Chapter 84. The finals (2)

Chapter 84. The finals (2)

"It's going to end soon."

Rachel muttered as she saw Ian thrusting his spear at Heiss. He was barely able to block it and staggered.

From the start, Heiss has no chances of winning the match, but Rachel hasn't thought that he would lose this miserably.

"It looks like he isn't that special."

Rachel turned towards Klein and said.

"Ah, Well, he…"

Klein was already stupefied seeing Heiss' condition in the battle.

He had never thought that he won't even be able to stand properly. All the expectations he had with Heiss crumbled in an instant.

'Who is this monster?'

At the same, Klein looked at Ian who was furiously attacking Heiss, giving him no chance of counterattack.

He had thought that Ian would be strong since he had reached the semi finals and he was also the player Rachel was interested in.

But he had never imagined him to be this much of a monster.

'He's like a veteran who has taken part in several wars. Was he in the special forces?'

Klein was an ex army officer in reality and he thought that Ian was the same as him.

His reasoning was logical but it was also wrong at the same time. Of course, Klein thought otherwise.

"Who is Ian? Was he in the special forces? He looks like he is experienced in battles."

Unable to contain his curiosity, he looked at Rachel and asked.

He thought that Rachel must know about him, as she knew Ian, but she shook her head.

"I don't know."


"I don't know much about him. I just know that he's special."

'Special? What type of nonsense is that?'

Klein thought in his mind, but he didn't say those words out loud. He didn't want his head to lie on the ground.

"So, are you going to recruit him?"

Rachel didn't reply immediately but she ultimately nodded her head.

"Find out information about him with the help of the information network. Send him an invitation too."


Klein replied quickly.

In his mind, he was pondering on Rachel's relationship with Ian. She didn't know much about him. So, it was safe to assume that they were not friends.

Then, what was it?

Klein felt that Rachel was more than just interested in Ian.

'Could it be?'

A strange thought appeared in his mind at that moment.

'It can be that she likes him!'

The more he thought about it, the more he was sure of it. Rachel was a young girl in the end.

It was normal for her to like someone. She was too cold and had rejected countless proposals from guys.

There were rumours about her being a lesbian, but Klein didn't believe those rumours.

The probability that she likes Ian was more.

"It finally ended."

Klein came out of his thoughts when he heard that. He looked towards the ground and noticed that the battle was already over.

Ian had easily won this battle.

"Send an invitation to him quickly. That piece of cake would attract many flies soon. We have to hurry."


Klein repeatedly nodded his head and Rachel began to walk away.

"Then, what about Heiss?"

He suddenly asked and immediately regretted it. Rachel steps stopped and she glanced at Klein.

"Do I have to specifically tell you that?"

"Ah, no, I understand."

Rachel walked away after that.

Standing alone, Klein sighed as he thought that the bright future he saw for Heiss had crumbled.

* * *

Those messages appeared in front of Ian as he saw Heiss body vanishing in front of him.

He felt happy that he had reached the finals. Now, he was just one step away from the rewards given by the king himself.

'I wonder what type of reward would I get.'

As Ian was thinking about it, the whole crowd in the Coliseum was restless.

They hadn't expected Heiss to lose and he had even lost in a miserable manner. They were thinking of him as a tiger, but he was nothing more than a cat in front of Ian.

"What the heck? What was even that?"

"Was Heiss always this weak?"

"No, I think it's just Ian who is more powerful. Didn't you see his combo attacks and how ruthless he was."

"He was just awesome!"

"I'm going to change my weapon into a spear from now on."

"Me too!!"

There were players that thought that Ian was cool and praised him, but they were also players who thought he was ruthless.

These were mostly the female fans of Heiss.

"Wasn't he too ruthless?"

"Yeah, I'm worried that Heiss would get a trauma from this."

"He's just a bastard!! How dare he treat Heiss like that."

Most of the players in the crowd choose to ignore mumblings like this. They were just baseless.

What ruthless? What trauma?

It was a battle and it was not like Heiss had died for real. It was a battle and the only thing that matters is winning.

'I should eat something.'

Ian ignored all the mumblings of the crowd and looked at his decreasing satiety.

He left the Arena ground after that.