was close to depleting.

Just one attack was enough to sever his neck now.

"Vital thrust!!"

Ian also didn't want to waste anymore time. So, he quickly activated vital thrust and his spear glowed red.

Swish! Thrust!

His attack even managed to harm the Goblin king's neck. As Ian was adding more strength in his attack to sever the Goblin king's head, something strange happened.

'What's this…?'

The tattoo on the Goblin king's cheeks started to glow again. His eyes even became red and blood was coming out from them.

It was just like the scene from a horror movie.

'Berserk? What the hell?'

Ian thought as he saw those messages but before he could do anything, the Goblin king had already made his move.


The Goblin king let out a wild roar as he swung his greatsword at Ian's chest.


The power behind the attack was too much and Ian was tossed in the air. He was not even able to notice what was going on when his body crashed into one of the trees.

His health also decreased to 10% from 25% from that single attack.

'I… would... destroy… all… of... them...'

After attacking Ian, the Goblin king looked at Tacan who was standing there in shock.

Things happened too fast and he was not able to react at all. Seeing the Goblin king like this, a chill ran down through his spine.

It was really horrifying!!


The Goblin king didn't waste any more time and jumped at Tacan with his greatsword.

Tacan was still in a moment of shock but he came out of it when he saw that the Goblin king was going to attack.

He would die if he just stayed standing there.

'I can't be like this.'

Tacan quickly raised his sword to block the attack of the Goblin king but he was late in defending. Because of that, he took too much impact and stepped back several steps.

Just a single attack was enough to kill him.

'I have to be careful.'

Tacan thought as he gripped the hilt of his sword tightly.

He looked at the Goblin king who was coming towards him with a furious expression and prepared himself for the impact.

He knew that he won't be able to survive against the Goblin king at this rate. Still, he would fight till his last breath.

Swish! Slash!

The Goblin king twisted his body a little bit to take out some more power and slashed with a horizontal strike.

His blade cleaved through the air.

Clash! Kkang!


Tacan let out a groan as he blocked that attack. Because of the impact, his hands were already feeling numb.


"Flame blast!!"

From the side, Alice was attacking the back of the Goblin king but it was having no impact. The Goblin king was too focused on fighting with Tacan.

Her spells were already losing out in power and her mana was close to getting depleted.

A magician without mana was nothing.

'Sigh, why am I so useless?'

In the end, she can only scold herself. She looked at Tacan who was struggling against the Goblin king. Frustration rose up in her heart.

But she can do nothing!

"Cheew!! Chew!! Cheww!!"

On the other hand, the Goblin king was furiously attacking Tacan. The sound of metal ringing can be heard throughout the forest.

Kkang! Clang!

No matter how much of a genius Tacan was, he still can't go against the overwhelming strength of the Goblin king.

He was already severely injured by the attacks of the Goblin king and poison was also spreading throughout his body.

Some parts of his body were already getting numb.

Step! Step!

Every time, the Goblin king was striking, Tacan was taking a step back.

He doesn't have any choice. Even if his blade managed to hurt the Goblin king, it would only result in a scratch.

It was because of the regeneration speed of the Goblin king.

'I can't go on like this.'

Tacan made a resolution in his heart as he glared at the Goblin king. If it went like this, then he would surely die.

He didn't want to die like this. So, the only thing that he could do was to attack the Goblin king.

Swish! Slash!

The Goblin king swung his greatsword like a whip but Tacan dodged to the side. Then, he quickly concentrated on bringing out the essence from his sword.

This technique was called sword intent!!

He recalled one of his noble friends telling him about it. After that, Tacan has got the training manual on how to bring out sword intent from somewhere.

He had been practising this technique since then.

He even got some mastery on it but he can only use it once in a month and after using it, he won't be able to move for a while.

That meant one thing!

'If I was unable to kill the Goblin king in this attack, then I would die.'

It has high risk but it was the only option Tacan has. He decided to bet everything on this one strike.


"Why are you always saying Chew?? Are you that hungry?"

Tacan shouted as he condensed the sword intent on the tip of his sword. His sword shone with a golden ray as he aimed it at the Goblin king's neck.

The Goblin king didn't miss that and tried to block the attack but Tacan's attack was faster.

Plunge! Strike!

His attack evaded the greatsword and then directly struck at the Goblin king's neck.


Tacan shouted in his heart as he saw blood spurting out but...


The Goblin king was still standing on his feet.


A curse came out of Tacan's mouth as he tried to run but his legs were not willing to even move a little.

The Goblin king also saw that Tacan was not able to move. His angry face turned into a grin as he took a step back to directly plunge his blade in Tacan's neck.

'I'm going to die…!'

There was now only one thing in front of Tacan now, death!!


The Goblin king swung his greatsword and Tacan closed his eyes to prepare himself for his ultimate demise.


'What's going on?'

Even after some seconds, there was nothing. He wondered what happened and slowly opened his eyes.

"Ah… Ian?"

Ian was standing there, with some blood flowing out from his cheek. He was blocking the Goblin king's attack.

At that moment, Ian just looked like a hero to him!