8.War God's Thunder

Leo looked at Ethan with a bright smile as he said: " Ok from now on your training starts and you cant be a sleepy head and have to wake up at 6 am to train with me."

"Ok, brother I won't sleep anymore and train hard with you."

Then Leo started teaching Ethan a completely different set of movement stances and techniques which was very suitable for his body type. it was a technique called [ War God's Thunder]. It was a set of techniques that massively improved his strength and slowly opens up his meridians as he improves in the technique.

Erza soon got up and walked to the courtyard with her teddy in her hand as she squinted her eyes and looked at her brothers. One of them looked like he was doing a weird dance but it didn't look much like a dance either. And the other one was doing push-ups, pull-ups handstands, and a variety of muscle-strengthening exercises in a weird way. She thought she was hallucinating and rubbed her eyes and pinched her thighs to check whether she was still dreaming. but the pain was real as she realized it was not a dream and her brothers were doing some weird stuff at the courtyard.

She called out to them " Big bro and Ethan what are you guys doing? Did something happen? why are you acting strange? "

Leo and Ethan stopped what they were doing slowly and scratched their heads as they smiled and looked silly covered in sweat. Leo said, " Little Erza it's just some exercise that I and Ethan were doing so that we can be strong and protect you."

"Yea Erza it was brother Leo who taught me this stuff although they might look weird, I feel like my strength improving by a lot."

"Hmm ok as long as you guys were fine, I thought something happened to you guys."

"Ok Little Erza go have a bath and we both need to wash up as well, then after that, I will prepare your favorite Egg Sandwich for breakfast."

Leo then went to have a bath and had breakfast with his siblings. After that Erza and Ethan started playing Fifa Godlike in their PS 30. Leo also excitedly went back to his room carrying the newly arrived boxes of herbs to his room. The herbs arrived when they were eating breakfast and breaking the lovely atmosphere which turned a little into shock because of seeing the big boxes containing strange plants. They have never seen Leo buy stuff from outside in large quantities and that also many plants. But they were soon convinced that this was a gift from his teacher in school who taught him those exercises.

Although they were both shocked, they soon went back to eating the good breakfast with erza talking about her favorite stuff how she was better at games than Ethan. Soon they got into a little argument and went to compete in games.

After Leo got into his room with the boxes, he slowly opened them up and checked everything to see if there was any mistake made and also if those herbs contained medicinal properties as he thought. To his relief, the herbs did contain medicinal properties and also a greater amount than usual what he had seen in the cultivation world. But there was only a little lingering Spiritual energy in them.

After preparing the herbs and revising on how they should be used according to his memories, he started preparing the bath liquid in his tub. After mixing the correct set of ingredients and the ratio of mixing and heat, he removed his clothes and slowly entered the tub. The liquid was a little warm which was the right temperature for it, so he started performing a technique to form the mist using the liquid. Which was to heat his stored spiritual energy along his body and form a slow rotating line. This acts as the pathway for the herbal liquid which slowly turns into mist and moves alongside his body.

The first time was excruciating because normally low-level cultivators who used this had helped from their seniors or elders to heat up and run the spiritual energy along the body. And also this causes some extreme pain for first-time users as the herbal medicine fight through the pores of the body and enter into the meridians.

Leo clenched his hands and gritted his teeth to endure the pain and forced his will power to continue without fainting. He mocked himself " I was once the Mightest Person on the cultivation world and here I am gritting my teeth due to such pain." The process took about 3 hours until the liquid was fully turned into mist and absorbed by Leo.

If now anyone looked at Leo they would be scared looking at him because he was covered in blackish soot-like material that covered his body. It almost looked like he came out of a swamp covered in black dirt and grime. Leo slowly got up and like cracks forming all over his body, the dirt and grime like impurities mostly fell. Leo went ahead to get bathed as he washed his body of dirt.

After coming back to his bed Leo went to the hall room and said " I am in a crucial pathway in the technique I'm exercising so I cant cook lunch for you guys. Also if you guys want to improve your gaming skills stop competing against each other and start working together."

Although this sentence of Leo looked normal it was the start of the Invincible Brother and Sister Duo that Shocked the world in the gaming world in the future of Celestial World and its a story for another time.

The two kids looked at each other and grinned and slowly started playing together. Leo also started up the cooking bot to prepare dinner and went over to the courtyard.

The courtyard looks refreshing with a little pond with few fishes in it and an almost withered Cherry Blossom Tree with few leaves. Leo then started cleaning up the courtyard and drawing some lines and circles and some runes and pathways in the big courtyard to create a [Spiritual Energy Gathering Formation]. After finishing his set up he walked over and sat below the tree cross-legged and started his cultivation.