A Price

"Do you understand?" Finley's voice echoed in the hall. He stood on a podium, gazing at the frightened maids, cooks, stableman and gardeners. His brown eyes slowly scanned the room, 'these fellows have been slacking off all week. Now that our master has arrived, let's see if they can continue their nonchalant attitude. I only hope this one lasts longer than the last...' His wrinkled lips upturned into a smile.

Finley March had spent the greater part of the last forty years serving Kynar. He had served under men, Demons, Beastmen and even slimes. Every so often, the Caretakers assigned him a new master. Although he didn't know why, but he too well that their Masters never lived long. He didn't care, though. After all, it didn't affect his survival.

"That concludes the meeting. Go back to your stations. I will send word once our Lord desires your presence." Finley declared. In a flash, the hall cleared, each servant hurrying to their stations.

"Theo come here." Finley called out.

A young boy wearing a faded, oversized tunic paused. Hay and straw hid at the corners of disheveled brown hair, which he tied into a ponytail. A slight scar lined the sides of his oily cheeks.

"What are you standing around for? Come here." Finley urged. Without a second thought, Theo hurried towards Finley.

"You rascal. How many did you take?" Finley's gaze turned serious. Someone had stolen three chicken laps earlier, and he only had one suspect.

Theo lowered his head while his fingers fiddle with the hem of his robes. Despite all servants being allocated three meals per day, he could only eat once a day because of his work in the stables.

He gritted his teeth while closing his eyes. 'I shouldn't say a word...' He knew Finley had caught him, but he couldn't bring himself to admit his guilt. 'Only if I wasn't so weak…' He didn't steal because he wanted to. Neither did he purposely miss any of his means.

Finley's gaze suddenly softened, 'It seems the situation hasn't changed...' He sighed as he said, "Are they still bullying you?"

Theo shook his head. He couldn't bring himself to stare at Finley. Despite being sixteen already, he was weaker than those far younger than him. Taking advantage of his weaker nature, the other stable workers forced their work on him while sharing his meals, among other things. If he had stolen because of his hunger, he had no shame in admitting his crime. However, his coworkers had forced him to steal from the kitchen while sharing his meals for the entire day. 'If only I was stronger...' Theo's fingers buried into his palm. 'What's the point of being alive if I can only live like a dog? I will end it tonight. I'm tired. This life is too unfair to me.' He had decided. Opening his eyes, he bowed solemnly, as he said, "Sir, I will accept my punishment. I vow I will never steal again, and this is the last time I will let them bully me!"

'Something feels off...' Finley opened his mouth several times but said nothing. His brown eyes lingered on Theo's, his resolve clear in his eyes.

"Let me know if you need my help." Finley smiled. Removing the dirt on Theo's hair, he continued, "No matter what, always stand up for yourself. Do you understand?"

Theo nodded. His eyes reddened with tears gathering at the corner. 'Thank you for everything you have done for me Butler Finley. If there's an afterlife, I will pay you back.' Memories flooded Theo's mind. The only reason he hadn't died of starvation or exhaustion was because of the stern Butler.

"Good. For your punishment, you'll sweep and mop the passage to my room. Okay?"

Theo could no longer hold himself as tears streaked down his cheeks. The passage to Finley's quarters was barely ten feet and was always spotless. 'I'm sorry for being a coward, sir. I'm sorry...' Finley's kindness deepened Theo's guilt. However, he had decided. Nothing would change it.

Finley sighed. "All right. You can go now. Later, I will send your food to my quarters. I don't want you shrinking away from your punishment." He winked at Theo, who looked on the verge of breaking down.

Before Finley could console him, Theo dropped to his knees while saying, "Thank you for everything, sir. I will always remember what you have done for me."

"What are you doing? Get up. A man should only kneel for his King or Parents. Hurry. Get up." Finley assisted Theo to his feet.

He spent a few more minutes advising the young boy before watching him leave the hall.

'To survive in this place isn't a simple task...' Finley shook his head. Years ago he was in Theo's shoes. 'If he wants to survive, he must learn to defend himself.' Finley sighed. He remembered all he passed through to get to his position. Living everyday like it was last, not knowing where or when his next meal will come. He had long forgotten how his father and mother looked like. All he could remember from those peaceful days was Henry, his loyal dog and best friend.

