9.First Step Into Cultivation

Leo was cultivating for an hour and the formation also started working properly and improving the speed of gathering spirit energy for him. After another hour passed by he reached the threshold of breakthrough and started condensing his Spirit Core. It took him a while to condense the spirit core which also the most important step in cultivation. The Spirit Core of Leo bright like a diamond and shining as it formed a hardcore the size of a sand grain in his dantian. Although it was small it was shining brightly and was of neutral properties.

Spirit Core was divided into Red- Orange- Yellow- Green- Blue- Indigo- Violet from lowest quality being red to highest quality being violet. This doesn't mean a person with the red core cannot become a master it's just that they have less natural talent have to work harder and have immense luck and opportunities to rise.

Also, there was the White and Black Core Which was Neutral Elements. While the White core leaned towards the light element and black core leans towards the dark elements. These are also top gifted core which can also use the other 6 Elements of Thunder, Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Wood. But they cannot use the opposing element of each other.

After forming the core Leo finally Stepped onto the path of cultivation. He has reached the [First Level of Flesh Tempering], Which was the beginning stage which improved and tempered his body. A Normal Human can Only barely shatter a 1 Kg Rock, while in this genetically advanced world a normal human can easily shatter a 2 Kg Rock. Now that he had entered the [First Level of Flesh Tempering] He can easily shatter a 5 Kg Rock.

The Cultivation Levels are Divided as,

[First Level of Flesh Tempering] - 5 Kg

[Second Level of Flesh Tempering] - 15 Kg

[Third Level of Flesh Tempering] - 25 Kg

[First Level of Bone Forging] - 45 Kg

[Second Level of Bone Forging] - 55 Kg

[Third Level of Bone Forging] - 65 Kg

[First Level of Blood & Meridian Refining] - 85 Kg

[Second Level of Blood & Meridian Refining] - 95 Kg

[Third Level of Blood & Meridian Refining] - 105Kg

These 9 Levels altogether formed the 1st Stage of cultivation which directly deals with the cultivator's body. After finishing this is the 2nd Stage of Elementalization and 3rd Stage of Revitalization.

Leo started to stabilize his core by absorbing the spirit energy and making them flow through his meridians and revolve around his spirit core for another hour. When he was finally done he went ahead to have lunch with his siblings.

Three days later...

Leo got up from his cross-legged position under the now little lively cherry blossom tree with a bright smile on his face. He went ahead and cooked his best lunch for his sister and brother in a good mood. He has now Reached the [Second Level of Flesh Tempering] in the path of cultivation.

While there was good news there was also bad news. The bad news was that according to his standards and materials used he should be in [First Level of Bone Forging] or at least [Third Level of Flesh Tempering] but the level of spiritual energy in this world was pitifully low even with a spirit gathering formation and he had used up all the sets of herbal mixture.

The good news was that Ethan also successfully used 2 sets of herbal mixture to step up into the path of cultivation and reached [First Level of Flesh Tempering].

Leo was in a rock and a hard place he wanted to cultivate but he couldn't due to the lack of resources and also since Ethan was cultivation too he needed double the amount of it to keep cultivating. The only option was that to play the game Celestial World which will be launching tonight and both Leo and Ethan can play using their capsules.

Although erza was a little envious that both her brothers get to play together she quickly forgot and consoled herself about it because of Leo's wonderful cooking skills and an awesome dinner. Leo made plans and ordered a gaming capsule for erza to play the game with the supervision of a guardian. Leo made use of his authorization and secretly got one for her.

The VR War Game Celestial World Launched its trailer and a little bit of information was posted on its website in Skynet. It was a wonderful world filled with might and magic and breathtaking visuals. It also stated that the game now has the Time Slow Function which makes the game work time and real-time is twice in real-time. That is 1 hour in the real world will equal 2 hours in-game. Also, the Game Developers stated that the game can only be played for 12 hrs of real Time, which will be equal to 24 Hrs of in-game time. The Timing starting from 9 pm to 9 am will be the only time people will be able to play the game.

The Game Company Helios Corporation also Stated that the game time can be slowed furthermore to increase playtime which will be a major update to the game. Other than this the information on classes and monsters and NPC was not mentioned and only the vague figures in the trailer can be counted as classes and can be said most of the basic classes were available to choose from.

The basic classes that were found from the trailer were a guy with a shield who must be a tank, also a priest with healing skills, an archer with a bow, and a mage who cast magic spells. There was also a guy who kept on switching weapons and some other characters that the keyboard gurus and other people were chatting about int the forum of the game.

During this time Leo had seen the trailer and read the game companies post and some random blabber in the forums which ranged from crazy to weird ideas and other theories about the game.

Also during the few days of cultivation, he had finished reading the books he rented at an insane rate due to his innate gifted skill [Celestial Intelligence] which gave him photographic memory and learning and computing speed to the max with unlimited potential.

Now After logging out of Skynet and went to open up the VR Game [Celestial World]. It booted up and showed a countdown of 60 Secs Till the Game Launches.




