Taron's Request

Leo was taken by shock not because the NPC gave him a quest but because of how lifelike Taron was as he even dissed out the other player. Soon he recovered and replied

"If I can then I must help others Blacksmith Taron, Can you tell me the details of your request."

"Ah such a noble and young adventurer, this is not a place to talk come with me."

Then he shouted through the back door and called another Blacksmith to hold the Counter as he led Leo to the furnace.

After Leo and Taron arrived at the furnace, Taron looked at Leo with a serious face and started speaking, " It's like this Young Adventurer, My Master the chief Blacksmith of this village is ill recently and we need a few special ingredients to help him recover his health. "

" I admired your Level of Skill with the sword if you are willing to help me gather the materials I can give you the sword which you used."

"Mr.Taron give me the list and I'll go get the materials as soon as I can to help chief Blacksmith Rahon."

"Young Adventurer RegulusLight, here is the list of ingredients and the sword. If you can collect all the ingredients, then I will craft you a piece of armor."

After bidding farewell to Taron, Leo left the shop with a sword in his hand. Since it was a full 30 mins into the launch not many people were still lingering inside the village. Most people were trying to kill the rabbits and some brave ones even formed parties of 5 and went to kill the [Fang Boar Lvl.2].

Leo then sneakily got away and got to a secluded alley as he started to inspect his newly-obtained sword which was also the first weapon to appear after the game launched.

[ Sword of Power Lvl.5 - Bronze

Attack Damage 15 -35

Penetration +1

Strength +5

Agility +5

Luck +5

Ignore Levels +5

Level 1. Power Strike- Strike at an enemy for double the damage and with a 10% chance dealing a critical hit.]

This was a very good sword which he could use until Level 5. After checking out the sword Leo turned back his attention to his quest.

[Hidden Quest: Taron's Request-

Gather 5 Pieces of Red Tulip.

Gather 5 Pieces of Purple Roots.

Gather 10 Stalks of Longtails.

Heart of Ragnar

Gallbladder of Ragnar

Hint: Learn Herb Gathering Skill from Lady Herbologist Stacey.

Reward upon completion: A piece of armor handcrafted by Taron.

Hidden Reward Unlock Condition: Finish The quest Before Rahon Falls seriously ill.]

This was probably the first-ever hidden quest found in the server, Leo got excited at first and thinking it through he detected that the Ragnar mentioned must be beast Elite at least or it could be a Boss of a region around this village.

Then Leo opened up his status to take a proper look at it.

[Status: RegulusLight Level.1

Hp: 200

Mp: 100

Atk Dmg: 15-35

Strength: 5 + (5 ) + {10}

Agility: 5 + (5) + {10}

Constitution: 5 + {5}

Intelligence: 5 + {20}

Will: 5 + {15}

Luck: 1 + (5)

Innate Gift : Locked

Human Racial Talent :

1. Basic Learn

2. Friendly Reputation

3. Basic Potential]

Leo didn't know that his stats were overpowered even before he got his sword. The stats were displayed with white coloring was the basic attributes and the ones with (Green) colors were the Equipment bonuses and the ones with {Purple} colors were the hidden attributes that depend on one's physical body.

Some hidden Stats were not mentioned such as Stamina And Fortitude and Charisma, which will automatically grow along with the player.

After settling and organizing everything Leo soon walked towards the Herb Garden of Stacey the Herbologist after looking around for 10 minutes of looking around the village he finally managed to find the herb garden. When he went to the front door and knocked on the door, he heard some hurried footsteps and some things falling and knocking down on the floor. Which he thought was just his imagination.

Soon the door opened he saw a beautiful mature lady in her 20s, who had messy hair and some dirt on her face which she tried to wipe off which made it even messier. She had blond hair and a good face and was clumsy with the right assets in the right places. She was the [Herbologist Stacey].

Leo put on a charming smile as he started,

"I'm RegulusLight an adventurer and I was asked by blacksmith Taron to learn about Herb Gathering from Ms.Herbologist."

"But I didn't expect Ms.Stacey to be so Beautiful. That you took my breath away for a sec."

Stacey started Blushing a little as she responded: "If it's Mister Taron's request then I will teach you about Herb Gathering."

After that Incident Stacey took Leo to the Garden in the Front and taught him how to [Identify Herb] And [Gather Herb] which were the two core skills of a Herbologist after about 5 mins of explanation.

After that Stacey even gave a Quest to Gather some Herbs.

[Quest: Gathering Herbs

Gather 10 Pieces of Tamlu Flowers.

Gather 20 Pieces of Brittle Roots.

Gather 10 Pieces of Hymn Flowers.

Reward Upon Completion: Minor Health Potion x 5, Minor Mana Potion x 5

Hidden Reward Condition: Locked ]

After learning the skills of a Herbologist and getting a free quest in return. Leo happily bade the blushing and clumsy Stacey farewell. Then he set off to the exit of the village.

Leo didn't equip his sword yet and had put into his 10 Slot Item Storage which every player had to attract less attention. Then he wandered past the Village farm where people were still Battling the Rabbits. Now it was crowded and many people will hit a spawned rabbit at the same time and start fighting each other over Kill Stealing.

There were now quite a few players fighting in the outskirts of the village against the boars and quite a few parties were doing well.

Although people looked at him they didn't stare for more than a second and went back to farming rabbits or boars. Even when he crossed the outskirts and went towards the Next Map Which was the Silicon Forest. Not many people taught it was weird since many people already went over to explore new places and finding treasures due to luck. People thought he was one of them and they quickly ignored him. A few good ones wanted to warn him but decided against doing so since he was young and might not listen to them. Quite a few of those treasure seekers died inside the forest and were crying in the forums blaming the game for lack of equipment.