Lost in thoughts, Finley suddenly heard hurried footsteps approaching from the Hall's exit. He frowned, there was a rule not to run in the manor. He lifted his head, 'Layla?' She was the head maid. If it were any other person, he would have let them off with a stern warning. However, for the head maid to flaunt the Manor's rules, she had to be punished. 'What's wrong? Why does she look so agitated? Unless...' Finley's frown deepened.

"Butler Finley, Cardinal Soren has arrived." Layla said, calming her thumping chest. As the new head maid, she wasn't used to dealing with people of such status.

Finley countenance darkened. 'I knew it. Those people are here again. How do they always find out when a new master arrives?' He looked sternly at Layla, as he said, "What does he want?"

"He requests a meeting with our master," Layla said.

'A meeting?' Finley shook his head, "That's impossible. Master said we should let him be. Didn't I say this already?"

Enervated, Layla hurriedly explained, "I did. But he insisted on meeting you. I didn't know what else to do." Layla sighed. She really couldn't afford to offend someone of Cardinal Soren's status.

"All right. Take me to him," Finley said. He knew Layla was in a tight spot. As the number two person in the manor, he bore the authority of his master.

Layla inwardly sighed. "Yes... yes. They're in the main parlor."

'They?' Finley's brows creased. "How many people came with the Cardinal?" The more people they were, the more troublesome it would be to get rid of them.

Understanding the implications of her words, Layla quickly said, "I meant him and his entourage. He came along with two priests. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding."

Finley causally waved his hand, "It's all right. Let's not keep them waiting."

Saying nothing further, the duo hurried towards the main parlor.


Bishop Soren paced around the fireplace of a resplendent living room, hands behind his back. A distinct echo followed as his foot landed on the creaking oak floor. A frown distorted his visage as he mumbled under his breath.

"How is this going to take?" Bishop Soren snapped. It had been ten minutes since Layla ushered them into the parlor, yet no one attended to them.

"Your Eminence, please remain calm." Priest Christopher urged. He sat on a leather armchair while sipping from a teacup. Dressed in a black cassock, his visage was calm.

"How do you expect me to be calm? I have other things to do." Cardinal Soren retorted. "The Pope is about to open the ordination chamber and you expect me to be calm. Nonsense." Cardinal Soren's irritation grew.

"Your Eminence, I believe His Holiness will delay the opening for your arrival. After all, you contributed to the church's growth over the last five years," Priest Filimo said. Like Christopher, he also wore a black cassock, but a black mask covered his face.

"You really think so?"

"Of course. Your Eminence has contributed more than the other Cardinals. I believe His Holiness has also recognized this," Priest Filimo said.

Cardinal Soren paused his steps, 'that's right. Pope Enel wouldn't start without me. Yes. There's no need to be worried.' He stroked his goatee while chuckling.

'Thank the heavens he has calmed down.' Priest Filimo and Christopher glanced at each other. While other priests followed Cardinals to rise through the ranks, they stayed with Cardinal Soren because they were the only ones who could calm him.

Cardinal Soren walked towards a gray beast skin arm chair before taking his seat. "Filimo, have you found out the number of recruits that passed the rights ceremony?"

"Your Eminence, according to the reports, six of them passed the rights ceremony. Two humans. Two Halflings. One Dark-Elf and one Demon." Priest Filimo explained.

'Only two humans? That's too small.' Cardinal Soren frowned. Unlike other races who remembered their kinship in times of peril, humans wouldn't hesitate to strike their blood if it guaranteed their survival. He understood the perils of the selection and the rights ceremony, but he expected over two humans to pass the rights ceremony. After all, their church only catered to humans, weak or strong.

"Cardinal Soren, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting."

The three men turned towards the end of the room. There Finley gradually approached with a beaming smile.

"Finley, it's good to see you're in good health. Praise be Balaa. You should come to the church sometime," Cardinal Soren said.

"You flatter me. You know I'm not the religious type." Finley smiled awkwardly. This wasn't the first Cardinal to invite him to the church of Balaa, and he surely won't be the last.

