Heather and Tiana

Henriksen, Cefero and Boufal exchanged glances, unable to comprehend what went down within the few minutes they had left the viewing room, rushing to the arena.

"Wait a minute," Cefero slightly regained his composure, "What happened here?" He gazed at James. His probing gaze demanding an explanation.

James's eyes narrowed, as he said, "I don't know. If that's settled, please declare me the winner." His breathing had barely returned to normal, however, everyone noticed his trembling limbs.

'You don't know?' Cefero frowned. Having spent a considerable number of years in Kynar, he had developed a keen sense towards personalities. 'He looks injured, but I've a feeling it's only an act...' Cefero's brows creased further. The matter of Jiro and Anoko's disappearance also lingered in his mind. It reminded him of how several of the survivors had gone missing.

'Wait, a minute... wasn't he in the same vault, too?' Cefero's brows shot up. The ordinary boy in front of him had piqued his interest.

Cefero turned towards Boufal, "Boufal, can you do anything about her condition?"

"Give me a minute," Boufal said. In gentle steps, he approached Aebalar's motionless body.

'What kind of crazy battle did they have?' Boufal's eyes narrowed as he scanned Aebalar's blood soaked body. Covering his nose with a white handkerchief.

'This is strange? She doesn't have any physical injuries...' Despite covered in blood, Boufal examined Aebalar's condition. 'From the look of it, her injuries are mostly internal, and self inflicted, too.' Boufal deduced the crux of the matter.

"Boufal, how is it?" Henriksen asked from the side. "Can you treat her? Or does she need a healer?"

Boufal slowly shook his head. "There's no need for that," he pointed towards Aebalar.

"If my guess is right, she will wake up in two or three hours," Boufal said. "I'll take her to Bena's room." The handkerchief in his hand expanded, Boufal constantly enriched it with his Mana. Within a minute, it covered Aebalar like a body bag.

"We must trouble you then..." Cefero said. His eyes still lingered on James.

Chanting inaudible spells, Boufal and Aebalar disappeared from the room.

Warning! Warning! Warning!

Several Targets have discovered Item - Merged damned soul.

Would the user like to abort Skill - Curse Inducement?

'Damn it!' James cursed within his mind. 'It's probably those Demons.' James didn't know any other race that could identify his damned souls, unless they practiced sorcery related to souls.

'System, abort it. Send the damned souls to my inventory.' James ordered.

Skill, Curse Inducement aborted!

Item, Merged Damned Soul sent to the User's Inventory.

"Kaleb, do you need help with your injuries?"

James's brows creased as he saw Cefero walk over. "No, I don't!" His displeasure clear. "If I had known the rights ceremony was just a circus show, I wouldn't have bothered taking part!" James said.

His words echoed within the arena. Everyone turned towards him. What did he mean by that? Cefero's countenance darkened. He only wanted to know if James had sustained any injuries. Why did he have to shout with such hostility?

"Kaleb, what do you mean by that?" Henriksen asked. James's change in disposition surprised him.

'Has he always been like that? Picking a fight with Cefero wouldn't end well...' Henriksen gestured towards James. Using his eyes to explain his intentions.

James's laugh greeted his kind intentions. "If this isn't a circus show, then what else can I call it?" James sneered.

"Kaleb, do not pick a—"

"First, you concealed information on our whereabouts. Then, you tell us we have to take part in some rights ceremony which we don't even know its benefits. Now, you won't even declare me the winner after taking part… surviving this bullshit show." James said in one breath. "If this isn't a circus show, I don't know what else to call it."

James then turned towards the other youths. "If any of you have a working brain, know they are only doing this for their amusement." James laughed as he slumped on his rear.

'That bastard Zenonja got me good... It feels like it took two years from my lifespan.' James didn't fake his fatigue. He never expected a single blow to cause him so much damage.

A shadow soon cast over James, and he raised his head. Cefero, with a deep frown, gazed at him. 'This little bastard! If we were in the Village, I would have smashed your fucking head open.' He knew James said those words to turn the others against him.

Unbothered by Cefero's thoughts, James's lips curved into a smile. His eyes challenging the giant.

"Congratulations, Kaleb! You and Aebalar are the victors of the first match!" Cefero declared. Forcing a smile, he crouched slightly, before placing his right hand on James's shoulder. "Next time you try that bullshit with me, I'll fucking kill you. Do you understand?" Cefero whispered.

James's face remained impassive. 'Oh? A tough guy...' Cefero's smile turned cruel. His grip on James's shoulder tightened. "Do you understand me, Kaleb?" Cefero asked again. The pain on the latter's face made him giggle a bit.

