Start Of The Rights Ceremony

James, Aebalar and Henriksen walked through the well-illuminated hallways in silence. James's eyes still lingered on Henriksen's stats. Although he had seen it several times, it still felt surreal he was stronger than some Caretakers he had seen so far.

'If he's this strong, then how strong are the top dogs of Kynar?' James mused. Although he didn't underestimate Henriksen, he believed he wasn't anywhere near the upper echelon of Kynar. After all, no one in such a position would bother with fresh recruits.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

James's brows creased as he heard Aebalar's voice. Like before, she clung tightly to him. James only spared her a glance, but said nothing. Instead, he focused on observing the lonely hallway.

"Hehehe… You're no fun," Aebalar pouted while sticking out her tongue. For the first time, she let go of James's hand. Skipping towards Henriksen.

"Baldie, where are the others again? I hope we won't have to walk too long?" Aebalar said. She couldn't stop herself from tapping Henriksen's glistening head.

After he brutally slaughtered Uzig, one would have assumed she would be more cautious of the brawny warrior. However, the reverse was the case. She didn't show the slightest ounce of fear. One would believe Henriksen was just a normal person she could bully at will.

"Hahaha… we are almost there. Are you sure you want to be touching my beautiful head like that? Are you planning on making Kaleb jealous?" Henriksen couldn't stop himself from laughing as he winked at Aebalar. There was no trace of the monster who had one-shot the Ogre.

"Oh? I never thought about that…" Aebalar suddenly donned a mischievous smile. Without hesitation, she suddenly gestured towards Henriksen, showing she wanted to tell him something personal. Just as Henriksen lowered his head, Aebalar placed a kiss on his head.

'Did she just…?' Her actions caught Henriksen by surprised. He had only been teasing her earlier. Never would he have expected such an outcome. Meanwhile, a beautiful smile flashed across Aebalar's face.

'What about Kalab? I hope he doesn't misunderstand…' Henriksen suddenly turned his head. Ready to explain what happened to James. Although he suspected James and Aebalar had a problematic relationship, he didn't know if it was their twisted way of expressing their feelings for each other. Not that he feared James or anything, but there was no point making unnecessary enemies from a simple misunderstanding.

At that moment, Henriksen's lips curved into a wry smile. Contrary to his expectations, James didn't even look at him or Aebalar. He was more interested in observing the intricacies of the hallway.

"See? He's not the jealous type. You don't have to worry," Aebalar said as she patted Henriksen's back.

Henriksen chuckled but said nothing. Wasting no time, he continued his trek. This time, however, Aebalar closely stuck to him. Asking every and anything that came to her mind.


Walking for over ten minutes, Henriksen came to a sudden stop. Just then, his voice echoed. Saying, "We are about to step into a portal. Don't resist its pull, okay?"

With a casual glance, Henriksen focused on Aebalar and James. The duo said nothing, but nodded in affirmation.

"All right. Let's go."

While his voice echoed, Henriksen took a step. Right before James and Aebalar's eyes, he vanished.

"Wanna go in together?" Aebalar said. She tried to grab James's hand, but he instantly evaded her hand.

"Ladies first." James gestured.

Aebalar's left brow shot up while her lips twisted to the side. She scanned James from head to toe. Her mouth opened several times, however, she resisted the urge to speak. Donning a slight smile, she too, walked towards the portal. A second later, she also disappeared.

"Come out!" James mentally ordered.

At that moment, four merged damned souls appeared in the hallway. They prostrated on the floor, not daring to meet James's gaze.

"Split up into two groups. The first group will place the curse on any living thing in this place. The second group is responsible for reconnaissance." James mentally instructed.

"Yes, Master." With their order meted out, the damned souls flew off to implement James's orders.

At that moment, James suddenly removed his robes. Leaving only his undergarments. He could never forget the pain he felt before he passed out. He had to know if it somehow originated from the flame tattoo.

'Huh? What's this? Where did the tattoo go?'

James's eyes roamed his chest, yet he couldn't find any trace of the tattoo. Although he didn't know why, he felt a sudden sense of unease.

'Did it merge with my body or something?' James mused. He subconsciously touched his chest, hoping to find the mystery behind the disappearance of his tattoo.

"System, can you detect a new flame in my body?"


Scanning Completed!

No new flame detected!

'I don't like this... where the hell could it have—'

"Ahem. Ahem. Kaleb, what are you doing?"

James suddenly raised his head, only to see Henriksen staring at him awkwardly.

James's mouth opened several times, yet he said nothing. In only his underwear, what could he possibly say?

"I didn't know you had it that bad. Finish what you're doing, but don't take too long. Everyone is waiting for you... pfft.." Henriksen could barely contain his laughter.

