Chapter 63. V-tube (1)

Chapter 63. V-tube (1)

These were the top searches on the real-time search rankings of every search engine all over the world.

Ark was a game that interested the whole world and the people of every country wanted to know about the second large scale patch of Ark.

The media was trying to get more information from the Pegasus corporation but the proposals of most of the interviews were rejected.

Aside from one…

"He is really charismatic and fluent."

Lu Fei said as he chewed on some potato chips. He was currently watching the interview of James Ray.

Although Pegasus corporation released a press release, it was not enough to calm the media.

That's why, this morning James Ray decided to give an interview to Sky net - One of the global broadcasting stations that focused mostly on VR games.

-So, you are saying new regions would be introduced? Can you tell me more about them?

-I can't do it. You would know about it after the update. If you still wanted to know, how about I tell you about myself?

The beautiful female interviewer on the screen giggled when she heard that.

She locked eyes with James Ray and Lu Fei could notice her eyes shining. It looks like she was interested in knowing more about James Ray.

"Are all playboys like this?"

Lu Fei muttered with a look of slight jealousy.

James Ray - Not only he was one of the smartest people alive, he was also rich and most importantly, he was a certified playboy.

There were many rumours of him hooking up with actresses and idols.

'He is certainly skilled in flirting.'

Lu Fei didn't like playboys in general. He doesn't like the idea of one night stands and casual relationships.

One can call him boring and a person with an old mindset, but that's just how Lu Fei was.

Although he doesn't playboys, he still has to acknowledge the flirting skills of James Ray.

Lu Fei was sure that he would have gone on a date with the female interviewer after the interview.

'I hope Xiaomei doesn't get entangled with a playboy.'

Lu Xiaomei was going with a high school student and that's when most people would start dating.

It doesn't mean that his sister would also be the same but he can't say the same about guys.

"I should warn her."

Lu Fei thought as he finished the packet of chips.

No matter what, he didn't want his sister to get entangled with a playboy. He didn't know what he would do if that came true.

After thinking about all that, Lu Fei suppressed his protective brother's side and watched the interview.

-So, at what time will the servers of Ark again go online?

-It would on Sunday, 2 PM in the afternoon.

Today was Tuesday, so there were still four days until Lu Fei would be able to play Ark again.

In the meantime, he can try to sell some items he had got from the Goblin nest. He also has to think how he should sell the antidote.

It looks like he would be busy in the next four days.

"Sigh! I didn't get much information from the interview."

The interview finished after sometime and Lu Fei can't help but sigh.

He was watching the interview to get some information about the update, but he only got some basic information.

James Ray was really tight-lipped whenever he would be asked about the system update and what changes it would bring.

In the end, Lu Fei wasted an entire hour.

'Isn't there a little information on the internet?'

Lu Fei thought and started to read some articles but most of them were the same, only the words used were different.

In the end, he opened the A.L.F community.

At least 95% of the posts were about the second large scale patch of Ark and the rumors about it.

Some of the posts were about the reactions of rankers and how they are feeling about this update.

Lu Fei opened a post and started reading the replies on it.

-SickInTheHead: I'm getting impatient. Can't they update it faster?

-Innocent heart: If they rushed it, then it would be bad.

-Lewd loli: I can't wait for long. I want to play Ark. I was even in the middle of a D rank quest.

-Cool geek: Do anyone know about the new regions and monsters that would be introduced?

-Nurie: They haven't released anything about it yet but from what I have heard, a completely new, unexplored area would be introduced.

-Heartless: They are so heartless!! I want to bloody play Ark.

-Soul mate: I have also heard about an event but they are still considered rumours.

-Plutass: I just watched the interview of James Ray. He was flirting more than talking about the second large scale patch.

-Astral plane: Pegasus corporation is really protecting any information from leaking out.

-ShotaLove: I just wished they would hurry!!!

'There isn't much.'

Just like that, Lu Fei scrolled through some more posts and read some more articles and from all that, he was only about to guess two things.

One was that a new region would be opened. It can be a new area, kingdom or even an empire.

There were also rumours about some new kind of monsters.

Lu Fei was sure that the top guilds would be moving to be the first one to step foot in the new region.

Not only them, many players would also want to explore the new undiscovered places.

The second thing was the rumour of some kind of event. Lu Fei didn't know what it would be, but he was curious nonetheless.


As he was thinking about all that, he suddenly heard the ringing of his phone.

It was the alarm he had set earlier.

