
Time had passed by and currently, Arthur has just turned eighteen, Velvet six. Arthur has just begun his third year of high school while Velvet has just entered kindergarten. 

His daily routine didn't change much, other than dropping Velvet at her school every morning. And then his grandfather would pick Velvet up in the afternoon when her school ends.

It was until April 20th 2020 where the meteor incident occurred in the world. The incident that had changed Arthur's world to be completely dark. 

The incident happened in the afternoon when these grandparent and grandchildren decided to have a walk near the city park. It has been awhile since they had a walk and a change of pace. 

The weather was just nice as the sun was about to set. Arthur, Velvet and their grandfather decided to call it a day and go home. 

Just as they were walking, they suddenly saw something shocking. 

In the orange-ish afternoon sky, there were many meteors that could be seen with naked eyes!

"Whoa! Look!"

"So beautiful!"

(A/n: insert song Sparkle)

"Bu-but... why do I feel those meteors are heading towards earth?"

"That's right! There aren't any news about any sighting of meteors?! There were too many meteors!"

The meteors fell at a visible speed to the naked eyes. Burning fiercely in the sky as they descend from the vast orange-ish sky.

"No-not good! They are coming closer! We need to evacuate!"

The people started to recognize the dire situation they were in. They hurriedly leave the park. Every street was filled with crowds running and screaming.

Even the people that were inside the buildings could hear the commotion outside. When they realized what was happening, they hurriedly told other people to run and follow the masses.

Arthur carried Velvet on his back as the three of them ran hurriedly.

"Let's go to the police post! Maybe they know what to do!"


When they arrived at the nearest police post, the five police officers who were on duty at that time were busy, giving out instructions. Using a megaphone, they tried to calm the panicky crowd. 

"Don't push other people! Go help everyone and run towards the west! All people! Go to the west! Just follow Rose Street! The police will help you evacuate!"

The traffic was in chaos. Many people were in panic. People running on the streets, making the streets jammed and packed with people. The cars couldn't get through at all.

"To all people, leave your cars here and start running!" The police made another remark as they ran and help people out.

The meteors were getting closer and not long after, the meteor crashed.


A very loud noise could be heard from the park. Smoke and dirt kicked to the air as the surface shook uncontrollably. The force of the impact blew everything away on its surroundings. Cars and trees were thrown away and landed on nearby buildings. Destroying anything that stood on its way.

"WHOA! what an impact!"

"That meteor just crashed in the park! Glad I made it..."

The people were discussing like crazy, they were curious about it, but at the same time were still in panic. 

"How is the condition? Any casualties?"

"We don't know yet, requesting back up!"

The police were using their walkie talkie to report the situation. Arthur heard them and he didn't know what to do at the moment. They had just experienced something so unforgettable.


"It's okay, Velvet. We are fine, we will be just fine."

"Kids, keep close to me, don't get separated."

"Yes, grandpa." Arthur nodded his head.

Few minutes later, the rest of the police force arrived. The traffic was horrendous, hence probably the reason why they could not get to the area sooner. There were many curious bystanders who had no clue on what's going on. Thus, there was a huge crowds appearing nearby. 

There were only three meteors that fell to the park, each was around 5 meters tall and 4 meters wide.

The police put up a police line a hundred meters from the meteors. They set it around the meteors to prevent the civilians from getting near it.

When the police was about to check the meteors, suddenly one of the meteors' outer layers began to crack. It revealed shiny crystals inside. It was so bright and beautiful. People close-by were bewitched by its beauty, looking so amazing. 

"Whoa... so... great."

"Can we touch it?"

One of the policemen could feel that there was something wrong about the crystal. He wasn't sure but he could feel it by his instinct. 

He was a young man, who appeared to be in his thirties. He was tall with broad shoulders and thin beard. With his sun-kissed skin, round black eyes and short black hair, he looked quite young than his age. 

He then shouted, 

"What is that? This is really weird, even the NASA couldn't detect the meteors and fell to the earth. Don't get too near with i—"

Just before he could finish his sentence, the policemen who were investigating the meteor behind the police line began to act strangely.

