Chapter 297

"Yes, do it!"

"Affirmative, host.

Dwelling of the Hermit currently being installed...






Dwelling of the Hermit installation complete...

Defensive strength, invulnerable.

Offensive strength, Peak Paragon Realm.

You only have 8,999,999 shop points left, host."

"Good i want to become stronger myself. Is Peak Paragon Realm the highest cultivation stage possible in this world?" Rake asked.

"Affirmative, host."

"Can you make me a Peak Paragon?" he was thrilled by the possibilities. If he could become a Peak Paragon Cultivator, then would that mean that he would be one of the strongest beings in here?

Rake smiled at the thought of flying amongst the clouds and destroying landscapes with just a wave of his hand.

"Affirmative, host. But that would take 9 million shop points. Do you want to loan for a third time today?" the system replied.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"