Lucky Me

When Leo walked past the bushes and reached a small clearing he found that before him, was a huge rock that was a little taller than him and the surrounding was all covered by tall trees and the bushes which completely isolated this area.

Leo was a little shocked when he saw the area and found out all the purple color stuff in the ground was the purple root which he was looking for and there was more than 100 of them in this area, Even though he didn't know their uses he could collect them and use them later or just for increasing his skill proficiency in herb gathering.

Soon he started collecting the herbs about madly and got about 99 herbs which could be kept in one slot of his bag. He marked the area on his map so that he could come later to collect the rest of it. Just when he was about to leave he found that a glint flashed by and it was from above. when he looked around he couldn't find anything, he got curious and thought that something was on top of the huge rock about 3 meters in the middle of the clearing.

After struggling to climb it and finally reaching the top made his eyes reflected shine with a bright glow. And yes it was a Treasure Chest a Bronze Chest that was shining and glowing in and out like a beacon. When Leo got on top of the rock he was elated to see himself getting a bronze tier chest. Normally chests were categorized into Normal-Bronze-Black Iron- Silver- Gold-Black Gold- Purple Epic and Orange Mythical.

Leo struck rich for finding this place, then he calmed down and started unlocking the chest. It took him about 5 seconds to unlock it as it opened up with a glaring light. After all the light was gone Leo reached his hand into search and pick up the items.

He got a total of 3 items and 2 Silver out of that chest and one of them was a Spatial Bag called [Magi's Secrets] which was Black Iron Quality with 50 Storage slots. There was also an Armour called [Magic Leather Jacket] and a Key shaped Item called [Wish of Gloria].

[Magic Leather Jacket Lvl.5 -Bronze



Defense: 40

Magic Defense:10



Ignore Levels +5

Magic Resistance -5%

Poison Resistance -10%]

[Wish of Gloria-Bronze Key

Needed Appraisal]

[ Magi's Secrets- BlackIron

Storage Slots+50]

Leo then put on the armor which covered his up torso, he kinda looked awkward with a ragged short along with an exquisite magic jacket and a beautiful longsword. He didn't dwell on it for too long and he now had 60 storage slots so he gathered all the remaining herbs and got a total of 186 Purple Roots.

Leo then followed his original path and kept walking towards the core of the BeeHive Zone. He killed quite a dozen stingers and even some,

[Elite Stinger Lvl.3



Skill: Shoot Level.2- Shoots its Stinger at its enemies without getting weakened.]

He had killed about 10 [Elite Stinger Lvl.3] so far and at the edge of the core zone. And during this process, he had leveled up twice and was halfway to level 4. After he entered the core zone he meets with some trouble because each [Queen Bee Guards Lvl.4] was followed by 4 [Elite Stinger Lvl.3] and they were patrolling around in a group.

[Queen Bee Guards Lvl.4



Skill: Shoot Level.2- Shoots its Stinger at its enemies without getting weakened.

Skill: Strike Level.2- Strikes enemies with its 2 front claws]

Although it was not difficult to kill them separately, hitting groups were harder and Leo had to focus more and kill efficiently and even sometimes he had to use the [Honey] to save his life.

The only thing that kept him motivated was that drops of [Queen Bee Guards Lvl.4] were [Refined Honey- Restores 20Hp for 10 seconds. CoolDown:30 Seconds] and each guard dropped about 30+ copper coins. There was an Instant where he even got a White Equipment which was a [Leather Pant Lvl1 -White]

[Leather Pant Lvl1 -White



Even though it was a trash item it was better than wearing that ragged short. So he was motivated to attack the Guards and gather more pieces of equipment. Leo kept killing and gathering loot and herbs for about an hour. He could see some vague shadows of players at the edges of the area. So he stopped killing the guards and ventured into Bee Hive, which was the nest of the boss of this area [Queen Bee Lvl.5].

Leo kept killing his way into the hive as he greedily killed the bees with much efficiency and gathered quite a few pieces of equipment. But the sad part was that they only dropped pieces of white equipment and that too they were only [Leather Shirt Lvl1 -White], [Leather Pant Lvl1 -White], and [Leather Shoes Lvl1 -White] and [Leather Bag Lvl1 -White].

[Leather Shirt Lvl1 -White





[Leather Shoes Lvl1 -White

Movement Speed+20


[Leather Bag Lvl1 -White

Storage Slot+15 ]

Leo still collected them all and had plans to sell them in the village for coins, after some more killing and his Exp bar at 80% of Lvl 4 Leo entered the final chamber and met the queen bee. She was Big as Leo with a fat abdomen and 2 sharp front claws with a trident-like stinger.

[Queen Bee Lvl.5



Skill: Call Backup- Calls a Group of 5 Stingers

Skill: Spat Poison: Throws up Poison in an Area]

As the final boss of this area, this queen was protecting a treasure chest which was bronze tiered. Leo almost drooled over as he grinned and looked at the treasure chest which way too rare at this stage of the game and getting 2 of them on the first day of the launch is unheard of.

Leo, after inspecting the boss and organizing his thoughts, got ready for battle as he slowly inched towards the queen bee.