Chapter 83. The finals (1)

Chapter 83. The finals (1)

The Arena has started with thousands of players participating in it, both in the Rookies league and the Masters league.

The Master league was getting more attention from the people in the beginning but the interest of the people soon shifted to the Rookies league.

People felt that the Rookies league was way more exciting than the Masters league and there was a sense of freshness in it.

Watching new players showing exceptional skills was a great experience for the viewers.

The broadcasting station also noticed this and focused their attention on the Rookies league.

It made the Rookies league more popular!!

"Hello, everyone. I'm your favourite reporter Alice."

"I'm Reporter Hans. Hope you all are well."

Alice and Hans were in the Arena and they were broadcasting live.

The semi finals were about to begin in sometime. Both of them were talking about who would advance in the finals.

"The first semi final would be between Ian and Heiss."

"Yeah, these two players have shown exceptional performances till now and they have both advanced in the semi finals."

The photos of both Ian and Heiss appeared on the screen.

Ian's face was hidden by a mask and Heiss was a blonde haired guy with a round face.

He looked handsome and he was from America.

"Alice, who do you think would win the first semi final?"

Hans turned around and asked her with a smile on his face.

"I think it would be Ian."

"Why do you think that?"

"No one knew him when he had first entered the Arena but his skills have won the hearts of the viewers. Especially his spear skills, many people have switched to spears after seeing his spear skills."

Alice said with a bright smile. She was just reading the script but inwardly, she also wished for Ian to win.

"Well, I don't think that."

Hans said as he shook his head.

"So, are you supporting Heiss?"

"Yes, he's a super rookie from Storm breaker guild and all of his battles were quick. He is known for finishing the battle quickly."

"That is correct but I still think Ian has a higher chance of winning."

Hans and Alice continued to argue, according to the script. Their acting skills were really good as it really felt like they were arguing.

Being a reporter also means that one should have a camera presence and some acting skills.

"Why don't we ask the players present here about who would win?"

Alice replied positively to this sudden proposal.

"Let's do that."

Both of them started interviewing players who were present there.

Some of them said that Ian would win but the majority said that Heiss would win.

This was the power of a super rookie. He has a lot of fans compared to Ian who has just started making a name.

Having a guild backing and not having one create a major difference between Ian and Heiss.

"I think that Heiss would win. He's so handsome!!"

An excited female player said. She was the 27th player to say that Heiss would win this battle.

Hans smiled as he talked to her more.

On the other hand, Alice just stood there. She was supporting Ian, so hearing that the majority was supporting Heiss put her in a bad mood.

'I hope Ian wins.'

She wished in her heart.

* * *

"Thank you for coming here."


Klein smiled awkwardly when he saw the bow princess, Rachel's nonchalant, expressionless face.

They were currently standing in the Arena and the semi finals were about to start soon.

"So, is the rookie really good? What was his name again? Hess?"

"His name is Heiss and yeah, he's good. You won't be disappointed by his performance."

Klien said quickly.

The woman before him was the guild leader of the Storm Breaker guild but everyone knows that she rarely takes part in the administrative processes.

The administration was mostly handled by the vice guild leader.

Even the reason Rachel was here today was because she was in Arth. She was still finding clues about her quest.

The reason Klein has called her today was for her to take a look at Heiss, the super rookie Klein has groomed.

If Heiss can interest Rachel, then his standing in the guild would be secure.

Klein would also receive benefits If that happens.

"So, who is his opponent?"

Rachel was too busy in her quest to focus on Arena. So, she didn't know who Heiss was fighting.

"It's a player named Ian. I have done a background check and he's not connected to any guild. Apart from his skills, he also wears a mask..."


Rachel's eyes suddenly shined when she heard the name of Ian.

Her blank face got some expressions as she thought that coming here was not a bad choice.

'Is something wrong?'

Klein was surprised seeing Rachel's expression.

Her eyes suddenly got interested. It was a completely different face than what she had made when he was talking about Heiss.

"Do you know Ian?"

That was the only conclusion Klein can make and it was spot on too.

"Yes, he's a player I'm interested in."


An explosion rang in his mind when he heard that.

For a moment, he felt that he had heard wrong but there was nothing wrong with his hearing.

The bow princess was personally interested in a player and it was an unknown and newbie player to booth.

This was the first time something like this has happened.

"Is he strong?"

Klein asked with a worried expression.

If Ian was really strong, then Heiss would have a hard time. His plan would fail if that happened.

"Why are you worried? Aren't you confident in this Heiss?"

"I'm confident but I just…"

"We will know who is stronger after the battle."

Rachel cut in and said.

