Chapter 79. Arena Starts (2)

Chapter 79. Arena Starts (2)

'It feels like I'm participating in a war.'

Ian thought as he entered the Arena grounds. Several thousand people were looking at him.

He got the same feeling when all the enemy soldiers would be looking at him at the time of a large scale war.

Still, Ian knew that this was not as big as a war. That's why he didn't have to worry much. He was confident that he would be able to win the preliminaries.

Ian looked at his opponents.

'A warrior, a swordsman, an elf archer and a magician probably.'

Ian quickly figured out their class by looking at their equipment.

The warrior was a burly looking man with heavy armour. The swordsman was wearing leather armour with a sword in his hand. The elf archer was holding a bow and the magician looking guy was wearing a robe.

It was not hard to figure out their classes.

'They are all looking at me.'

Ian noticed that all of his opponents were looking at him.

Maybe, it was because of the mask he was wearing or it can also be because of his equipment.

He was currently wearing a black leather armour with his concealment cloak and there was a long red spear in his hand.

To prepare for the Arena, Ian had sold his old equipment and purchased new armour and weapon.

His current equipment was really expensive to the point Ian was not willing to purchase it.

He had even haggled for an entire hour before purchasing all of it.

He can still remember the stares the weapon store owner was giving him when he was leaving.

Ian would probably be kicked out if he dared to go to the same store again.

'With the Blood spear, I would surely be able to win the battle.'

The red spear in his hand was his new weapon and it's stats were way better than Crevice spear. It was called Blood spear.

Ian had purchased it because of its stats and it's special skill.

The timer quickly appeared before Ian. He took a deep breath to get ready for the fight. At that moment, he suddenly remembered something important.

'I forgot to switch on the camera function.'

This fight would be going to be his first V-tube video. Xiao Ming had told him several times to switch on the camera function just before the fight.

Ian quickly switched on the camera function, thinking about that.

The camera function would help him shoot the footage from several viewpoints. It is a really useful function made by Pegasus corporation.

That message appeared before him and he noticed the warrior sprinting towards him.

It looks like he had deemed Ian the easiest opponent.


A sound of wind cutting was heard as the burly warrior swung his sword at him.

It was a strike that was directly aimed for his chest.


Ian was also ready for the strike as he blocked it with his spear. Then he quickly twisted the spear in his hands.

That seemed to have surprised the warrior as he had not thought that Ian was skilled.

But it was too late.

Ian quickly started a barrage of attacks. His spear twisted like a snake in his arms as he continued to attack the heavy armour of the warrior.

The warrior was forced to take several steps back. As he was about to counter attack, he noticed Ian's spear glowing with a red light.

Ian was using vital strike!!


His Blood spear moved in the air and made a slashing mark on the warrior's armour.

His health immediately went down by a lot but Ian didn't stop there and rotated the spear for another attack.

That message appeared before Ian as white light enveloped the burly warrior named as 'GT'.

He was sent outside the Arena after he lost. Losing in Arena won't make you lose a level or anything. It would just transfer you outside the Arena.

"Wow!! You saw that!!"

"That masked guy has some good spear skills."

"Is his class a spearman?"

Ian could hear some praises about him from the crowd. He felt happy about it but amidst the praises, he heard a loud swishing sound coming towards him.


An arrow passed by him.

Ian was barely able to dodge it by lowering his head in time. If he had wasted even a second, then a spear would have pierced his head.

'It's not over yet.'

Ian looked at his surroundings.

The magician and the swordsman were fighting each other. The only one left was the elf archer who was looking towards him with a smug face.

Ian wondered why he was showing such a smile.

Maybe it was because he thought he would be able to win easily? Or was it because his appearance was more handsome than him?

Anyway, it doesn't matter to Ian.

He rushed towards the elf archer with the spear in his hand. The elf archer also didn't waste time and started firing arrows at him.

Swish! Whoosh! Swish!

Several arrows brushed past his skin but Ian dodged most of them and continued to get close to the archer.

"What the…?"

The elf archer seemed to be surprised seeing this but he quickly prepared his trump card.

He enchanted something on one of his arrows and fired it.

Lightning appeared on the tip of his arrows and it got split into three. All of them aiming at Ian's head, chest and legs respectively.


Ian cursed seeing that.

It would be hard to get past it but he still continued to run. There was still a small opening through which he could dodge the three lighting arrows.

