10.Celestial World Launches






The Countdown got closer and Leo knew it was his chance to shine through this game and waited anxiously and that 1 minute felt like a year had passed by as the clock ticked. The with a bright flash that made him subconsciously close his eyes heard a cute and flowery female voice.


[Welcome to Celestial World Online]

Leo found himself standing before a big mirror which was 3 meters tall and 1 meter wide next to a portal like the ones on Skynet and nothing else was visible even the floor was missing.

[Please State Your Name]

Soon he found some words appearing on the mirror which was read out by that beautiful voice, he thought about it and said " RegulusLight ".

As soon as he said it he saw that he found himself in the mirror wearing a white t-shirt and a short which was the starting items of the game also his name was appearing above his head. He was allowed to change 10% of his original appearance. Where he only changed his Eye color to black and also he was made to adjust the pain tolerance setting which was at the safety percentage of 20%. Leo raised it to 75% so he could feel some realism. The pain tolerance could be changed inside the game. Also, a few other settings such as the sensory and other things were shown. After everything was set up and was confirmed to be ready by the system he heard the same flowery voice again.

[Looks like your ready to explore the celestial world, now ill grant you your special and hidden stats and a gift for your journey, hope we meet again RegulusLight]

Gradually his sight was blurred by light and before he could see what his gift or his stats were he was now standing in the middle of a huge crowd. The crowd slowly pushed along a direction bringing Leo along with them. Before he could properly inspect his surroundings and was moved along he heard many voices of people.

"WOW, This game is so real and lifelike much better than the previous ones."

" Hey Pervert, Don't touch me or ill switch on the punishment system.'

" Shit, I can't go naked I can't even remove my shirt."

"Beautiful I touched you lets see that useless punishment system. HAHAHA"


Suddenly a thunderbolt struck that man who was laughing and he died. Few people who looked like warriors came rushing through the crowd took the corpse of that man and jumped away to the distance.

This scene of getting struck by lightning, dying and being carried away happened quite a few times. Few reckless idiots died like that and probably got suspended for some time by the system.

Leo was thinking the punishment system was pretty neat and way better than the last game where unless something obscene happened the game won't stop it. When he looked in front he suddenly found himself in front of an old man with a big white beard who was the village chief. He also heard shouts like

"Move out of the way kid."

"Stop staring and get your quest and leave."

Then Started to Initiate Talk with the village chief and waited for him to introduce him to the place called Village No.NN99. Then he gave him the quest to beat some Wild rabbits that were snatching the carrots from the village farm.

After he somehow got away from the crowded areas he was finally able to look properly at this new world which was gonna be his stage to shine.

Looking around he found himself near the blacksmith shop, so he entered the shop where only a few players were looking around and a few who talked with the blacksmith and left with a disappointed expression. It was obvious they didn't get any quests or items from the shopkeeper.

Leo was also curious about the weapon system because the game didn't give everyone a starter weapon so there must be a way to acquire weapons. Many people were still trying to hit the [Jumping Rabbit Lvl.1] in the village farm with bare hands and no one has yet found a weapon even after 10 mins of game launch and in the forums, the keyboard warriors were dissing the game developers for this tormenting situation.

Although the rabbits looked docile and a little cute. If someone hits it, it jumps up and hits the player with its horn on its head. And quite a few players died because of enraging the rabbits which looked quite funny.

Leo started looking around the shop and looked at the different weapons when suddenly a player name [BunHitsGun] Took a small dagger and tried to run out of the shop. Yes that's it he tried to run out but got murdered by the shop keeper who threw a flying dagger into his head and killed him. Then the same type of warriors came and took out the corpse in a similar fashion.

Leo saw many different types of weapons and like other players, he was allowed to pick them up and swing the weapons how much ever he liked. Leo tried using some staff for mages but he couldn't use spells so other than swinging it there was no use. He also tried out an Axe and a spear and then finally he picked up a beautiful longsword.

Leo although a master of all weapons, still liked using swords which were elegant as well as deadly. He swung the sword a few times and even tried out a few movements mad techniques from his previous lives. He soon got into a trance and was practicing the out of touch sword techniques to get familiarized with using a sword in this world. By the time he finished, he got a notification pop-up in a mechanical voice.

[Blacksmith Shopkeeper Taron requests your aid.]

Leo was stunned for a second then he placed the sword back into the rack and walked towards Taron.

Leo then asked Taron " Mr.Blacksmith how may I help you ?"

Although it was a common and simple quest taker line and was already asked many times by the people in the shop unexpectedly it worked this time.

Everyone in the shop was looking at him in disdain. Even the few ones who thought his swordsmanship was good thought he was an idiot.

" Hey, kid you think the mighty Taron blacksmith needs your help? Get lost and don't block others"

Just as he heard those lines from a player called [MightyNo.12] , he heard a reply from the blacksmith.

" Young Adventurer, don't mind that idiot who is blabbering without skill. And I do have a request for you. Can you help me with something.?"

Everyone one the shop was shocked to hear the mighty Taron speak politely to someone and also give him a quest suddenly. Normally people got waved away or shooed away for wasting his time and few even got shouted at. A minority even got killed by trying to get the weapons out. [MightyNo.12] got it worst and he felt like he got slapped in the face by the NPC.