Familiar Faces

Various thoughts filled the minds of the youths as Henriksen ushered them through a series of interconnected hallways. Apart from Aebalar's occasionally giggles, silence dominated the hallways.

Although they didn't know the exact benefits of winning the rights ceremony, they knew it had to be special for Henriksen to stress its importance.

"We are here," Henriksen said as he turned towards the group.

'Apart from Aebalar, I can't really tell what's going through their minds. Especially him.' The smile on his face grew brighter as his eyes scanned the youths. His gaze lingering on James for a second more than the others.

"What are you waiting for then? Open the door," Rowan said.

If he could, he would barge into the massive wooden door just ahead. However, the plain door had no latch or locks. He had no idea how to open it.

Unlike the rest of the youths, he couldn't wait to start the rights ceremony. After all, it would start his rise to prominence. Henriksen's needless delay only stirred his irritation.

"As impatient as always, Prince," Henriksen chuckled as he glanced at Rowan.

Saying nothing further, he placed his hands on the door's surface. A second later, a bright yellow hue covered the door and the youths could hear gears turning.

"Any second now..." Henriksen muttered as small beads of sweat covered his face.

Scanning Completed!

There's no threat to the user beyond the door!

The User has placed The Soul Parasite Curse on 45 targets... 46 targets... 47 targets... 48 targets...

James smiled as he glanced at the system's message. Just then, a muffled explosion filled his ears. Before he raised his head, Henriksen's voice filled the hallway, "It's open. This is as far as I go. I wish you all good luck. Remember, in fighting will result in immediate disqualification. Good luck..."

Even before Henriksen's finished his statement, Rowan had taken long strides into the narrow openings beyond the door. The rest, however, cautiously approached the door.

For the first time since they left the room, Aebalar turned her gaze towards James. However, it only lingered for a few seconds.

One after the other, the youths silently walked through the doors. Within thirty seconds, all but one remained.

"What's the matter? Don't tell me you're scared, Kaleb?" Henriksen grinned as he stared at James.

James, however, said nothing. He wore a thin smile as he silently stared at Henriksen.

'Why is he looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?' Henriksen awkwardly coughed as he averted his eyes from James's.

At that same moment, James finally made his move. Saying nothing, he walked passed Henriksen before disappearing through the opened doors.

'That guy is really strange. He's just like one of those Arkilites. Damn it! I didn't want to remember those bastards.' Henriksen shook his as if trying to dispel an unsightly memory.

'The others should have arrived. Let me not keep them waiting...' Walking towards the opposite direction, Henriksen slowly disappeared into the hallways.


'I wasn't expecting this...' James mused as he glanced at his new surroundings. Unlike the matrix of hallways earlier, he stood in a massive armory filled with weapons he was both familiar and unfamiliar with.

From his estimations, he believed the weapons within the armory could equip an army in the tens of thousands.

'This makes sense... after all, not everyone has an inventory like me.' James mused.

Apart from him and Lilis, none of the other survivors returned with their weapons. It had either been destroyed, abandoned or stolen.

Since it was impossible to expect most of them to fight to maximum potential with just their bare hands, it made sense they gave them the choice to choose their preferred weapon.

The others youths also had the same awed expression, even Rowan. This was the first time they had seen such a large number of weapons gathered in one place.

Like an excited child locked in a candy shop, Aebalar raced from one rack to the other. Her eyes glistening with each step she took. The others could see a slight drool escaping from the sides of her lips as she gawked at different weapons.

Although excited, none of the others showed such an exaggerated reaction. Not wanting to miss out on their preferred weapons, the others quickly raced to a rack of their own. Hoping to find the perfect weapon for their imminent bout.

James, on the other hand, casually walked through the armory. He pretend to be interested in someone weapons, however, he didn't have the slightest interest in any of them. After all, he had the Mask of the Dead. Every weapon in the armory was trash compared to it.

Name: Rapier.

Rank: Poor.

'If we are the only ones here, that means there's another armory to meet the needs of our challengers.' James mused as he causally caressed the rapier.

Although he didn't know the perils the other grounds had, he assumed it was unlikely they all returned with their weapons, that's assuming they were given one like his own group.

"Hey, are you going to take that?"

James slowly turned his head as he heard the familiar voice. Rowan eagerly stared at him with greed obviously flashed across his face.

