Soul Contract

'My soul?' A chill ran along Theo's spine. His listless eyes stared into James's eyes sockets, losing himself to the licking flames within. 'What's the point of gaining the entire world if I lose your soul?' Theo called the teachings of a roaming monk. A price had to be paid, he knew that all too well. But he didn't expect such a steep price.

"I-I change my mind. I-I don't want your power." Theo muttered through bated breath. Despite his trepidation, he wouldn't lose himself.

"Oh?" James's laugh echoed through the desolate woods. His flames flickered in a heated passion in tune with his advancing steps. One step, two steps, three steps... 'I'm an idiot! Why didn't I take its offer? At least I can say goodbye to this cruel world. Father, mother... wait for me, I'll be there soon.' Theo closed his eyes. Hope, regret and ambition were pointless in front of death. Any minute now, his years of misery would end. Only Acceptance remained.

Despite his best efforts, Theo couldn't control his trembling body. 'Any second now...' Theo gritted his teeth while expecting the pain that would dawn his demise. One second, two seconds, three seconds... one minute... yet Theo felt nothing.

'What's going on? Did it leave?' Theo subtly opened his left eye. 'Huh? He left?' Theo opened both eyes, staring at his surroundings, yet he couldn't see the same abomination. However, he couldn't bring himself to rise just yet. He could barely remember how to breathe, not to talk of running.

'If it has gone. I have to—' Mid-thought, Theo's body shuddered. 'What was that?' Theo panicked. There was no wind, neither did anything touch or fall on him, yet he felt as if something had entered his body.


Theo's heart clenched as he heard the familiar but sinister call. Before he could comprehend what was happening, he slowly rose to his feet. 'What's going on? Why am I listening to him?' Theo screamed within his mind. This wasn't fear. He was an expert in that. His body had turned into a being of its own will, his consciousness a mere prisoner to its whims.


Theo dropped to his knees. Locked his body, he could only see what lay before him.

"Interesting. It seems you no longer fear death."

'Behind me...' Theo couldn't turn his head. He could hear faint footsteps on crushed leaves buried within a sickening cackle. Just then he felt a touch on his left shoulder. Within seconds, James's Grim Reaper form towered above him. Glaring at him with absolute indifference.

"It doesn't matter whether or not you accept my offer..." James broke off into a chuckle. He stretched his right hand towards Theo's forehead as he said, "Your soul became mine the moment you stepped in here. You think you have suffered?" James's index finger rested on Theo's forehead, "I will make you realize the true meaning of pain! Come out!" James ordered.

Black flames charged out of his finger, sinking into Theo���s forehead. Within seconds, bestial howls reverberated in all directions. However, it didn't disturb the silence of the night. Theo remained kneeling. His body spasm uncontrollably while blood poured out from his eyes. James watched as a crimson, but transcendental figure slowly separated from Theo's body. Its odious cries filled the spirit world as the flames of the Netherworld tore through its being.

"Kill me! Please Kill me!" Theo's soul squirmed as the inky flames ravaged through his ethereal being.

"Kill you?" James chuckled. "I can do that whenever I want. But where is the fun in that?" James reached for Theo's soul. "However, if you're willing to serve me. I can make the pain go away. If not..." James paused. The Soul Purifying flame flicked intensely, wanting to jump out at any moment. The hell fire flame crept up James's hand, slithering towards Theo's howling soul.

"I'll do anything! I'll do anything... please just make it stop!" Theo had long passed his breaking point. All he wanted was a peaceful end to a miserable life.

"Return!" James ordered.

The hell fire flames returned to his skull while the soul purifying flame flicked gently. The flames of the Netherworld remained on Theo's soul. However, he no longer screamed in agony.

"Will you serve me?" James said.

The User has initiated a Soul Contract!

Terms: The User will have complete control over the target's soul.

Duration: None!

"Yes," Theo said feebly.


Soul Contract Made!

Name: Theo Varaki

Race: Human.

Age: 16.

Status: Soul Bound.

Theo's soul shuddered as the inky flames slowly merged with his soul. Slowly turning his crimson soul into a mix of neon red and black spots. A feeling of helplessness overwhelmed him. Hate, fear, love or revenge meant nothing to him. There was only absolute loyalty to the being in front of him.

"Return to your body!" Theo heard James's voice again. Within seconds, his soul and body merged once again. Laying on the ground, his teary eyes devoid of resentment stared at James full of fervor.

'A broken man can always heal, but a broken soul is forever damned.' James chuckled internally as he stared into Theo's eyes. Over the last couple of hours he had familiarized himself with perks of his new Title while experimenting in the Bloodline Vault. Without leveling up the Title—Grim Reaper, or attaining the Title—Soul Cleaver, he couldn't have formed a Soul Contract with Theo.

'It's time to test the results of my experiments.' James smiled eerily. "You should have received details of the contract, right?"

Theo nodded. His face paled from such a simple motion.

"If you dare betray me, what you experienced a few moments ago will be nothing compared to the torment you will receive. This will be the first and last time I will say this, do well to remember it."

Theo smiled wryly while nodding. He might be a coward, but he was no fool. From the soul contract, he knew James could end his soul with a mere thought.

"Good." James nodded. "Now, let's begin."

James suddenly flicked his wrist. Congealed blood the size of a pebble appeared on his palm. Saying nothing, James threw the blood towards laying youth. Instinctively, Theo opened his mouth. With a gulp, the blood slid down Theo's throat. 'What did I just swallow?' He did not understand why he opened his mouth or why he swallowed the blood without hesitation. Only now did he realize the severity of the soul contract. 'I have gotten myself into a...' Mid-thought, Theo felt a searing heat engulfing his body, threatening to render him into ash. 'What's going on? What did I swallow?' Theo panicked. He didn't have the strength to stand. Neither could he speak. The dried leaves under his feeble body crackled while heat hazes slowly rose from his robes.

Seconds turned into minutes. The heat intensified. Theo could no longer rein in his emotions, as a soul churning bellow escaped from his trembling lips. He believed he stood at the center of a raging inferno. His clothes had turned to ash along with the leaves and branches surrounding him. Cracks, an inch long, discharging copious amounts of steam, covered his body in a unique chaotic order. His eyes had turned scarlet. Hair incinerated. Body bloated twice its size. Rapidly expanding at an inconceivable rate. The only constant was his howls.


Bloodline Assimilation Completed!

Name: Theo Varaki

Race: Human.

Bloodline Template: Vaporscreamer.

Bloodline: ??? (User's Creation).

Age: 16.


- Soul Bound.

- Evolved.