Dire Situation (2)

"What on earth happened?!"

"Not sure! But I keep hearing people shouting to run away!"

Many people started to run as the scene around them became more chaotic. But they were still confused, not knowing what really happened. They could only follow the instructions given to them.


He then turned to the group of doctors and nurses, who were standing by. "I need you all to go to the hospital right now! We will take care of the situation here!"

The doctors and nurses nodded their heads. They hurriedly rushed towards their respective ambulance.

Arthur and his family, who were nearby, also went to one of the ambulances.

"Ugh! what the freak is happening right now?!"

"Agh! What should we do?!"

"Let's just go to the nearest hospital as that officer said!"

"What's going to happen? My wife is pregnant, and she's still at home..."

The people who were already inside the ambulances were in the state of panic. They began to worry about their family and more.

Velvet, who was sitting on her grandfather's lap, looked scared as she looked around her. Tears were sliding down her cheeks as she could not comprehend what was going on. Her body and her hands were trembling in fear as she looked up at her grandfather.

"Grandpa, will we be alright?" she asked with a trembling voice. She was still crying as she gripped her grandfather's sleeve tightly.

Her grandfather gently patted her head, giving a small smile and embraced her to calm her down. "Don't worry, child. Grandpa is here to protect you. So don't cry anymore."

Behind them, Arthur was sitting quietly. His head still feels a bit painful. It felt like there's a huge boulder sitting on top of his head. The headache came every two to three minutes, which was a bit stressful.

Noticing that his grandson was being quiet, he turned around with a worried look on his face. "Are you alright, Arthur?" his grandfather asked.

"Ah—I'm fine, it's just that my head feels a bit dizzy and heavy."

"Rest for a bit." His grandfather told him.

He then turned to the doctor who had tended to Arthur earlier. "How is the patient who had the same symptoms as my grandson?" he asked.

The inside of the ambulance was packed. There were two doctors and nurses and other than Arthur and his family, there was another patient.

The other patient hadn't woken up since he was brought to the ambulance. Similar to Arthur earlier, he kept sweating non-stop.

The nurse turned to Arthur and asked with concern, "Are you alright now, young man?"

Arthur weakly nodded. "Yes, thank you. It seems like my temperature has gone down too."

"Eh? But we didn't do much before, can I check it?"

"Uh, okay, sure." Arthur answered in a low voice. Although his body was not boiling hot like before, he still had a headache.

The nurse swiftly did a check-up on Arthur and was surprised to see that his temperature did drop. A lot. It seems like his fever has broken. "He no longer has a fever, doctor!"

The doctor was surprised, as well as confused. He sighed. "This whole incident is beyond logic. I still do not understand how they get a fever in the first place." He quickly scribbled notes in his notebook. 

He then turned to look at Arthur and asked, "Are you really alright now?"

Arthur shook his head. "Not really. I do get a headache every two to three minutes. And I could feel my heart beat really fast," he admitted, placing a hand over his heart.

The doctor, who had tended to Arthur earlier, nodded. He turned to the other doctor, who was tending to his patient. "Does your patient have the same symptoms? Such as body temperature above 40 celsius, headaches, non-stop sweating and rapid heartbeat?"

The other doctor nodded, as he looked down at his own notes. He then frowned, looking confused. "But how did your patient regain his consciousness? My patient has the same symptoms and I only give him treatment without any medicine."

"I'm not sure either. I also did the same treatment. And yet, he's alright now."

"We have to thoroughly check it once we arrive at the hospital."


While they were talking, the ambulance was about to turn left when the driver said, "We can't go further! We need to look for another way!"

Apparently, there was a bus wreck in the middle of the road. The wrecked bus was burning furiously.

Velvet became more scared after she heard the panicked voice of the driver. She looked up at her grandfather, who wore a grave look on his face and asked, "Grandpa… What's going on?"

Her grandfather quickly covered her eyes as he did not want her to look at such a terrifying sight.  "It's okay, don't look…"

"The feck is happening here?" the driver said as he looked ahead. A few metres away, there were people drenched in blood, feasting on a dead body. "Did the infected spread this far?" sounding panicked.




When the infected people saw the ambulances, they quickly rushed towards them.

Arthur amd the others looked ahead and became scared. The appearance of the infected looked terrifying and horrible. They have blood in their mouths, hands and clothes. And they even ran at a frightening speed.

Unfortunately, even if the ambulance had quickly reversed, the infected had reached them in mere minutes. One of the infected jumped and landed on the window where Velvet and her grandfather sat.

It began to bang his head on the window, as if it was trying to break the window. 

