Welcome To The Village

James and Henriksen walked through the lonely hallways. They neither shared a word nor glance. James held his left shoulder while dawdling. Muttering inaudible words here and there.

Henriksen paused in his tracks. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Let's proceed to the dining area," James muttered.

'Why does he keep trying to act tough?' Henriksen rolled his eyes. He wouldn't bother to help this fellow anymore.

James turned towards Henriksen. "How long until we arrive in the Village?" James then leaned against the wall. His eyes lingered on the smile on Henriksen's face. He knew that smile all too well.

'Since he has completed his rights ceremony, there's no harm telling him.' Henriksen leaned against the opposite wall. His smile became even more dazzling. "What are you talking about?" Henriksen titled his head to the side. He continued, "We are already here."

'What?! This place is the Village?' James's mind was racing. ���Is he messing with me?' James sneaked a glance at Henriksen. His smile had turned comical. 'This bastard is definitely messing with me.' James believed.

Henriksen's giggles followed. Tears streaked down his face. His left hand held his stomach while his right hand rested on the wall.

"What's so funny?" James asked.

"Your... Your face..." Henriksen squeezed out his words.

'My face?' Anger flashed across James's face. Barely lasting a second, his face became impassive once more. 'I shouldn't have bothered with him.' James dismissively stared at Henriksen. He could only blame himself for expecting anything from a troll.

"Don't be like that. I was only messing around." Henriksen didn't miss James's change in disposition. "I'll answer for real this time. You won me a minor fortune, after all." Henriksen beamed.

"Minor fortune? Me?" James asked. His uncertainty plastered across his face. However, Henriksen only smiled. He had no intentions of clarifying his words.

"I was actually serious when I said we are in the Village. However, we are in one of several vessels just outside its borders." Henriksen declared. Readjusting his robes. He then continued, "Once the rights ceremony is over, we'll proceed to the banquet. After that, your time in Kynar begins!"

James nodded. His face remained impassive. Hiding the shock he felt.

"I'm in a pleasant mood. So, ask the questions plaguing your mind. I'll answer them if I'm allowed." Henriksen folded his hands. His eyes lingered on James.

'If I am allowed?' Henriksen's peculiar wordings piqued James's interest. 'I'll worry about that later. Let's find out more on this rights ceremony.'

"Can you speak on the rights ceremony?" James asked.

Henriksen laughed. Awkwardly staring at James. "Unfortunately, I can't speak on the matter." Henriksen's eyes carried his sincerity. James, however, said nothing. It didn't bother him. He had little expectations from the beginning.

"Don't worry, once we disembark, the Caretakers will explain all the details. They will also tell you the general rules of the Village." Henriksen explained. He believed James's lack of reaction was his way of hiding his disappointment.

James nodded. Then he said, "Can you tell me the power behind this place? If possible, I would also like to know the actual reason they brought us here." Both questions plagued his mind.

For the first time, the smile on Henriksen's face disappeared. His eyes wandered left, and then right. Checking if anyone or anything listened to their words. Confirming no one eavesdropped on their conversation, his gaze shifted towards James. "Kaleb, I can't really speak on this matter..." Henriksen paused. Once again, he observed his surrounding.

'What's making him so cautious?' James too turned serious. Mimicking Henriksen's actions, he also searched for potential eavesdroppers.

Confirming for a second time no one listened in on their conversation, Henriksen continued, "However, I'll reveal just a little." Henriksen gestured for James to come towards him. James did as instructed. "Have you heard of the Black Order? Or The Order as they commonly known?" Henriksen whispered. Staring intently at James.

'So they are really the ones behind Kynar...' Henriksen's words confirmed the information he got from observing Piri and the Caretakers.

James's countenance darkened. "The Order? I have heard about them. Aren't they one of the most infamous guilds in the Black Lands? Don't tell me they are behind this?" Henriksen could see the horror on James's face.

