How can we marry in this situation?

Mark's Pov:

 Mark: You are saying to me to stay quiet because Anna is doing the daughter's job by supporting her criminal father...

Mona: I don't mean it, Mark, and yes I agree that Lucus may be the 5th person who attacked Ria but we did not yet prove that Lucas is the fifth person in Ria's case until then we should stay quiet and should not blame him for no reason...

if we blame him, we will be the most worried person if he proved that he is not guilty in Ria's case, so until we find the evidence regarding that he is the culprit in Ria's case we should stay quiet...

And I am sure Anna too will come to our side when we prove about her dad with evidence, And I have confidence that Anna is the strong person to stand opposite to her dad if she finds about her dad's reality, so until then we should not blame on either Lucas or Anna, and we should not target Anna because she is taking care of her dad…
