Queen Bee

When Leo was sneaking about 10 meters away from the queen. She let out a loud *SKREECCH* that made his ears hurt. Leo regretted the game's lack of warning as he unsheathed his [Sword of Power] as he dashed about a meter near the boss. The queen made a slash with her right claw at Leo from above.

Leo swiftly dodged to the left as he came to her left-wing and give it a hard [Power Strike] *Tinnnnggg*. It sounded like slashing against a metal sword when his sword landed on the wing. But it did do its worth as he chipped off a little of the queen's left-wing.

The Queen screamed as she turned around and spat Poison towards Leo. Leo was annoyed by the puddle of poison as it corroded the area around it and it didn't seem like it would disappear like in the previous games.


"Damn the Field Effects are now so realistic."

Leo slides to the right as came behind the queen bee as he started targeting her weak points like the wings and her face and the abdomen continuously decreasing her HP. He kept darting around her and occasionally slashed her. He slowly got more proficient in dodging and counter-attacking the queen bee.

When the queen bee's Hp was 80% she screeched loudly, then suddenly 2 normal [Stinger Lvl.3] came from 2 different openings in the hive and dived at Leo. Although they looked tough, these normal ones were easily killed by Leo in a few seconds.

Leo had to kite the queen to a different location each time she made a puddle of poison and the queen called for 2 [Elite Stinger Lvl.3] at 60% and 40% which made life harder for Leo. They were a little tougher than the normal ones but he still killed them with a little more effort.

When the queen bee reached the 20% mark a change occurred as she slightly grew larger and called in 2 [Queen Bee Guards Lvl.4] as she entered a [Enraged Mode].

Leo had a hard time killing the 2 [Queen Bee Guard Lvl.4] which drew most of his attention span, but still, he killed them and when he gave the last blow to the remaining [Queen Bee Guard Lvl.4]. His instinct screamed in alarm telling him to dodge.

Leo instinctively swerved to the right but the stinger shot by the queen bee was so fast that it hit his left arm taking away 30% of his HP.

The speed of the stinger was so fast that he could only react poorly, even though he had memories of the battle of 8 lives. It was not his own and it will take him a while to make them his own through practice to improve himself.

Leo gritted his teeth to endure the pain the dashed towards the queen and after slashing and stabbing her a few times he killed her with a [Power Strike] which took out the remaining 5% of her HP.

[System Announcement: Final Boss Queen Bee was defeated by player [RegulusLight]. Level.5 Instance [Stinger's Hive] has been unlocked and as first kill achievement Player has been awarded 1 Gold, Fame +100, Village Reputation +100, Bronze Treasure Chest+1 and a Bronze Equipment.]

After the Queen Bee died, with a little flash of light she dropped a few items. And the system announcement went on 3 times as it notified everyone about his achievement.

[System Report: Player's Achievement Has been added to the Hall of Fame. Reward:1 Gold, Fame +100, Human Race Reputation +100. Total Count:1]

[System Report: For the First and Solo clear of [Stinger's Hive]. Reward: Reward:1 Gold, Village Reputation +500.]

Leo then gathered all the items from the other stingers and the boss as he put them all into his Spatial Storage. Leo also went ahead and opened up the Bronze Treasure chest as he gathered all the items.

Leo was a little mad that the system never asked for his permission when it announced his achievement server-wide. But ignored it because of the items that he got from this dungeon made him grin with glee. So to summarize,

The System Reward was [Necklace of Helia-Bronze], while the Queen Bee was Stingy as it only gave out [Phase Boots-Bronze] and few materials which can be used to make weapons from the blacksmith and 32 silver.

The Treasure Chest was still the Best as it gave about 70 Silver and [ Stargaze Cloak -Bronze] and [Nothingness Mask-BlackIron]. The 1% probability to get a BlackIron Equipment in a Bronze Chest was ridiculous. But Leo still got it which made him happier.

[Necklace of Helia Lvl.10-Bronze



Defence: 20

Magic Defence:10


Ignore Levels +5

Magic Resistance -5%

Skill: Call of Wind- Shoots Forth 3 Wind Blades. (Damage depends on User's Intelligence.)

CoolDown:20 Seconds

Mp Cost:50 ]

[Phase Boots Lvl.5-Bronze

Movement Speed+10%


Skill: Phase Walk-Blur into Surroundings and walk past an object with an increased movement speed of 50%. (Note: Effect Cancelled if taken damage or Given Damage.)

Duration:3 Seconds

CoolDown:10 Seconds

Mp Cost:30 ]

[ Stargaze Cloak Lvl.10 -Bronze


Defence: 10

Magic Defence:10



Ignore Levels +5

Skill: Star Eyes: Channels the power of stars into the eyes of the caster to Locates Nearby Sleathed Objects.

Duration:5 Seconds

CoolDown:30 Seconds

Mp Cost:50

Additional Effect: Notifies Player when a Sleathed Person is within 10 meters of him. Constantly Active uses up 10Mp on each notification. ]

[Nothingness Mask Lvl.10-BlackIron


Ignore Levels +5

Effect1: Hides User's Personel Information from other players.

Effect 2: User can hide equipment look and information or show false information.

Effect 3: The system will now ask for permission if the user wants to be anonymous. ]

The attributes and skills on the equipment were great and will help him get a lead on others in this game so that he could save enough money to pay his brother's Education Fee.

" This mask is great now the damn system won't just announce without my permission. Hehe"

Leo equipped the cloak, mask, boots, and necklace and hides his information except for his Player ID and falsified the equipment to look like he was still wearing the basic gear except for his sword. Then he made his way back towards the village.