Klein got more worried after that. He had called Rachel here to make her impressed but there were chances that it would not go according to his plan.

'Just what type of player is this Ian?'

He thought in his mind.

He had seen some matches of Ian but he just thought that he was an above average player and that he was lucky.

But it looks like he was wrong.

'Heiss won't lose, right?'

With that worry in his mind, Klein looked at the Arena grounds.

* * *


Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Ian entered the Arena's ground.

He had already gotten used to the cheers of the audience and learned to ignore them.

Giving too much attention to the cheers can take away your focus from the battle and that can lead to losing the battle.

That's why, Ian promptly ignored the cheers but he found something strange in the cheers today.

"Go kick his ass, Heiss."

"Kill him quickly!! You are the best."

"Defeat him in one strike."

Today, the majority of the cheers were not for him but his opponent.

Ian looked towards his opponent after hearing all those words. His opponent was thoroughly enjoying the cheers directed to him.

From what he remembers, his opponent's name is Heiss.

He is a blonde American and also a super rookie. It was the first time Ian was against a super rookie. So, he was looking forward to the battle.

But the cheers of the audience made him mood sour.

"Hey, mask guy. Why don't you just surrender?"

"It would be easier for you to surrender now than to face a humiliating death."

"You can't defeat God Heiss!!"

'What God?'

Ian scoffed when he heard all that but he still remained calm. Heiss may have the support of the crowd but that doesn't mean he was stronger than Ian.

"Haha, you must be Ian. Nice to meet you."

Heiss finally spotted Ian and put out a hand towards him.

"It's nice to meet you too."

As a basic courtesy, Ian shook his head but the expression on Heiss's face made him uncomfortable.

'He looks like he can already see his victory.'

Heiss's face looked punchable to Ian but he just smiled.

"I apologise if you got hurt during the battle. I don't show mercy to my opponents."

"Ah, I understand."

Ian hid his true expression as he said that.

The system message appeared at that moment.

Ian and Heiss quickly took their positions and brought out their weapons. Heiss has a longsword in his hands.

As soon as that message appeared before Heiss, he plunged at Ian with full strength.

He was known for being aggressive from the start. He thought that Ian would get confused with such an attack but nothing like that happened.

It was just a basic attack but Ian elegantly dodge it. His refined movements surprised Heiss.

He has earlier seen Ian fight but fighting up close was a different experience altogether.

"Flying dragon sword art."

Heiss quickly used his skill.

His sword literally changed into a ferocious dragon as it plunged at Ian, wanting to eat him alive.

"Vital thrust."

Ian also used his skill and blocked the first attack.

But the flying dragon sword art was a combo of 12 moves. One by one, Heiss continued to show every move.

'No wonder he's a super rookie.'

Ian thought as he tried to block the attacks but even he was only able to block only 9 moves.

Heiss's sword cut into his flesh three times.

Those messages appeared in front of Ian and he quickly used his trump card - Triple thrust.

It seemed like the surroundings had grown slower. Only Ian's spear was moving rapidly.

He first thrusted his spear upwards, hitting just below Heissl's neck.

Then, in just a sudden second, he turned his body around, striking Heiss's chest with the pole part of the spear.

A pained growl leaked out of Heiss's mouth but before he could respond, Ian went on to make the final strike.

'What's going on?'

He was not even able to make sense. All he saw was a ferocious beast coming for his neck.

"Triple thrust!!!"

Ian backed up a step back and lowered his body, then he thrusted towards Heiss's neck with a devastating strike.

His armour was able to save him from getting killed, but he still got thrown on the ground.

He was just like a marionette that had his strings cut.

"Gwack, what attack was that?"

Heiss thought as he tried to get up but before he could do it, a punch came flying for his face.


He again fell to the ground.

At that instant, Ian stabbed his spear through the gap between Heiss helmet and armor.


Like threading a string through a needle-hole, Ian's spear dug through the smallest gap.

Thanks to the chainmail covering his skin, Heiss was able to stop the sword from penetrating his neck.

However, the power of Ian and his spear wasn't something an inner-armor like a chainmail could block perfectly.

Ian's swear pierced through the chainmail and damaged Heiss.

It went straight for his neck.

Stab! Stab!

It was a gruesome sight as Ian started stabbing Heiss's neck. The damage started growing and Heiss started to panic.

He tried to get up. He tossed his body and even tried using his legs.

Because of his strength, he was able to get up. At that moment, he felt a large force tackling him.

It felt like a bull crashing down on him but it was just Ian.

Heiss body flung into the air and crashed into the wall. He felt dizzy like the world was rotating around him.

"Let's end this!!"

Ian gripped his spear and rushed towards him.