Chapter 80. Proving his worth

Chapter 80. Proving his worth

"W-what was that? Did you see that? Was Ian always so powerful?"

"I don't know but we all know that his skills were comparable to the rankers."

"It looks like he has gotten a lot stronger from the last time we have seen him."

Wayn, Ria and Clara muttered as they saw Ian's spear blast destroying everything in its path.

The amplification it received because of the Blood spear has made it more powerful and destructive.

"Has he gotten a class yet?"

Wayn muttered as he looked at Ian who was standing on the ground, basking in the cheers of the audience.

Ian was still classless when they had defeated the Dragon lizard, Leverill. He was really powerful despite that and now, he was way more powerful than before.

"Maybe he has gotten a hidden class."

Ria said and brought out the possibility of a hidden class.

Wayn can still remember the mysterious slate Ian had found in the boss room of the Lizardmen colony.

It was highly likely that Ian had gotten a hidden class.

"If it's true, then it would explain his current strength."

"Yeah, that must be it. I wonder what hidden class he had gotten."

Ria and Clara talked enthusiastically among themselves. Just the prospect of knowing a player with hidden class was exciting to them.

"You two should calm down. Let's talk about it with Ian later."

Wayn quickly calmed the two down.

They were currently sitting in the Coliseum and there were many players here. He didn't want their words to attract attention.

"Ah, okay."

"You should think before speaking."

Wayn said as he sighed.

For some time, he had started to act like the leader of their small party. Care and Ria were also fine with that because Wayn has more gaming knowledge than them.

"Let's ask Ian when he comes here."

Wayn told the two of them and then, he glanced at Xiao Mind who was besides him. The fat guy hadn't said anything yet.

He knows that Xiao Ming was Ian's friend and Wayn also wanted to be friends with him.

But he had noticed that Xiao Ming would often act flustered around them.

Wayn can see that it was because of Ria and Clara. At one point, he was the same as Xiao Ming - Awkward around girls.

That's why he wanted to help him, if possible.

"What's wrong?"

"Ah, there's nothing. It's just that…"


Xiao Ming was strangely looking at Ian. His eyes were filled with excitement and a sense of slight madness.

Wayn wondered what was wrong with him, seeing his gleaming eyes.

"I was just thinking of the video I would be able to make after the editing."


Ian had earlier told him about his V-tube channel and the concept behind it.

Ian was even covering his face with a mask because of that.

"I have known that Ian was good at fighting. No, it was expected because of his skills but I have not known that it was at this level."

At one point, Xiao Ming wanted to be a filmmaker. That's why he has learned editing.

He wanted to make the best movies in the world. He wanted to attend the Oscars and make the world's greatest movie.

But he has given up on that dream midway.

There were many reasons behind it but the main reason was that he found it too hard. His inferiority complex also played a role in that.

But now…

'A mind blowing video.'

Seeing Ian's battle, the inner filmmaker in him was awakened.

Xiao Ming now wanted to make a V-tube video that would blow away everyone's mind.

The protagonist in the video would of course be Ian!!

* * *

"I have not seen an attack like that in a while and it was even done by a level 50 player. Just who is he?"

Clink muttered as he looked at the masked player on the ground.

'His name is Ian.'

He thought and then, his gaze lingered on the face of Rachel who was standing besides him.

She had a smile on her face as she looked at the masked player named Ian.

It looked like she was thinking about something as she was highly focused on Ian.

"Do you know that player?"

"Huh? Well, I don't know. I think I have seen him before but I can't remember when."

Rachel came out of her thoughts and lied. She was not entirely sure if the masked player and the player she had met in the public library was the same or not.

Although, she was 90% sure that the both of them were the same person.

Still, she didn't want Clink to know that.

"Anyway, Kailan guild would go after him."

"What did you say?"

"I just said that we would be recruiting that mask guy in our guild? Do you have a problem with it?"

Rachel glared at him when she heard that, but Clink was not going to back away this time.

He decided to come out strongly in order to get a player like Ian in his guild.

"We will see about that."

"Don't think that the Storm breaker guild would be able to do anything, just because it's a top guild."

"Is that so? Then, let's see who would get him."

Rachel and Clink glared at each other.

None of them wanted to back away. Ian can be the next big player in Ark. He was someone with immense potential and they wanted to capitalise his potential.

The guilds are like companies in Ark. They would not miss out on any opportunity to make profit.

