Dire Situation (1)

"Hurry! Let's move the sick people! There might be a chance that they can be saved! Get into the ambulance!" The police officer shouted as he ordered the doctors and the sick people's relatives because the other civilians had already been evacuating with the police's help.


Arthur's grandfather turned to Velvet and grabbed her tiny waist to carry her up. "Velvet! Let's get inside the ambulance too!" 

Velvet nodded, looking scared with all the commotions.


The people who got infected and changed, were getting closer to the police officers, who were trying to maintain order outside the police line.

"These people are not the people you know anymore! Just shoot them!" With his trembling hands, he aimed at his former colleagues that were acting like crazy people. His instinct told him to pull the trigger.

The other police officers were in a quandary. They weren't sure what to do. Seeing their colleagues' faces, they do not have the heart to pull the trigger.

"Come on! Shoot! I can't handle this many!"

"Bu—But! Maybe we can do some—"

"BANG! BANG!" The police officer, who ordered the shooting earlier, pulled the trigger instead. He managed to shoot two down in the head, with blood gushing out, painting the ground red.

"YOU HAVE TO! DON'T JUST STAND LIKE THAT!" He shouted as cold sweat fell from his forehead.

With his trembling hands raising the gun up in front of him, the other police officer shouted at one of the infected police officers, "Jo-- John! Come on! Snap out of--- ARGHHH!!"

The infected police officers, doctors and nurses were getting closer. And soon after, they jumped and bit those uninfected on either their necks or shoulders.



"FOOLS!" Cursed the police officer who had given orders earlier. He gritted his teeth and ran towards the nearest ambulance. He jumped in and sat at the front passenger seat. With the megaphone from earlier l, he shouted into it, directing it to outside the window.


"O—okay!" With cold sweat sliding down his forehead, the ambulance driver hurriedly stepped on the gas pedal.

"Turn left to Lilith Street!" Said the police officer.

Earlier, he noticed that most of the people were running towards Rose street, which may be crowded. Hence why he suggested using Lilith street. 

Some roads were also closed since it led to the meteors' locations.   

"Just go, as fast as you can! We need more help!" He shouted as he peeked outside from the window.

Some of the infected had already reached some of the ambulances. There were more people who got bitten, that started to scream. Shortly after, they, too, have the same symptoms.

"They're getting faster! We need to be faster!" The police officer urged as he looked via the side mirror.


"Re-report! We need to pull back now, the situation is out of control!"

"We can't handle them! They are too many! Please send rein— ARGH!"

They were the voices from the police officer's walkie talkie. 

"D*mn," the police officer cursed under his breath. "Seems like it's happening in other locations as well." he then grabbed his walkie talkie.

"Reporting in. This is Officer Brad. We'll be heading towards the nearest hospital from Suwa Park with the other ambulances. We'll be bringing along the surviving people with us. There are other people who went west with the other police officers. 

"From what I can understand, these people who got infected were due to the bite from those who got near the crystals. And once they get bitten, they will get infected and will start to attack!"

"Officer Brad, please change your channel to xx.xx4. The Head of the Police Department of Hilva City wants to talk with you."

"Okay!" Without wasting time, he quickly changed the channel, "Report, this is Officer Brad Tylone!"

"This is Mark Vlint, the Head of Police Department. I got the red line of the situation from the cctv cameras, but I want to know the situation in detail!"

Officer Brad quickly told the Head about the situation and how it had happened. He also mentioned people who suddenly had high fever, even though they were healthy earlier.

"It seems that I received the same reports from other officers in other locations as well. They told me about the meteors with the crystals and how people who got near them would get the symptoms that you mentioned earlier." 

The Head, Mark Vlint went silent for a while before he continued,

"Okay, so we need to keep distance for about a hundred metres radius from those crystals and don't get bitten by the infected people or you will turn like them… infected people would attack any other uninfected people on sight..."

"Yes, Sir! Those are the most important points I learnt for now!"

"Okay I got it. For now, bring those people with you to the nearest hospital!"

"Roger! But what about the other civilians?"

"I will do something about it, you just have to focus on your task now!"

"Yes, Sir!"

Shortly after, they were about to arrive at the nearest hospital but unfortunately, the street was packed with cars, making it difficult for the ambulance to enter.

Officer Brad let out a long breath of frustration. "Dang it. It's really packed!" He then told the driver to go right to Lilith street.