But he would need immense luck to get past it without any skirmishes.

'I can do it.'

Ian slid on the ground trying to pass through the opening.

His body rocked like a reed in a wind. The three lightning arrows barely skinned his head, chest and leg but it still left small wounds.

Ian ignored those messages as he sprinted towards the elf archer.

The elf archer seemed surprised that Ian was able to dodge his trump card and he was not able to respond in time.

Slash! Thrust!

Ian thrusted his spear into his chest and the elf archer died quickly.

The cheering of the crowd got louder after Ian killed the elf archer but he ignored it and looked at the only remaining player other than him, the magician.

The magician had killed the swordsman at the same time as Ian killed the elf archer.

"You are Ian, right? Let's have a good battle."

The magician looked towards him and said. He looked to be sure of his victory for some reason.


Ian meekly replied and gripped his spear.

Then, he rushed towards the magician with a small jump but as he reached close to him, something came out of the ground and gripped his leg.


Ian was not able to move. He looked down to see some bones coming out from the ground.

They were holding him from going close to the magician. Ian finally understood why the magician was assured of his victory.

It was because he was not a normal magician but a curse magician.

Although not rare as a hidden class, a curse magician was still a rare class that was desired by many.

The magician in front of him was one of them.

"You will lose miserably."

The curse magician said as his staff started showing an eerie black light and he came at Ian at full speed.

'I have to do something quick.'

Ian thought and put strength on his legs, breaking off the bones holding him. Then, he thrusted his spear towards the curse magician.

Clang! Shoo!

Both the staff and the spear collided with each other. Both Ian and the curse magician pushed with all their strength but Ian was naturally more powerful.

"Che. I have to do something else."

The curse magician clicked his tongue and started chanting out another spell.

"Bone spear."

A bone spear appeared in the air directly striking Ian.


Ian lost quite a bit of health and got pushed back.

The curse magician smiled seeing that and started pouring out many bone spears, trying to kill Ian with a barrage of them.

Swish! Swish!

Bones swear poured out on him like rain. Ian continued to rotate his spear to block everyone of them.

This was one of the advantages of a spear. You can both attack and defend with it.

The crowd cheered loudly seeing this. A player continuously rotating and twisting his spear and the endless rain of bone spears.

This sight was enough to make this the most exciting battle till now.

'I have to hold on for a bit more.'

Ian thought as he rotated his spear to block another bone spear.

He was waiting for the mana of the curse magician to deplete before attaching him.

He also didn't have to wait for long.

The barrage of bone spears soon stopped and the curse magician made a troubled face.

His attack hadn't worked and his mana was only enough for one spell.

Ian rushed at him seeing that. A vortex appeared on the tip of the Blood spear as Ian used his spiral spear skill.

"Ahh… Bone shield!!"

The curse magician became scared seeing Ian coming towards him and quickly cast a bone shield around him.

Bones came out from the ground and enveloped him in a cage.

It was his strongest defence skill and it would surely give him some time but the curse magician didn't think that the bone shield would only delay his inevitable death.

Swish! Smash!

Ian slammed his Blood spear in the bone shield. He was using it like a blunt weapon as he continued to hit the shield.

One times, two times, three times… Cracks finally started appearing after that.

Seeing that, Ian took a step back and activated the special ability of his Blood spear.

The engravings on his spear light up and the next skill he would use would have his attack power increased by 30%.

"Spear blast!!"

He used his most powerful skill.

Mana flowed in his Blood spear, illuminating the red engravings and it soon condensed to the tip of the spear.

Ian twisted the spear in his hand and finally striked. A shock wave appeared out of the spear and directly headed for the bone shield.

It destroyed the shield and then, it directly killed the curse magician.

The curse magician was not even able to know what had happened when he suddenly blackened out.


After the curse magician named Slump died, there was only silence in the whole Coliseum.

The crowd had stopped cheering when they had seen Ian's spear glowing white with mana.

They still couldn't open their mouths because of the shock that they were feeling. Some of them were even rubbing their eyes.

It was the same for the viewers who were watching on the internet or on the television.

They were all silent.

'Did I did something wrong…?'

As soon as Ian thought that, an ear piercing scream rang out in the whole Coliseum.


"That was incredible!!"

"What was that last skill. It just destroyed everything on his path."

"It was just… Incredible."

That day, Ian made his name known throughout the forums, Ark communities and even the television shows.

The legend of Ian started that day!