Chapter 64. V-tube (2)

Chapter 64. V-tube (2)

Becoming a V-tuber

In this age where games are a vital part of everyone's life, becoming a V-tuber seems like a nice job.

First of all, you get money and fame if you are successful. Moreover, you also get sponsorships.

A famous V-tuber can easily make tens of millions of USD in a year.

That's why it was a desirable job for many people. Some people would even start playing Ark, just to become a V-tuber.

But was it easy?

On the surface, one would surely think that it is an easy job.

You just have to record yourself playing, do some editing and then, you have to upload the video on V-tube and wait for the view count to rise.

If you are thinking that you can get famous by just that, then you are seriously mistaken.

V-tuber was a desirable job. It being a desirable job means that everyone wants to try it.

It went without saying that everyone uploaded videos to make whatever amount they could. Even cows or dogs did.

As a result, there were over ten million Ark-related videos coming out every day. It wasn't easy to stand out in this sea of videos.

The only way was to spend big money to actively advertise the videos or to have a concept that stood out among the crowd.

But even after that, you don't know if the people would like your content or not.

In simple ways, it was a real hard job that not everyone can do. That's why, Lu Fei had given up the idea of becoming a V-tuber pretty quickly.

But Xiao Ming was hell bent on him taking over his channel.

"Brother Lu, I'm confident that you would become famous. Why don't you give it a try? You just have to record your gameplay. After that, you can leave everything to me."


Lu Fei refused as he shook his head.

If he took over Xiao Ming's channel, then he would just be taking advantage of him. Xiao Ming was even willing to do the editing for him.

"Sigh! You would definitely get popular."

"Why are you so sure that I would get famous?"

Lu Fei asked as he tilted his head.

"Aren't you good at fighting?"

"Yeah, I'm. What's that got to be with becoming a V-tuber?"

Xiao Ming didn't say anything and just tapped on his phone. He was opening V-tube to search for a video.

"See this video."

After finding the video, Xiao Ming pushed the phone towards Lu Fei.

'What is this?'

Lu Fei held the phone as he watched the video. The video was of someone conquering a dungeon.

It was a Ark-related video.

The player was hunting a monster called Red worms. They were monsters that are normally between level 60-70.

The player on the screen would first attack with his sword and then, he would dodge the attacks of the Red worm.

His playing style was cautious.

Because of that, his hunting speed was slow but he was able to kill the Red worms without taking much damage.

'He's good but...'

The player on the screen was almost at the level of pro but Lu Fei was able to see some flaws in his footwork.

Apart from that, everything was good.

Lu Fei scrolled down to read the comments and saw that most of the people were praising the player.

There were more than 100k views on the video and 2k comments.

"He's one of the rapidly growing V-tuber known as Red Robin. He just started playing Ark a few months ago, but he already has some amount of fame."

"What are you trying to say here?"

"Actually, Red Robin was once a gangster."


Lu Fei let out a confused voice as he hadn't expected that the player on the screen would be a former gangster.

Xiao Ming continued seeing Lu Fei's reaction.

"He got injured in a fight and left his gang. After that, he started playing Ark. He was able to become famous because of the actual fighting experience he had gotten from the time he was a gangster."

"Do you mean I can also become famous because I have fighting experience?"

Xiao Ming nodded his head and Lu Fei couldn't help but shake his head.

Having some fighting experience means that one would be able to better adapt in Ark, but it doesn't guarantee that one would be able to become a famous V-tuber.

"It's not only that."

Seeing that Lu Fei was still in disagreement, Xiao Ming said.


"You said that you were level 45 already, right?"

Lu Fei nodded his head. Although he is level 50 now, Xiao Ming doesn't know that.

"Do you know how much time is required to reach level 45 for an average player?"

"No, how much is it?"

"3 months 11 days."

Lu Fei took a deep breath when he heard that. He had reached level 45 in just under a month.

He had a hunch that his leveling speed was fast but Lu Fei didn't know that it was on the level of abnormal.

"Brother Lu, you just started playing Ark over a month ago and you are already level 45. Your leveling speed is just abnormal."

When Xiao Ming had first heard that Lu Fei was already level 45, he was perplexed and didn't believe it at first.

It was truly a hard thing to believe.

Later, Lu Fei showed him the screenshot of his level.

It was then that Xiao Ming realised that Lu Fei's talent for Ark was on the level of being called a monster.

"You have talent. I'm sure that you would be able to become a famous V-tuber. You are in need for money anyways. So, it would also help you."

'Becoming a V-tuber, huh.'

Lu Fei began to seriously consider Xiao Ming's proposal of becoming a V-tuber.

Honestly, it was not a bad idea.

He would be able to earn money but with it would also come fame. It was not like Lu Fei wanted to stay anonymous or he didn't like fame.

He very well knows that with fame, money always comes.