James nodded. Struggling to contain his shrieks. "Good." Cefero's grip softened. Patting James's shoulder, he continued, "You can watch the remaining fights or you can proceed to the dinning hall. The choice is yours."

Saying nothing further, he turned to leave. However, he soon turned to face James once more.

"You better lose that attitude if you want to survive in the Village." Cefero didn't bother to hide his contemptuous smile.

Turning towards the other youths, he said, "We will start the next round immediately. Yoz will battle Aithlin, while Rowan will battle Kayla-"

"Wait, a minute, Cefero!" A young lady with striking features interjected.

'What is it this time?' Cefero frowned as he turned towards the source of the voice. However, his frown turned into a smile upon sighting the young lady.

"What is it, Heather?"

Heather stepped forward. Unrestrained bloodlust exuding from her body. Her bloodthirsty eyes lingered on the opposite end of the room. "Please, replace me with Kayla!" Heather demanded. Her gentle voice contrasted with her fierce demeanor.

"Replace you?" Cefero muttered. He awkwardly scratched his head while shifting his gaze between Heather and Rowan. 'What's the deal between them? Did they have a falling out before coming here?'

Unlike Heather, who bore unrestrained hate for Rowan, Cefero could see genuine confusion etched on Rowan's face.

"Heather, we don't—"

"Who the hell are you, and what's your problem with me?!" Rowan bellowed. He was sick of some unknown person glaring at him with venom. 'I don't even know you. Do you think my silence is a sign of weakness?' Rowan couldn't control his anger anymore. Since he entered the arena, and until the darkness covered it, Heather had been glaring at with unrestrained desire to kill. How could he allow some random nobody to threaten him? Wouldn't that sully his reputation as a proud prince?

Heather's body trembled. Rowan's words only increased her anger. "You killed my sister. I will make you regret the day you stepped into this world!"

Heather brandished her short sword. She didn't give a damn about the rights ceremony anymore, especially after seeing Rowan.

Orcs invaded her city, and only she and her sister, Tiana, had survived the raid. Fleeing for several days, they met a strange woman dressed in black and white, who promised to help them. She offered them food and water, which they readily devoured. However, it was the last time the two sisters saw each other.

She woke up in a strange room and surrounded by unfamiliar faces. However, despite being separated, the sisters shared a unique ability. They had shared vision. They could always view whatever the other person could see. No matter the distance between them.

Although they didn't wake up in the same room, she hoped their shared vision would eventually reunite them. However, fate had other plans for them. She witnessed Tiana's demise. Roman stabbed her during the welcoming party.

'Are you fucking kidding me? Is that the reason she has been glaring at me?' Rowan's brows shot up in amusement. Most of the youth shared a similar look. Where were they? Was there anyone among them who hadn't killed in the last couple of weeks?

"So, what do you want from me? An apology?" The contempt in Rowan's voice echoed within the arena. "Or, are you looking for revenge?" Rowan teased. He met Heather's bloodthirsty gaze, taunting her with his eyes.

"I'll kill you!" Heather charged forward. Her grip on the handle of a short sword tightened. She had lost all sense of reasoning.

'Kill me? Don't me laugh! Do you think I'm afraid of you?' Rowan's lips curved into a smile. Reaching for his rapier, he glared at Heather. Once she reached his strike zone, he wouldn't hesitate to kill her.

"Enough!" A gust of wind blew across the arena. Heather stopped in her tracks. Sanity had returned to her eyes. Her gaze lingered on the man just a few meters ahead. Cefero's body had turned steel gray. Sparkling like diamonds.

"Where do you think this is?" Cefero's eyes roamed the room. "If you want to kill each other, wait until you get to the Village. This is my final warning to you all!" Cefero declared.

Utter silence followed. No one in the right sense wanted anything to do with the angry giant.

Cefero nodded. "Since you understand. Let's proceed with the second bout." Cefero turned towards the first group. "Yoz and Rowan. Step forward."

Without delay, the two combatants did as instructed. Turning to the second group, Cefero said, "Aithlin and Kayla. Step forward."

"Cef—" Heather didn't dare finish her statement. Cefero's emerald like eyes had landed on her.

Heather stood there, hating herself for being unable to avenge her sister. Turning her head towards Rowan, she said, "You will pay for what you did!"

Heather took one last glance at Rowan. She sheathed her sword and walked away. Although none of them sympathized with her, they understood how she felt. Staring at the killer of a loved one and yet being unable to do anything. It had to hurt.

"Since we have settled that. You can begin. There's no time limit!" Cefero declared. He then turned towards James, "Are you leaving or watching?"


The User has successfully placed Skill - Rot Inducement, on the Target!

Estimated time until activation: 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Rot Inducement Activated!

"I'll leave. There's no point watching this soap opera anymore..." James chuckled.