Before James could retort, he once again disappeared through the portal with his cheerful laugh filling James's ears.

The corners of James's eyes twitched. He couldn't believe he hadn't detected Henriksen earlier. Knowing his personality, he would never let him hear the end of it.

'I better get over there before he runs his mouth...' James mused. Wearing his robes in a hurry. A second later, he, too, walked into the portal.

At that same moment, James felt a substantial force overwhelm his body. Unlike the instant teleportation, the portal dragged him somewhat violently. However, James was certain it wouldn't harm him.

A moment after he entered the portal, his vision distorted. Revealing a well-illuminated room devoid of any furniture. He could see all the survivors from the Odon Forest, except Lilis and the Halfling named Firmaha.

"Oh? So quick? You didn't have to rush, you know," Henriksen said. He winked at James while grinning.

Aebalar, who stood close to him, suddenly donned a curious expression. She wondered what happened between Henriksen and James.

James, on the other hand, didn't bother with Henriksen. He was in no mood to feed the troll.

"Henriksen, shouldn't you be explaining the details of the Rights Ceremony? I don't think this is the time for fun and games," Rowan said.

He wasn't in the slightest bit curious by Henriksen's words. He just wanted him to reveal the information on the Rights Ceremony.

'I knew surviving that forsaken place would have its rewards. This is my chance to rise to the top.' Rowan thought as he casually leaned against the wall.

"All right, everyone, pay attention to my words. I don't want to upset our dear Prince. I won't repeat myself. Okay?" Henriksen said. His eyes slowly scanned the room.

Silence greeted his words. The youths all stared at him with varying degrees of interest.

"What I'm about to say doesn't differ from what I said earlier. For your own good, don't joke with the Rights Ceremony. If you do, I promise you'll regret it for the rest of your life." Henriksen suddenly paused.

The facial features of the youths had grown solemn, and they all focused their attention on him.

"I told you survivors like us governed the Village, right?"

No one answered. They all nodded.

"Well, this is the first test you have to pass if you want to reach those heights," Henriksen said. His gaze lingered on Rowan, who wore his desires on his sleeves.

"As you all know, the Odon Forest wasn't the only Selection site. However, the other three pales compared to it. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that. After all, you can see the difference between the number of survivors from each site."

"In the Village, most of the top dogs are survivors from the Odon Forest. Unfortunately, I don't have the authority to tell you the benefits of the Rights Ceremony. But trust me, do everything in your power to win your battle." Henriksen said.

"Hehehe... are we fighting to the death or what?"

Everyone turned their heads towards Aebalar. She echoed the sentiments in their hearts. With how Henriksen stressed the importance of victory, they believed only death could end such a brawl.

"If you have a way to make your opponent quit, then use it. If they don't give up, then do what you can to ensure your victory. It's that simple." Henriksen explained.

"But, why do we have to fight in pairs? If they defeat my partner, does that mean I lose, too?" Rowan asked. He glared at Henriksen like an aggrieved old man. From the corners of his eyes, he could see Yoz's bloodshot eyes staring at him.

"Partner? Hahaha… You are only partners in theory. We don't want the battles to drag on, hence why we grouped you guys. To be honest, it's a one-on-one battle. Just that four of you will fight at a go. If your partner loses, then they lose their right. It's as simple as that. Their defeat doesn't affect you." Henriksen explained.

Rowan's face suddenly brightened. Since they had partnered him with an injured Yoz, he felt the odds were against him.

"What happens if there is no victor?" Yoz asked. Although three months had passed in the outside world, it didn't affect the regeneration of her limb.

"You don't have to worry about that. We have our way of—"

"What about Lilis and Firmaha? Why do we have to fight and not them?" Rowan interjected. He stared intently at Henriksen with a defiant expression. One that suggested he wouldn't take a half-baked explanation.

"Lilis? Although she is from the same set as you guys, she isn't part of you. Hence, there's no need for her to partake in this ceremony. However, I honestly don't know what happened to Firmaha. We are still investigating the matter. Don't worry, Prince. I assure you, I'm not giving them special privileges," Henriksen said.

"What do you mean you—?"

"I won't answer any more questions. Prepare yourselves. The ceremony starts as soon as we leave here," Henriksen interjected. He didn't even bother to glance at Rowan.

"Ummm… do we draw lots before the fight or…?" Aebalar suddenly asked.

At that moment, a dazzling smile flashed across Henriksen's face, as he said, "Don't worry about that. We have taken care of everything." Henriksen suddenly laughed uncontrollably, drawing curious stares from the youths. Just then, he pointed to James and Aebalar, "You two are going first. Good luck."