Henriksen gestured using the index finger of his right hand. Placing it on his sealed lips. "Don't be so loud." He nodded. Affirming James's words. James's visage turned ugly. Fear among other emotions flashed across his face. He had to continue his act.

"Now for your second question. Do you remember what I said in the Odon Forest?"

Reigning in his emotions. James nodded slightly.

"Good. I wasn't lying. The sole purpose of this place is to breed people with the potential to rival dragons," Henriksen whispered. Subtly scanning their surrounding, he continued, "I know my words makes little sense right now. But you will understand when the Caretakers finish their introduction."

"Thank you, Henriksen," James said.

Henriksen's eyes lowered. Staring at James's outstretched arm. A smile bloomed on his face, "No problem." Locking hands, his smile brightened. "Let's hurry to the dining area."

"Sure. To be honest, I'm quite famished." James chuckled.

The User has placed Skill - Rot Inducement, on the Target!

Will the user like to Activate the skill?

'No. Not yet. Activate it once I leave this vessel!'

The User has placed Skill - Rot Inducement, on the Target!

Skill Activation Queued!


After over ten minutes of walking, James and Henriksen arrived at the door leading to the dining area.

"This is where I bid you farewell, Kaleb." Henriksen patted James on the shoulder. He had enjoyed chatting with him. James donned a faint smile.

"I still have business to handle in the arena." Henriksen turned to leave. However, he suddenly turned to face James once more, saying, "We reserved the table on the dais for you and the others. They'll join you once their battle is over... if they are alive, that is..." Henriksen snorted. Grinning from ear to ear. Saying nothing further, he turned and left.

James's smile disappeared as Henriksen left. He didn't bother to glance at the monk. His eyes lingered on the doors before him, and he could hear faint voices.

'System, is there anyone in there I should be wary of?'


Scanning Completed!

None of the targets pose a substantial threat to the User!

Without hesitation, James pushed opened the door. A cacophony of noise greeted him and a delightful waft assaulted his nose. Unfamiliar people came into view. With most of Skyhaven's race represented within the diverse group, he could see Ogres, Humans, Demons, Elves, Beastmen, Slimes, Lizardmen and Halflings. Segregated into various groups, they sat across each other while feasting on food which smelled and looked delicious.

James ignored the probing gazes directed towards him. Instead, his eyes lingered on the dais at the end of the room. 'Why is there a barrier there? Henriksen said nothing about a barrier.' James frowned. 'Since he said they reserved it for us. It should open up when I approach it, right?' James mused. Parting his disheveled hair, he approached the dais in light steps.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

James paused as he heard the indistinct voice. He turned to the side. Meeting the probing gaze of a young lady with ink black hair and a nasty scar below her left eye.

Shannon met James's eyes. 'How rare. His eyes have two distinct colors...' Shannon knew James waited for her to clarify her statement. "We have all tried to climb the dais." Shannon shook her head slowly. "However, the barrier attacks anyone who comes close to it." She then rose to her feet.

She towered over James, much to his surprise. "Why don't you join us? We should stick together in a place like this."

With various races gathered, most would gather with their own kind. In a volatile place like Kynar, anything could happen. They would rather sit among their kind than carelessly dine with enemies.

James understood Shannon's intentions, however, he wasn't like them. "Thank you, but I am not interested," James said. He continued his walk towards the barrier.

Neither Shannon nor the other humans intended to advise him further. Since he had decided, he could do whatever he liked. Some of them had also acted stubbornly when they arrived. They already knew what would happen once James reached within a foot of the barrier. If he didn't suffer a broken limb or fractured skull, then he was among the lucky ones.

Eyes from the other races focused on James too. They couldn't wait for what would happen. "Red human will go boom. Can't wait! Red human scream!" An Ogre said. His brothers laughed in tow. Watching a human act stubbornly before the barrier had turned into their favorite pastime.

The closer James got, the more frenzied the Ogres laughed. Any moment now. The little human's scream would fill the hall, they thought.