At the cabin of the ambulance, the doctor and nurse were tending to a patient.

"How is the patient?" Officer Brad asked, turning his head to the back.

The patient was actually Arthur, accompanied by his grandfather and sister.

Arthur was now lying on the bed, trembling as if he was having a nightmare. He kept sweating as well.

"He's in a half—sleep state! I gave him external treatment for his fever!"

Officer Brad rubbed his temples, feeling frustrated at how weak he was. It was something new to him and there wasn't much he could do but to guide them to safety. 'The heck is happening right now?!' he mumbled. "They were humans and then suddenly they became crazy!"

"What should we do, doctor? Why don't you give him some medicine to intake?" Arthur's grandfather asked with a worry look on his face.

"No, it will only make things worse. Look at his lips, it's so dry just like he was dehydrated. And if we make him drink something, it might go to his respiratory system instead."

"So what should we do right now? Is he going to be okay...?"

"We have to use infused water, so the faster we arrive at the hospital, the better."

There was a crossroad up ahead, so when the ambulance turned left, there was another car from the right coming in at high speed.


Everyone quickly held on to their seatbelts tight. Arthur was tied to a stretcher so it was fine for him. Both doctor and nurses held on to the stretcher as well so that it won't move a lot.

Arthur's grandfather embraced Velvet really tight.


There were broken glasses everywhere. The car flew far as it hit the sidewalk and turned. It crashed into a nearby store whereas the ambulance crashed into the traffic light. The traffic light fell, nearly crashing several cars that parked at the side.

The world felt like it was spinning. His sight became blurry as he felt something was stabbing his head with a spear. The headache was so painful that Arthur became conscious. 

"Ugh... where am I?" Arthur slowly opened his eyes and realized that he was in the stretcher, tied. Apparently, other than him, the others had fallen unconscious.

"Grandpa! Velvet! Wake up!" He shouted, he then turned his head and continued, "hey everyone, wake up!"

"Ugh…" Arthur's grandfather groaned as he placed a hand on his head. "Arthur, are you okay?"

"Yes... are you okay, grandpa?" 

His grandfather nodded. He then turned to his side and saw his granddaughter stirring in his arms. He managed to grab Velvet into his arms, protecting her from the danger. "Seems like Velvet is alright as well."

"Wuuu! I'm scared grandpa! Wuu…" Velvet was crying, she was terrified by the accident.

"It's alright child, grandpa is here." Arthur's grandfather tried to calmed her down.

Arthur nodded, a look of relief on his face. "It's okay, Velvet… don't cry." He turned to the doctor and nurse, who had just regained consciousness. 

"Oh, you finally woke up," the nurse said, smiling weakly. She turned to the doctor and said, "We should bring him immediately to the hospital."

The doctor nodded.

"But can you untie these first?" Arthur asked, gesturing at the belts that were tying him to the stretcher.


Both the doctor and nurse quickly untied him while his grandfather helped Velvet out of the ambulance.

Once untied, the doctor immediately placed his arm around Arthur's shoulder, helping him out of the ambulance. The nurse followed behind. He then looked over to where the police officer and driver were.

"Officer Brad, Mr. Frank!" he called out. "Are you two alright?"

He then heard a low groan from the front. And moments later, Officer Brad stepped out of the ambulance. He was still a bit dizzy from the crash as he winced. He slowly shook his head, trying to get rid of the dizziness and said, "Yeah… let's get out of here." 

The other ambulances that were behind stopped. The people inside the ambulances quickly got off and headed towards Arthur and the others to help them. "Hey! Are you all alright?"

It was kind of a miracle that Arthur and the others managed to survive with only minor injuries, even though the crash was terrible.

It was already evening where the moon stayed hidden behind the clouds. The wind was chilly as it blew over the streets and roads. Despite this, there were other unrelated people on the street, gathering near the crashed ambulance, trying to find out what had happened.

Just as Arthur and the others got out of the ambulance, there were some who went to check on the crashed car.

Unfortunately, the car driver did not survive the crash.

Officer Brad looked grave when he heard the news. He quickly told Arthur and the others to get into the other ambulance.

"But, Sir! What about him?"

"There is no time! Do you know how dire our situation i—"



Officer Brad and the others whirled around and saw many people were heading towards them, screaming in panic.

"They're here already?! How fast is the spread?!" Brad knitted his brows and shouted.

He quickly grabbed a megaphone from inside the crashed ambulance and shouted,