Cardinal Soren shook his head slightly, "It's a shame. I know one day, Balaa will touch your heart." He wore a faint smile as his gaze lingered behind Finley. 'Did he come alone? Where's the master of the manor?' His smile disappeared.

Finley arrived in front of the Cardinal, and he could see the displeasure in Soren's eyes.

"So, where is your Master?"

"Cardinal Soren, my master, only arrived a few minutes ago. He instructed me that on no condition should I disturb him." Finley hesitated slightly. He had heard a lot about Soren's temper. Firming his resolve, he continued, "Cardinal Soren, I believe it's best you return another day."

Cardinal Soren's eyes had turned bloodshot.

"What did you say?"

Finley swallowed hard. He knew his next words would determine his life or death.

"Cardinal Soren, I'm just a powerless and old butler. I can't go against the wishes of my master." Finely bowed. Caught between a rock and a hard place. He couldn't afford to offend either party. However, if push come to shove, he would rather offend the party from the church than his master.

"Get him to come the hell—"

"Your Eminence, let's return later. Your Holiness is waiting for your return." Priest Filimo urged.

"Your Eminence, let us return before the others. We can always return another day." Priest Christopher added.

"Yes... I can always return." Cardinal Soren regained his composure. The priests' words had a calming effect on the Cardinal. Turning towards Finley, he said, "Tell your master we will return soon. No need to escort us. We'll see ourselves out. Be in good health."

"Thank you, Cardinal Soren." Finley sighed inwardly. He watched as Soren and the priests made their way out of the living room. If not for the priests, he didn't know what would have happened to him.

'I wonder if our master is the religious type...' Gathering his thoughts, Finley walked towards another section of the manor.


The lingering light was obliterated by the rapidly falling night. The once blue sky transformed into a vast expanse of jet-black that engulfed the manor and the surrounding forest. Dozens, if not hundreds, of fireflies wheezed through the air. Staining the night with a resplendent glow.

A figure sneaked within the eerie forest, cursing and grunting while pulling a stool through the mass of leaves and branches.

'This place should be good enough.' Theo stopped as he stared at a sturdy tree. A rope tied into a noose hung from one branch of the tree. Theo hesitated. After all, he was facing what would end his miserable life. 'I should get it over with before they look for me...' Theo steeled his heart. It was now or never.

He walked towards the tree while taking multiple deep breaths. He stared at the tree as a criminal would at the guillotine. His arms trembled as he dragged the stool underneath the branch while his wobbling legs could barely support him.

'I have to do this... I have to do this...' Theo silently stared at the rope, unable to move his body. "Why? It's right there. Why can't I do it?!" Tears streaked down his face. His voice had turned hoarse. He had done everything. He even wrote a thank you note to butler Finely while cursing his bullies in another. One more step, and his suffering would end. "Why can't I move?" Theo collapsed on his knees. He stared at the skies in indignation, as he said, "Why did you make me so weak? So you can mock me?! Why?!" His head dropped, tears slurring his voice, "Why am I a coward."

"Do you want power?"

Theo froze. His breathing quickened while his chest heaved in sync. 'What was that?' That voice didn't belong to any man. Not even the beasts or Demons could induce such terror. 'I have to get out of here!' Theo abandoned his thoughts of suicide. He felt a sharp cry from the depth of his soul, warning him to run as fast as he could.

Theo turned to flee. However, darkness had devoured everything surrounding him. Trapping him in an abyss with no escape.

"Do you desire power?"

Theo flinched as he heard the voice once more. He regretted choosing the lavender field as his suicide spot. 'Whether I die now or later makes no difference... it's already too late for me.' Resigned to his fate, Theo said, "Yes." He held his breath as he waited for a response. Silence, however, followed.

The darkness surrounding him disappeared, revealing the lonely skies and darkened trees. Theo cried as he saw the stool underneath the branch. He didn't know what happened, and he didn't care. But he was glad to see something familiar.

'I have to leave—' Theo's vision suddenly darkened. He couldn't sense anything. A moment later, his vision returned and so did his other senses. However, Theo lay on the damp earth unable to believe what stood before him. He lost control of his bowls, soiling his robes while fear gripped the very depths of his being.

"I shall bestow you the power you seek! However, your soul is mine!"