"UGHHH!" They held their heads tightly, their bodies were shaking uncontrollably and then they fell to the ground.

"What? What happened?!"

"Someone, go get them!"

At the same time, Arthur felt his heart to beat faster. It beats so hard that it felt like it was going to explode.

"Ugh... what the hell happened to my heart..." Thought Arthur. Cold sweat slid down his forehead, it was so hot for him. It's like he's having a really bad fever all of a sudden.

Feeling that his brother's body was boiling hot, Velvet who was still on his back asked as she tilted her head to the side. "What's wrong, brother? Do you have a fever? Your body suddenly became so hot and you keep sweating."

"Ugh, I don't know..." he smiled to Velvet and put her down, "grandpa, please take care of Velvet, I feel weak all of a sudden."

"Are you okay?" His grandfather asked with concern. He placed his hand on Arthur's forehead and was surprised. Arthur looked so pale, panting heavily. "you are boiling hot! What happened?!"

"I don't know... but I feel like I need to calm myself down. Please take care of Velvet for awhile. Tell me if something happens."

His grandfather took Velvet's hand, "stay close to grandpa, okay?" Seeing Velvet nodded her tiny head, his grandfather turned to Arthur again, "how about we ask the doctors there?"

"No, there is no need..."

His grandfather then looked around and noticed that there were some people who were having the same problem as Arthur. They went panting heavily as if it was hard for them to breath. Their complexion was white as paper. 

"What the hell is happening...? I have a bad feeling about this. After Arthur is alright, we have to get away from here." he thought grimly.

The other policemen began to feel panic and worried. They wanted to leave the area too. 

The police officer from before, too, noticed the people around him. Some of the civilians were acting strange. Although they were still conscious, their complexion was extremely pale. 

He gritted his teeth and shouted again. 

"Stop! Don't go! We need to investigate more. Something's not right here!"

"What? Look at them, they need help! Doctors, please go!"

The doctors from the ambulances that arrived with the police rushed over.

"Yes! Bring the stretchers!"

"No! Don't! Listen to me! It seems like those crystals are the cause of all this!" The police officer tried to convince the doctors and nurses.

"We need to help them! If you don't want to help, then shut up!"

"Listen! There must be something wrong! They became like that because they were close to the crystals!"

But his warning was ignored. The doctors and nurses ran to the police officers that were unconscious. Even his colleagues stared at him with a contempt look on their faces.

"Ugh... there is no way I can convince them..." thought the police officer, feeling frustrated.

When the doctors and nurses arrived at the scene, they hurriedly checked the unconscious police men's conditions. But when they checked their pulse, they were shocked to find that it was beating so fast as if the veins looked like they were about to explode.

Not long after, the doctors and nurses were experiencing the same symptoms as the unconscious policemen. they gripped their heads in pain and their bodies shook uncontrollably.



"I told you! Don't get near those crystals!" He shouted again. He then jumped and gets on top of a car and grabbed a megaphone from his colleague. 

"Civilians, proceed to evacuate now! This area is now deemed as dangerous! I need you to walk further towards the west! Just follow the Rose Street! Don't panic and walk in order!" He looked at the other doctor and nurses who were waiting inside in the ambulances. 

"You should check on the people, it seems that some civilians caught the problem too!"


The doctors and nurses began to do medical check up on the civilians, which include Arthur. 

"It's as if their body was boiling! It could be above 40 degrees by now!"

"What?! It happened at the same time. But only around 6 to 8 people? What is the meaning of this?" The police officer was confused.

The people started to walk with the police's guidance. But Velvet and her grandfather stayed behind with Arthur. The other people's relatives also stayed with their loved ones that had the same fever like Arthur.

Not long after, the policemen, doctors, and nurses that were unconscious near the crystals stood up slowly. But they seemed to be lifeless, as their bodies shook uncontrollably.

"He-hey! Are you guys okay?" A policeman outside the police line shouted.

But no one answered. They turned their body around, revealing bloodshot eyes. They were drooling and their veins bulging. It was a scary sight.

"AAAAAARGH!" All of them shouted in unison, some were running while the others walked.

"Everyone! Ready to shoot!" The police officer who sensed the danger from earlier shouted.