
Leo slowly made his way out of the Silicon Forest after he picked up the loot from a normal stinger as he sheathed his sword and crossed the boundary of the forest and reached the edge of the farmland.

Many newbies were still underdressed but seeing Leo walk out of the forest with a sword hanging by his waist many were curious and wanted to approach him to ask how to get a weapon. Since most of them were still using their bare fists to fight.

When a few people were about to approach Leo, they were stopped by a group 10 rough looking people led by a player named [MightyNo.12].

"The Mighty Ones are here, so step aside if you don't want to get beaten up."

"Brother, that kid is the one I told you about the one who was pulled inside by the blacksmith."

"I told you he might have gotten a quest, looks like he got a sword. We should take it and with you using it we can easily dominate this village."


The Crowd whispered among themself,

"Damn, it's the MightyOnes they are always so arrogant. That kid is done for if he doesn't give his sword to them."

"How dare that guy push me aside? I am going to kill him."

"Dude quiet down, are you now don't get on their bad side or else they will keep killing you till you quit the game."

"Hey isn't that [MightyNo.3], he is in this village. These guys will torture us and that guy is an Elite Berserker."


"Hey Kid, you there stop. We have a word with you." sneered [MightyNo.3].

Leo suddenly hears that same annoying voice he heard in Taron's Shop. He turned around and looked at the source when he saw [MightyNo.12] calling him out and making way for a person with the ID [MightyNo.3].

[MightyNo.12] then shouts and clears out the surrounding people into leaving as his group slowly surrounded Leo.

Then [MightyNo.3] stepped forward as he looks at Leo and sneers, "Kid give me your sword and anything else you have and also tell me how you got it."

"Tch, Kid you arrogant eh. When big bro asks you politely you are still not budging. Now you have to also kneel and apologize for wasting our time."

Leo got mad looking at these clowns prancing about before him as he gripped his sword.

"Are you sure you want to this?"

"What kid, are you scared now. Haha, don't piss your pants ."

Leo coldly stated, " You asked for this."

Leo raised his hands as he unleashed [Call of the Wind] towards his right were 3 of them were standing. Right now Leo had about 50 Intelligence which was very high for a Lvl 5 Player. While those three were just Lvl 2 as they got insta-killed by the 3 wind blades.

Leo then dashed back towards the 2 people behind him as they haven't even recovered from the shock of their comrades getting one-shotted. They didn't even react properly when Leo finished them off with 3 normal slashes and 1power strike.

After finishing off the 2 clueless clowns, Leo laughed as he remarked.

"You guys came for me first. So it's a must that I serve you properly."

MightyNo.3 finally reacted as he found that they had hit the hornet's nest as he hurridly gave orders and charged towards Leo himself.

"Brat, you just took us by surprise. Now it's our turn, Everyone attack, we are going to make him regret going against us."

The remaining 4 people looked at each other and then charged according to their boss's order.

Leo smirked and as he steadied himself and said: "At least your not spineless clowns."

Being called clowns enraged them as they all charged wildly ready to beat Leo into a mush.

Leo laughed as he too charged towards them. The MightOnes was flabbergasted by Leo's speed as he had activated phase walk. Any onlookers will see many people running towards an empty spot when had already reached behind MightyNo.3. He had activated his Phase Walk as he blurred and swiftly moved towards the 2 people charging to his flank. With a few slashes to them, Leo killed them before they could understand what happened Leo finished them off then quickly made it behind MightyNo.3.

The others were confused to see 2 more people fall dead when they heard a mocking voice,

"Where are you guys looking at ?"

With him coming out of the skill Leo looked at the enraged and shocked MightyNo.3 and 2 others with disdain. Leo then instinctively moved about 2 meters back as a memory flashed past his mind.

Leo then dazedly went into the sword drawing stance unconsciously while everyone else was bewildered by his pose, MightyNo.3 pupils constricted as he came to a halt leaving the other two charges past him. He tried to stop them from stepping a meter distance from Leo but it was inevitable because all he saw a flash of a sword and those 2 players also turned into light and slowly vanished.

MightyNo.3 was stunned a little seeing Leo's skill because he knew Leo didn't use a game skill but real-life swordsmanship in the game. He has seen his brother MightyNo.2 using this move in real life.

Although he was stunned a little he has seen his elder brothers battle before so he quickly readied his stance and got serious.

"Looks like you have some skills, you may have killed my men. But now you have to pay for it with your life."

Leo didn't respond to that snarky remark as he was still in a trance, they both started clashing. But MightyNo.3 died in 5 moves because his Hp reduced each time he was attacked and was killed when Leo used Power Strike.

Leo slowly came out of the trance and then he picked up the coins dropped by the MightyOnes which amounted to 32 Copper Coins. No one dared to approach Leo seeing as he easily killed 10 people of the MightyOnes.

Leo shakes his head in a sigh as he sprinted to the village and he even kept his sword in his storage to avoid others. After reaching the village, Leo made his way towards [Herbologist Stacey]'s garden.