"Ah, it's time to go to work."

Lu Fei sighed a little as he shut down his old, lagging computer and headed towards the bathroom.

He was earning good money from Ark, but he was still working in the Forest cafe.

* * *

"Lu Fei, I finally see you here. I have been coming here everyday, just to see you."

"You were not here for a few days. So, we were thinking that you left the job. It's nice to see that we were wrong."

"Forest cafe feels empty without you."

Lu Fei smiled towards the regular customers and slightly bowed his head.

He was busy with playing Ark from the past few days. Moreover, he was also taking out some time to study.

As he had decided to enter a university, he had to at least study.

Because of these two reasons, he had already resigned from some part time jobs and the time he spent working at the Forest cafe had lessened.


As Lu Fei was taking orders, the door to the cafe opened and a familiar figure walked through.

"Brother Lu!!"

Lu Fei turned his head to see Xiao Ming walking towards him.

"Xiao Ming, why are you here?"

"I came here to meet you. I have been calling you for the whole week but you didn't pick up the phone. Today, I went to your home but your sister told me that you were here."

Lu Fei made an apologetic smile when he heard that.

He was busy in his quest. So, his phone was on silent. Moreover, he doesn't even have friends that would call him.

So, he normally doesn't even check his calls as most of them are from insurance companies.

"So, is there something you want to tell me?"

"Yeah, it's something regarding Ark."

Lu Fei became interested when he heard that, but his shift was still not over.

"Can you wait? My shift is still ongoing."

Xiao Ming nodded his head and quickly sat down on a seat near the window. He even ordered an iced coffee.

Lu Fei also finished his shift quickly.

He wondered what Xiao Ming wanted to tell him as he sat down in front of him. Then, he opened his mouth.

"So, what is it?"

Xiao Ming smiled as he started speaking.

"Do you know about V-tube?"

"Of course, I know about it."


It was a worldwide streaming platform where gamers can post videos of hunting monsters or conquering a dungeon.

It was too common for a gamer to earn through posting videos.

He had even heard that one can earn thousands of dollars per month. That's why many people wanted to create a channel on V-tube.

Those who earn through V-tube are called V-tubers. One can also refer to them as live streamers.

"Why are you asking me about V-tube?"

"Actually, I made a channel on V-tube some days ago and posted some videos of me hunting monsters."

Lu Fei showed some surprise when he heard that.

Not just anybody can make a channel on V-tube. One has to pay a fee to make a channel.

Even after that, only skilled players would garner attention.

Becoming a V-tuber and earning money through it seems easy, but only the skilled can make money.

"So, what was the response?"

Looking at Xiao Ming, Lu Fei can already guess that his channel didn't work.

"It was a disaster. I got some comments but most of them were just criticising my skills and said that I can't become a V-tuber."

Lu Fei already knows that most people will not act nice online.

They don't have to show their face there online. So, they would write whatever they want, without thinking about the other party.

"You should know that you have to work hard and give time for your channel to grow. Becoming a V-tuber is not easy."

"I know all that but I already realised that what I'm lacking is skill."

Lu Fei felt that Xiao Ming was looking down on himself. He already knew that the laughing fatty in front of him has an inferiority complex.

It was because of him being bullied most of his life.

Lu Fei wanted to help Xiao Ming with that but it was not easy to cure an inferiority complex. He had tried but the result was failure.

'I should try encouraging him.'

Lu Fei thought but Xiao Ming's next words surprised him.

"Anyway, Brother Lu, how about you take over my channel?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not skilled but you are good at fighting. I'm sure that you would be able to become a famous V-tuber."

"No, it's your channel. Moreover, I don't know editing at all."

It was not like Lu Fei had never thought of becoming a V-tuber. It was a way through which he could earn more money.

But there were some problems.

First of all, he doesn't know editing at all. You can record a video in Ark but it would be messy.

To make it presentable, you have to edit it, but Lu Fei has no relations with editing.

Even if he knew editing, Lu Fei was not the type to sit on a chair for hours and edit his videos.

He can hire a person to do the edits but those professionals were really expensive. He doesn't have that kind of money.

"You don't need to do any editing."

"If I uploaded the video without editing it, then it would just become a mess of moving images."

"I don't mean that."

Xiao Ming laughed as he said that.

"What do you mean?"

"Actually, I know editing and I'm quite good at it. At least, I had never received any negative remarks on my editing skills."


"Brother Lu, let me edit your videos."