"How about we make an exchange? I give up the archer and you give up on him."

Rachel said as she pointed at Ian.

"No way!! I'm not an idiot."

The difference of skill between Ian and the archer was big. The archer can't be compared to a player like Ian.

Ordinary players would only think that Ian was skilled but rankers would easily notice the level of skill.

There was not one unnecessary moment that Ian made and the way he was using his spear was exceptional.

It was like he had the soul of the Spear god.

'I can't give up on him.'

Like how honey attracts bees, Ian was someone who would attract all the top guilds.

He was the sweetest honey for them.

Clink didn't want to give up on such honey. Even if it meant offending the bow princess, Rachel.

"You are more of an idiot by rejecting my offer."

Rachel made an angry expression and then, she elegantly walked away, not giving Clink any other glance.

"We will see."

Standing alone, Clink muttered.

The battle for Ian began like that but he was still not aware of it.

* * *

'Isn't it Ian?'

Alice made a shocked expression when she saw the masked player unleashing his skill, killing the curse magician in just one strike.

The first thought she had was that the masked player was surely Ian.

She was confident of that.

There was only one guy who was close to level 50 and had godly spear skills. That was Ian.

Moreover, Alice has already seen the Spear blast scene when Ian had killed the Goblin king with it.

She can't be wrong this time. She wondered why he was wearing a mask, but she can ask about that later.

The more important reason was that Ian was taking part in the Arena.

'If it's him, then he would surely win, right?'

Alicen pondered on that question.

Ian was someone who can go against hundreds of Goblins alone. Winning the Rookies league doesn't seem like a hard thing for him.

She was sure of that because she had seen his skills closely.

If nothing unexpected happened, then Ian would be the winner of the Rookies league.

Then, won't he give an interview to her easily because of their friendship.

"What are you thinking about?"

Hans asked her when he noticed that Alice was spacing out. He looked tired from reporting about the preliminary matches.

"Ah, I'm just thinking about Ian."

"That masked player? He really has exceptional skills. I bet he would at least reach the semi finals."

Alice meekly nodded her head.

Seeing that, Hans grew suspicious and asked.

"Do you know him?"

"Huh? Who?"

"Ian. You seem like you know him. Are you friends?"

Alice licked her lips and thought how to answer. She then opened her mouth slowly.

"Yeah, we know each other and have hunted together."

Hans' face fell when he heard that. Alice wondered what was wrong with him.

"Then, it would be easier for you to get a contract with him."

'It looks like he wanted to contract Ian.'

Reporter's job is not only to broadcast. They were also tasked by their broadcasting stations to contract players to get on their shows.

Reporters can earn a heavy bonus if they can contract a ranker.

Hans had thought that Ian would become big after Arena ends. He would get some sort of popularity and Hans can get close to him and contract him.

But it looks like the contract would be taken by Alice.

"Alice, why don't you let me get the contract with Ian? I would treat you to dinner in an expensive restaurant."

Hans showed a handsome smile and asked.

He was quite handsome as a reporter and had affairs with quite a lot of female reporters.

But Alice was not the same.

'I can easily buy myself dinner in an expensive restaurant with the bonus.'

Alice thought and stopped Hans who was trying to get close to him.

"No thanks. I can buy myself dinner."

Hans' face again crumbled when Alice said that.

Alice can act like an idiot but she was at least aware of men like Hans who only use women to their use.

'I wonder what I buy with my bonus.'

'This bitch!!'

Both the thoughts of Alice and Hans were different but they still smiled at each other.

* * *

The preliminaries ended soon and the Rookies league became more heated, making the audience more excited.

Various newbie players proved their metal in the rounds.

Most of them were super rookies from various guilds that the people were seeing for the first time.

Aside from them, there were also some underdogs.

One of them was obviously Ian.

Starting from the preliminary round, he continued to win the first four rounds easily. His opponents were no match for him and he swept them away.

His popularity rose with every round and soon, he got players cheering for him.

His name would be mentioned whenever someone would start a thread on Arena or the Rookies league on the A.L.F community.

Ian was very happy with his growing popularity.

Amidst this, Xiao Ming was working day and night to end Ian's first V-tube video.

He was giving his all in that and on the weekend, a video finally dropped on V-tube.

It was Ian's first V-tube video and it spread like a wildfire as soon as it dropped.