"You can have it if you want..." James retorted.

Saying nothing further, he casually walked away.

'What a fool. A peasant will always be a peasant. How could someone let go of such a magnificent sword.' Rowan sneered as he watched James leave. He could barely stop himself from laughing at James's stupidity.

"Aren't you going to to choose one? The time limit is almost up?"

James slowly turned his head as he head the familiar voice. Aebalar cocked her head while donning a faint smile. Her eyes constantly shifted between James and the weapons behind him.

'Oh? She chose that? I didn't see that coming...' James smiled as he stared at Aebalar's arms. Unlike before, a golden gauntlet which had intricate flower patterns covered her arms.

"So, are you going to choose any—"

"I don't see how that's your business. You should be more concerned about what's going to happen when the battle starts. After all, anything can happen in a free-for-all melee," James interjected. With a devious smile plastered across his face, he causally walked towards another section of the armory.

Meanwhile, Aebalar remained in the same position with her head lowered. Her body trembled uncontrollably while faint but audible moans escaped from her slightly parted lips.

'I can't hold myself any longer. I have to kill him...' Aebalar slowly raised her head. Revealing her bloodshot eyes. Her visage had turned to that of a bloodthirsty beast on a mission to unleash mayhem.

Warning! Warning! Warning!

Concentrated Bloodlust Detected!

The User has placed The Soul Parasite Curse on 75 targets... 76 targets... 77 targets... 78 targets...

'Hahaha... This is going to be fun. Bloodline or not, it's time I ended that little bitch. System, activate the curse on the current targets!'

User's Preference Saved!

Estimated Time Until Activation: 3 Minutes!

'This is good. I can use the Mana from the others to raise my level to 30. I wonder what the new system ranking requirements will be... and there's still the matter of what happened the last time I activated the curse...' James mused.

The thought of ranking up to Level 30 made him elated, but he was cautiously optimistic due to what he experienced in the vault. That the mysterious flame tattoo had disappeared also lingered at the back of his mind.

'There's no point thinking about something I have no control over. I'll just—' Mid-thought, a section of the armory suddenly rumbled. Within seconds, the walls parted revealing a narrow but well-illuminated passage.

"Everyone, please take the path to the arena. You have thirty seconds to cross the passage. Failure to do so, is the same as giving up on the Rights Ceremony!"

Wordlessly, the youths stared at each other before hurriedly following the instructions. Rowan walked in hurried steps ahead of the others while James causally took his time at the rear.

'I wonder who my opponent will be. Hopefully, it's someone I won't have to waste too much time on.' James mused. He could see a plain bronze door which had several rust patches just a few meters ahead.

With Rowan leading the group, he arrived at the door first. Wasting no time, he pushed open the door before taking giant strides him.

One by one, James watched as the youths walked in. He had already tasked the system to scan for potential threats, and had already gotten confirmation that nothing would threaten him.

'Oh? I wasn't expecting this...' A slight smile tugged at the sides of James lips as he entered the arena. Unlike the large coliseum he encounter the Caretakers, the arena paled in comparison.

It spanned twenty meter in length with the distance between the floor and ceiling at least ten meters. It's walls were made of concrete and dyed with blood splatters. However, James's eyes lingered on the youths just a few meters away from his group. They too were a mix of different races. That he could recognize three people from the group surprised him a bit.

At the end of the Arena, the group comprised two humans, a dark-Elf, a demon, a Beastman and a Halfling. Just like James's group, they started at their counterparts with varying degree of interest. However, of the two humans, one stared at Rowan with undisguised hatred and bloodlust. One that drew the attention of everyone in the arena.

'Who the hell is this? Why is she staring at me like that?' Rowan frowned as he stared at the young lady.

He had never met her before and did not understand why she stared at him with such venom.

A frown formed on Rowan's face as he stared at the other human, 'How did that bitch survive? Some people have all the luck...' Like James and himself, she was part of the group who decided to stay in Kynar.

'Her rotten luck ends here. She'll pay for humiliating me...' Rowan licked his lips as tapped the hilt of his sword. No matter what, he could never forget how she humiliated him back then.

"Welcome everyone. We have all had a rough couple of months and I'm sure you'll like to bring it to an end. Let's not waste any more time. The first combatants please step forward!"