Chapter 81. Meeting again (1)

Chapter 81. Meeting again (1)


With that sound, an arkane capsule opened up and a young guy appeared from it.

The young guy's body was full of sweat. Players would usually go take a shower after playing Ark but the young guy looked around his room.

There was no one but him in the entire room. The room was not small either. It was a huge room that people would only see in dramas and movies.


The young guy called for his butler and an old looking european looking guy came running.

He has white hair and he was dressed as a butler like those in fantasy novels and movies.

"Did you have a good time playing, young master?"

Despite having western looks, the old butler was speaking Chinese and it was fluent too, like he had been speaking it for years.

"Yeah, it was a pleasant experience. The Volcanic hound was a great monster. It helped me a lot."

"Looks like its performance is good. As expected of a monster that cost 100k USD."

The butler spoke like 100k USD was just 100 USD and the young guy also nodded his head, like it was normal.

"I should buy some more if they appeared on the market."

"Sure but there was something else…"

The young guy made a troubled face suddenly and the old butler looked at him worriedly and asked.

"What's wrong, young master?"

"It's just that it's not fun just watching monsters kill each other. I don't even have to do anything. Just standing in the back is not fun."


That was the only reason the young guy was playing Ark. He wanted to have some fun in a world, completely different than earth.

He doesn't have any other reasons. He already has enormous money because of his parents.

He doesn't have to worry about anything and can play Ark freely but he was always feeling that something was missing.

He was playing as a monster tamer. He had thought that this class was cool at first but now, he feels nothing but boredom playing as a tamer.

"Is that so? Then, I will try to find a way to…"

"It's fine. Father would be angry if I asked for more money. You can go now. I will go have a shower."

He had already asked for more than 1 million USD in the last two months.

Even if they were rich, it was still not a small amount. Anymore and he would probably face the anger of his father.

"Okay, young master."

Sebas bowed his head slightly and left the room.

The young guy stood up after Sebas had left and walked up to the bathroom. He took a shower and changed his clothes.

After showering, the young guy started scrolling through his phone.

There were many messages on his phone and most of them were sent by his so-called 'friends'.

He casually dismissed them and opened up his laptop.

'They just want to take advantage of me.'

He was the only heir of a conglomerate that operates on the Global level. There were tons of people who wanted to befriend him, but only because of his standing.

Just because of that, he didn't have a single friend.

"Let's browse through the A.L.F community..."

The young guy dismissed those thoughts and started looking at the post trending on the A.L.F community.

Most of these posts were either about rankers, the new regions and monsters, and the hottest topic going around in Ark, Arena.

The young guy started looking at some Arena posts and soon, his eyes got struck to a post.

The title of the posts was simple but the thumbnail attracted him. He clicked on the link given in the post by curiosity and he got directed to V-tube.

The name of the V-tube video was: 'Sweeping through the preliminary'

It was somewhat of a clickbait title and it was only one since it had been uploaded but it already has 1.2k views on it.

That number seemed small but it was really big for a new V-tube channel that was created just a day ago.

'Let's see what it is.'

The young guy started the video with curiosity but he was sure that he would get bored after a minute.

But he was wrong!

The start of the video was slow and the fight didn't start in the first 30 seconds but it shifted from boring to exciting in just a second.

The masked player's first opponent was a warrior and the fight was pretty good. The young guy was also impressed by his skills.

Especially the spear skills.

But the highlight of the video was when the masked player tried to dodge the three lightning arrows.

People watching it live would think that it was an amazing thing but after Xiao Ming's editing, the scene was just like a scene from a Hollywood blockbuster movie.

Xiao Ming had specifically used slow motion when Ian was dodging the lightning arrows.

The scene would quickly move to the normal speed after Ian would dodge the arrows.

The viewer's expression would be the same as the archer getting killed in the video.



The young guy muttered with a stunned expression. He focused on the video with great concentration.

Ian's was blocking the bone spears of the curse magician. Xiao Ming had edited this scene specifically to not make it boring.

V-tube videos were generally between 5-15 minutes and it was necessary to edit it in a way that can stop the viewers from getting bored.

'Who is this masked guy? He's so cool!!'

The young guy thought as he watched the last scene played out.

Ian used his spear blast skill and completely destroyed the curse magician.

It was simply an OP skill!!

"Ian? His name is Ian."

The young guy muttered after seeing the video. He was feeling a type of excitement that he hadn't felt even while hunting those ferocious monsters.

In his excitement, he watched the video two times more and even liked it.

Then, he took a look at the comments section.

