Chapter 65. Study session

Chapter 65. Study session

'Why is it so hard?'

Lu Fei scratched his head and furrowed his eyebrows.

He was not the type to be helpless in front of difficulties. He was someone who had killed thousands of monsters in the fantasy world.

Someone who had taken part in several wars and came out alive.

At the same time, he had come across many difficulties. Some were simple, some complex and some looked simple but they were really complex.

In front of all these, Lu Fei had never quivered, always coming out on top, but today, he was in a great pinch.

The reason for this trouble was the… math problem in front of him.

"Sigh! I should have studied more…"

Lu Fei sighed as he looked at the problem again, but the only thing he got was a mild headache.

He already knows that studying was not for him.

Although he was a bookworm, studying was something in a completely different realm.

If he can, he doesn't want to study at all, but he doesn't have any choice. It was because of the person in front of him.

"Ms. Fang, how do I do this?"

Fang Xue raised her head when she heard that. She looked at Lu Fei and then at the question.

"Well, in this, you have to divide the triangle in two parts and then, extend it from here and then, you use this rule…"

Lu Fei listened attentively to what Fang Xue was telling him.

He doesn't have a choice either way.

It was him who had decided to enter a university and for that, he at least has to pass the college entrance examinations.

More than anything, he was thankful for Fang Xue to take time out to tutor him.

Even though today was Saturday, she had called Lu Fei early in the morning and invited him to his cafe for a study session.

"Yes, it's correct this time. Like I said, you have a sharp mind. You just have to work hard and you would be able to enter a good university."

Fang Xue said as a smile blossomed on her face. It was just like someone had poured cold water on a sizzling hot day.


Lu Fei was even distracted by her smile but he quickly shook his head.

"Is there something wrong?"


Lu Fei quickly said and started solving another question. It was not like he could say that he was distracted because of her smile.

At the same time, he noticed all the glances that were coming towards them.

'Well, no one would be able to simply ignore her.'

Lu Fei thought as he glanced back at all the males that were sending glances at them, more specifically, at Fang Xue.

A beautiful woman would always be followed by the gazes of men.

It was the same for Fang Xue whose beauty can make a celebrity quiver. With her devilish figure and pretty face, there would be no men in the world who would not glance at her once.

'She seems completely oblivious to all this.'

Although all the guys were glancing at her, she was not even looking their way, ignoring them completely.

Maybe, she was already used to receiving attention and thus knew how to ignore it.

It was the same as celebrities getting used to camera flashes and paparazzi. While thinking that, Lu Fei moved to the next question.

On the other hand, Fang Xue was craftily sneaking glances at Lu Fei.

She had her elbows on the table, her hands pressed against her cheeks as she looked at Lu Fei.

There was a sight smile on her lips and a sense of satisfaction on her face. Looking at the serious face of Lu Fei solving the questions, she could not help but smile.

A sweet feeling emerged in her heart as she looked at Lu Fei who was solving problems with much concentration.

It was like time had stopped and there were only Lu Fei and her in the whole cafe.

She was wishing something like that to happen with her whole heart…

'No, what am I thinking? I'm here to tutor him!!'

Suddenly, Fang Xue shook her head as she dispelled all those thoughts from her head.

She felt ashamed that she was having these sorts of thoughts about a student. As a teacher, it was a really shameful thing to do but she also can't help herself.

Her heartbeat would rise whenever she would glance at Lu Fei.

An unknown but sweet feeling would emerge in her heart but she would always stop the feeling from growing.

It was because she knew that there were certain boundaries between teachers and students.

She just can't ignore it.

'... Won't Lu Fei graduate in a few months?'

Suddenly, that thought appeared in her mind. It was also correct. Their relationship as a teacher and student would cease to exist in a few months.

At that time, maybe, she could…

"Ms. Fang, is there something on my face?"

"Ah, no…"

"I asked because you were staring at me for a while."

Lu Fei asked as he raised his face and Fang Xue's face started burning suddenly.

A red blush appeared on her face as she frantically shook her head. She lowered her head to calm down.

After a while, she said.

"I, I was not staring at your face. It was just that there was a fly hovering around you."

"Is that so?"

Lu Fei asked with confusion on his face. He hadn't noticed any fly hovering around him. The only thing he had noticed was Fang Xue staring at his face.