Moreover, if he became a ranker in the future, no matter what, he won't be able to keep his low profile.

Even Brendan, the number one player in Ark had a lot of fame despite him trying to keep a relatively low profile.

If you had power and skill, fame would surely come to you but…

'I'm still too weak.'

Lu Fei was too weak currently. There was another thing that comes with fame and that was trouble.

If he can, he wants to avoid trouble.

'What should I do? Should I refuse Xiao Ming? No, becoming a V-tuber is a good way to earn money. Then?'

Lu Fei's mind was a mess because of thinking all that.

He was conflicted. Should he become a V-tuber and give up on keeping a low profile? Or should he become one to earn money?

He doesn't know what to do. At that moment, an idea appeared in his mind...

'This way, I would be able to become a V-tuber and keep a low profile too.'

A smile appeared on his lips when he heard that. He looked at Xiao Ming and opened his mouth.

"I would become a V-tuber."

"That's great!! I am telling you, Brother Lu, you would be able to become a famous V-tuber soon. Trust me on this!!"

Xiao Ming laughed as he slammed his palm on the table twice. He was clearly excited by Lu Fei's decision.

"But I won't show my face."


All his excitement died down when Xiao Ming heard that. Lu Fei would not show his face? For a V-tuber, face value was important and Lu Fei wanted to hide his face.

That won't work at all.

"Brother Lu, how can we not show your face? If we put mosaic on it, then the video would look ugly and…"

"Let me explain it."

Lu Fei cut off Xiao Ming and began to explain.

"First of all, even with skill, we can't guarantee that I would become famous. So, we need something that can interest the people. Something mysterious."

"Mysterious? What are you trying to say?"

"I won't put mosaic on my face but how about wearing a mask?"

"A mask!"

Xiao Ming began to ponder. What Lu Fei was proposing was a good idea.

A mask can hide his face. Moreover, there would be a sense of mysterious air around him.

It was a good idea to garner interest but…

"Brother Lu, wearing a mask is a good idea but it's not like no one had tried it out before. There are other V-tubers who would wear masks to make themselves more mysterious."

Lu Fei nodded his head when he heard that. He also knows that.

To become a famous V-tuber, one first has to make people interested in their videos. To do that, people would try different types of concepts.

There was a player who would hunt in a type of set equipment called Monkey suit. He would even try to act like money.

There was even a girls only guild who would wear something called bikini armour to gain attention.

Like this, the concept of wearing a mask has also been used by many people.

"I know that but it's not like the concept of wearing a mask has been overused. Anyway, there is no famous V-tuber who wears a mask currently."

That was also true.

There was a player called Cheap wolf who would wear masks and he was also quite famous, but just two months ago, he showed his real face in a reality TV show.

That's why Lu Fei was confident that this concept would work.

"Then, let's go with that."

"Wait! There's something more."

"Huh? Is there any other problem?"

"Yeah, we have talked about everything but we have not decided how we would divide the income?"

Xiao Ming shook his head when he heard that. What Lu Fei was saying was correct, but Xiao Ming didn't want to take a portion from the income.

"Brother Lu, you protected me from the bullies. How can I take a part from the income? It's all yours."

"That won't do."

Lu Fei was not willing to do that. The channel was originally Xiao Ming's and he would also be the one editing his videos.

It would be greatly unfair if he worked for free.

"If we are not dividing the income, then I'm going. Let's drop this idea."

Lu Fei said and he even stood up to leave. Xiao Ming hastily stopped him.


"Are we dividing the income or not?"

Xiao Ming slowly nodded his head and Lu Fei sat down with a slight smile.

They began to discuss how they will divide the income next.

The talks about money were important and Lu Fei wanted to clear everything out from the start.

He offered that they will divide the income in the ratio 70:30. Lu Fei felt that this was reasonable.

But Xiao Ming didn't agree to it.

Because of that, they started an argument. It was funny how the argument was about taking a smaller part of the income rather than the bigger part.

Xiao Ming tried hard to lower his ratio, but Lu Fei was resolute.

In the end, he had to accept it.

He would be taking 30% while Lu Fei would take 70%. This was not unfair to anyone of them.

"Brother Lu, we had decided everything but what we would name our channel? I set the name as 'Xiao Ming gaming' previously but it is rather bland and won't suit our concept."

Lu Fei nodded. The channel name had to change.

A channel name was really important as some people would watch the videos just because the channel name is interesting.

He had to think of a name that would resonate well with the audience.

'What can be the name?'

Lu Fei and Xiao Ming both thought hard about that channel name. They discussed many names but all of them were lacking.

'A name? Wait! That could work!!"

Suddenly, Lu Fei thought of a name that would work well for the channel. It was a name that would look mysterious and cool at the same time.

"I thought of a good name."

"What is it?"

"The channel name would be…"