Congratulations for your wedding

Mark's Pov:

Mona: What do you mean, Mark?

If you did not get to sort out those issues, you don't Marry Anna?

How can you say that, Mark?

Mark: Mona I don't want to talk to her about the issues happened today, I just want to take her consent whether she is ok to marry me or not if she is not ok I can't force her to marry me, so I can cancel the wedding...

(I explained to Mona with my raising tone but deep down of my heart I feel pain because I don't to listen a no from Anna.)

Mona: Ok, I understand but first tell me is it ok for you to marry Anna?

Mark: I will say my opinion once I listened to her opinion, Mona...

Mona: Mark, please answer to my question, we are running out of time and please don't take your decisions by depending on these issues...