As the window slowly cracked, Arthur's grandfather began to panic and screamed.

"AAAAHH! PLEASE DO SOMETHING!" Arthur's grandfather screamed. Although he was petrified, it did not stop him from trying to protect his granddaughter.

After the ambulance made some distance, the driver suddenly turned the ambulance around at high speed. The infected was then thrown off the vehicle and broke its head when it landed on a power pole.

"FECK YOU BASTARD! TAKE THAT!" The driver shouted at the infected as he quickened their speed.

As he turned to his left, which was the only exit, he realized that he had driven them to a dead end. And there were also many cars that blocked the road with people running everywhere.

"Oh no! We have no other way to go!"




The other ambulances were swarmed by the infected. Since they could not move, even the slow infected was able to catch up to them and surround them.

"Oh no! Two of the other ambulances just crashed into each other!" Arthur's grandfather said as he glanced at the rearview mirror.

"Ugh! I'm sorry! But we can't stop now and help them!" the driver said. He then cursed out loud. "D*mn it! Why are they panicking right now!?" 

He smacked the steering wheel as he gritted his teeth. He then turned around at the others and said, "Alright. Let's turn back and look for another way!"

The driver quickly turned the vehicle around and went to their previous route. And when they reached the area where Arthur and the others first crashed in, the driver turned left instead.

From afar, screams could be heard everywhere, people were running from the infected, they had no other way now. Every way was blocked.

"D*mn! We have to abandon the ambulance sooner or later if the road's condition is like this everywhere!"

"But what about the patient?!"

"I don't know! You can see for yourself that there is no other way we can get through! We must move on foot eventually!"


"Whatever! I'm leaving when the time comes!" The driver said in a loud voice, "who's with me?"

"M—me... take me with you!"

"Me too!"

The nurses answered as they began to tremble uncontrollably. They felt like they had no choice but to flee for themselves.

The other doctor was in quandary. He wasn't sure what to do. He has his patient with him right now but he also has his pregnant wife waiting for him at home. Not knowing what would happen to his wife, he then made a decision. "I'll join in…" he said reluctantly. "I can't die here. We don't know yet but I can't leave my pregnant wife all alone at home!" 

"We will go with you too." Arthur's grandfather said. He turned to the back and asked, "will you be alright, Arthur? Please bear with the pain for now. We need to escape now."

"Ye—yes, grandpa. I'm alright. Please take care of Velvet."

"Rest assured. You have to be careful too. Stay close to me."

"Okay, grandpa."

"Wa—wait, what about my nephew?!"

"I will carry him on my back!" The driver said firmly. He was tall and looked strong too.

"Get ready!"

The others hurriedly readied themselves with their preparations. "We are ready now!"

"Hang on! We will force our way out! Let's use the ambulance to the fullest! We are going to drive the ambulance as close as possible to the hospital!"

The driver fastened the speed. He literally hit every infected person that stood on the ambulance way. The other ambulances followed from behind.





Arthur's grandfather could not bear to see what was happening outside. He could only hear the screams. He closed his eyes and also covered Velvet's eyes with his hands.


"DON'T LOOK IF YOU ARE SCARED! YOU AIN'T HELPING BY SCREAMING!" The driver scolded the nurses who were screaming when they saw the bloody and gory scene. He already felt stressed with the situation and seeing how chaotic it has become, he was already trying his best thinking how to survive.

Limbs, heads, legs, and guts were flying in the air, as rain of blood painted the night sky. The ambulance's window was painted blood-red from all the infected that was hit.

"The freak, they are so persistent!" The driver saw from the rearview mirror that those infected that weren't hit by the ambulances were chasing them.

They had to turn left because there was no other option. 

However, just as he turned left, he saw cars blocking the road not so far from where they were. The cars were burning as fire danced in the air, brightening the night sky. Smoke covered the moonlight, the smell of smoke and blood filled the air.

"Damn! Is there no other way?!" The driver quickly looked around him and saw that there was a small alley up ahead. It was so small that a car wouldn't be able to go through.

"Get ready to run, okay?! Hang on!"

The driver quickly veered to where the alley was. He hit several infected people who stood in his way and stopped before the alley.

"Now!" The driver yelled. He ran to the back of the ambulance and helped the others out. Arthur was still feeling a bit dizzy but he managed to get out. The driver jumped in and carried the unconscious patient out.

Arthur's grandfather was carrying Velvet in his arms. Although he was scared, he had to stand firm for the sake of his grandchildren!

Velvet was still trembling from fear in his arms. She did not want to open her eyes as tears slid down her cheeks.