[Sundry Merchant: That was so awesome!! How can he dodge those arrows?]

[I sleep with a guy: The final attack was like a giant wave of mana unleashed at once. What was that skill? I will buy it no matter what.]

[My dad is a doctor: Wasn't it similar to sword blast? I think I have seen rankers using that skill.]

[Too pretty to die: No matter what, it was awesome. I'm subscribing to his channel.]

[Arena warrior: I didn't know that Ian would open his V-tube channel. I'm his big fan!]

[I don't care: I saw that masked dude in the Arena. Never thought he was this good.]

[Mazy: Do anyone know his class?]

[I'm my son motherfu**er: Isn't it a spearman or a warrior? Or maybe it's a rare class.]

[Justin: Maybe it's a hidden class?]

[Beiber: Probably not? He's exceptional but I doubt that he has a hidden class.]

[Dream is my nightmare: How can he move like that.]

[Seven years: What's with this channel's name? It doesn't make sense no matter how I think.]

[Insts: I would follow him from now on.]

[Alaijhu: I already subscribed to his channel. Hoping for him to win the Arena.]

[My foot is black: Is he in a guild?]

[Fangirl: I wonder what he looks like. He must be handsome.]

There were all sorts of comments there and the young guy happily read all of them.

After reading the comments, he scrolled up and played the video again to take a look at it one last time.

'How can he move like that?'

The young guy thought as he saw Ian fighting the warrior with his spear. His spear skills have made him more popular.

The young guy wished that he could have spear skills like that but even he knows that he can't get them easily.

After finishing the video, he scrolled down and took a look at Ian's channel name.

'The name is certainly weird.'

He thought as he stared at the channel's name.

The Returnee?

What type of name was that? Where was he returning from? There were many questions in his mind but there was no way of knowing the answers.

That's why, the young guy just subscribed to Ian's channel and closed his laptop.

Then, he stood up and walked towards his arkane capsule.

'I wonder if I would be able to become as skilled as Ian.'

The young guy thought and laid down in the capsule.

* * *


Ian yawned as he looked at the battle going on in the Arena.

It was already the seventh round and the player who would win this round would go straight to the semi finals.

More than half of the rookies league has already ended and the audience was getting excited for the semi finals and the finals.

"You didn't have much sleep?"

Ian turned his head to see Ria sitting besides him. He shook his head and said.

"No, I was looking through the videos of other players. I have to be careful since my opponents are getting stronger every round."

"Yeah but you are still winning."

Ria said with an expression of admiration.

Ian just smiled seeing that. He was already used to it.

"Not only me. Even Wayn has managed to reach the seventh round."


Ian had thought that Wayn had improved but it was surprising that he was able to reach the seventh round.

His luck was really good.

"By the way, it looks like your video is getting a good response."

Ria suddenly shifted the topic to his V-tube video.

"Yeah, the response is really good."

His V-tube channel reached 10k subscribers yesterday. It had happened faster than he had thought.

The trending topic of Arena was helping him more than he had thought.

"Is Xiao Ming still editing your videos?"

"Yeah, I told him to stop but he said that he wanted to edit two more videos of my fight and upload it. He's working hard."

Ian had realised that Xiao Ming's editing skills were way better than he had thought.

He was really thankful to him.


As he was talking to Ria, there was a sudden cheer in the audience. He looked down and saw that the fight was over.

Ian stood up seeing that.

"Good luck in your match. I know you would win."


His match was next. He have to be on the ground.

Ian walked towards the ground and looked at his status.

* * *

Job: Jobless

Disposition: Neutral

Title: Rising newbie, Master hunter, Nature cook, Demonic bat killer...

Fame: 9286

HP: 7300/7300

MP: 3120/3120

Satiety: 100%

Strength: 101 (+20)

Agility: 99 (+20)

Stamina: 72 (+20)

Intelligence: 27(+20)

Vitality: 59(+20)

Mana: 21 (+20)

Luck: 15 (+20)

Remaining points: 0

* * *

After taking a look at his status, Ian walking on the Arena ground.

A loud cheer erupted as soon as he entered the ground. Ian has already made a name for himself in the Arena.

"You are going to die today."

His opponent spoke in a loud voice and Ian looked towards him.

A slight ripple appeared in his calm expression when he saw who his opponent was.

His opponent noticed that something was strange. Ian's face was hidden by a mask. So, he can't point out what.

"Are you scared of me? You should naturally be scared of…"

"Shut up!!"

Ian said and glared at his opponent.

'It's the same bastard.'

His opponent was someone Ian had killed in the past. He was the PKer from the Black skulls guild.