Chapter 298

"Affirmative, host. A master chef is the last skill level in the Ultimate Cooking System."

"Good. Inject it in!" Rake imagined that he was a balloon about to be introduced with air.

"Affirmative, host." The system responded and the knowledge flowed in like water.

Myriad of cooking skills and recipes were digested into the mind of Rake. He felt a state of being one with the void and had totally forgotten about himself.

What mattered most were the essences that hammered down his brain and flooded them completely with new information.

Rake felt the passing of indeterminable time yet what had actuality passed in reality was but mere breaths.

"Well, that made me hungry as fuck." Rake muttered audibly and combed the memory that was missing a few seconds before.

"Now what to buy next?" he whispered later on. Rake roamed his eyes on his restaurant and it felt very constricting. It only gave him a space of five square feet and a bit of change.