He was about to ask again, but he stopped his mouth from speaking any further when he saw Fang Xue's gaze becoming stern.

"You should focus more on solving the question. In the next monthly test, I want you to at least pass."


Lu Fei meekly nodded his head when he saw that gaze.

He perceived that speaking any further would not be beneficial to him. Furthermore, he also doesn't want to face the wrath of Fang Xue.

She may look like a pretty, charming teacher that every student wished for, but students would never dare to anger her.

When she was a new teacher, some delinquents had dared to pass some awful comments on her.

The next day, those delinquents were seen kneeling in the staff room.

No one knows what happened that those proud, arrogant delinquents were left kneeling.

But everyone silently muttered to themselves that they should not anger Fang Xue, no matter what.

Lu Fei was also one of the witnesses to this event.

'What's with her…?"

That's why, he just kept his head down and solved questions. Like that, two more hours passed by and the study session was finally over.

* * *

"How should I sell the antidote…?"

Lu Fei muttered as he laid down on his bed. He was contemplating the safest method he could use to sell the antidote.

He can just try to sell the antidote on the item transaction but that would be idiotic.

Lu Fei was the only person who had the antidote in the entire game and coincidentally, most of the top guilds were also after this antidote.

If he really tried to sell the antidote on the item transaction site, then it would surely create a massive buzz.

Lu Fei would attract too much attention and his identity would surely be revealed to all the guilds.

It would make him famous but it would also make him the target of every other guild.

It would be too much trouble.

As Lu Fei had the antidote, the other guilds would surely want to know where he had gotten the antidote from.

They would even try to recruit him in their guild, just to know the formula of the antidote.

Moreover, if he sold the antidote to one guild, then the other guilds can be offended by it.

Lu Fei very well knows that the top guilds are really unreasonable and they would do anything to get an advantage over others.

If he made a wrong move here, then countless troubles would chase after him.

"Sigh! It's really a lot of trouble."

Lu Fei sighed as he contemplated all the options he had.

In the first place, he doesn't have many options. That's why Lu Fei was going over every option carefully.

'There is only one safe option.'

After a while, Lu Fei stood up from his bed and headed towards his old computer.

There was only one option that was the safest. It was to sell the antidote to one of the top guilds directly.

It was true that if Lu Fei tried to sell the antidote on the item transaction site, then he would be able to sell the antidote for the highest amount.

But it was also the most risky method.

Instead of that, Lu Fei wanted to go for the safest method and that was to directly contact a guild.

Of course, someone like Lu Fei won't have any way to contact a top guild.

It would be more strange if he really had the method to contact a top guild but there was one way he can contact a top guild.

'I have to contact their information network first.'

Ark was a game in which information was much more valuable than any other high grade weapon.

If a guild was able to get exclusive information, then he would be a half step ahead of other guilds.

To get all sorts of information, most of the top guilds would have their own information networks.

Anyone can send their information on these networks and if the information was reliable, you would be compensated according to the value of the information.

Lu Fei was also going to sell the antidote through this information network.

The guild he would sell the information to was of course...

"Dark Luna guild!!"

It was the guild that was the first one in his list. The Dark Luna guild had already faced defeat in front of the Venomous python.

They would not miss the chance to kill the Venomous python.

Moreover, considering the personality of their guild leader, Rayner, Lu Fei was sure that he won't miss the chance to take revenge on the Venomous python.

There was also another thing.

The Dark Luna guild was supported by the Hansul Conglomerate which was one of the top five companies in Korea.

They won't be stingy in buying the antidote.

After using an antidote on the former Count, Lu Fei was left with seven veils of antidotes.

The value of each veil would at least be between 10-15k USD.

At minimum, Lu Fei would be able to get at least 80k USD from all this. It was an astronomical amount of money for the current Lu Fei.

He couldn't help but smile thinking about the amount he would get.

He even wanted to dance but he stopped himself from doing that.

'No, it's too early to celebrate.'

His plan has not even started. He would have to get the money before he can even think of celebrating.

While thinking that, Lu Fei left his room to go to an internet cafe. He wanted to be as cautious as he could.

As he stepped outside his house, he was met with the cold blowing wind.

In the cold night, Lu Fei took small steps towards the internet cafe, wishing for a bright future in the dark night.