Contrary to their expectations, however, nothing happened. The barrier parted freely, not in any way obstructing James's path. Gasps filled the hall. Some involuntarily rose to their feet. What the hell? How did he get through? What made me so special? A few dashed towards the barrier. They believed it had finally weakened, hence James's easy entry.

Although the seating arrangement on the dais didn't differ from the main halls, everyone wanted to sit there. Intelligent beings were competitive by nature. It was common knowledge that only the distinguished sat on a raise platform.

Torag, the Ogre who mocked James, arrived before the others. He still clenched unto a roasted beast thigh. "Red human. Me sit there. You don't stand in Torag way!" Torag declared.

James looked at the rushing Ogre. He had chosen the seat at random. Now that Torag told him not to sit there, he wanted nothing more than to lay his rear on the cushion.

"Red human! Don't—" Torag's shriek cut him off. The rushing youths paused in their tracks. The Ogre had crashed against the barrier, his body sent flying.

The barrier isn't weak? Then how did he pass through? They shared the same thought. No one bothered with Torag, who had his femur sticking out of his flesh.

'What a stupid creature...' James smirked while fiddling with a wine cup. His eyes lingered on Torag, and he could barely stop himself from laughing.

The youths returned to their seats. No one wanted to end up like Torag. The dining hall gradually returned to normal, with a few occasionally sneaking glances at James.

Scanning Completed!

No poison or curses detected in the following Items...

James wouldn't eat what the system hadn't verified. Not after experiencing the wonders of curses. Gathering his thoughts, James slowly devoured the food before him. And it tasted as good as he imagined.


James's eyes roamed the dinning area. Ten minutes had passed since he entered the hall, and he had finished two plates of meat and soup. To his surprise, as long as willed it, a fresh plate would replace the former. Everyone ate their favorite dish and drank wine they had lusted over.

'It's a shame the Demons are here, too.' James smiled ruefully. He wanted nothing more than to gather Exp. Alas, the demons would identify his damned souls if they emerged. The gathering reminded him of Olga's ball, albeit a much more grass version. In deep thought, the golden doors of the room flung open. Alerting everyone within.

Cefero's laughter followed. "I see you're all having a pleasurable time. That's good." Flanked by Henriksen and Boufal, the trio causally walked into the room.

'Oh? They're done already?' James's eyes lit up. He peered into the opened doors. A dazzling slime crept up his lips as he noticed the familiar faces.

'One is missing?' James couldn't find Solheim, the sole surviving Elf from the Odon Forest. 'Was he injured in the battle?' A sudden thought filled James's mind. 'Or could he have died?'

Whatever the outcome, it didn't bother him. It only stirred his curiosity. However, his eyes lingered on Rowan, and he could barely stop himself from laughing.

'It seems I should have stayed! I definitely missed something interesting.' James, however, didn't feel an ounce of regret. Rowan's ugly visage coupled with his ragged appearance only meant one thing, he lost. Spectacularly at that.

"Everyone, I'm sorry for the delay!"

Everyone turned towards Cefero once more. Like James, he too had reached the dais without difficulty. Henriksen, Boufal and the combatants had also taken their seats on the dais.

Cefero smiled. He enjoyed being the attention of the room. "With the conclusion of the rights ceremony. I officially welcome you to the Village!" Cefero's words echoed within the room.

Clicking his fingers, the walls of the room suddenly rumbled. The youths flew from their seats. Gathering at the center of the dinning area. The last time something like that happened, it begun their journey into their respective selections sites. A mental and physical nightmare no one wanted to relive.

'It gets them every time...' Cefero chuckled. He sneaked glances at the youths on the dais. They too mirrored the actions of their counterparts. The trauma from the Odon Forest flashed across their minds.

"Relax everyone! You won't go to those forsaken places soon. I promise you!"

No one listened. Although he had a higher standing than them, Cefero was still a child of Kynar. How could he guarantee such promises? They thought.

Cefero said nothing further. He watched as the walls slowly turned translucent, and then transparent.

'What?!' James staggered. 'Here? This is the Village?'