
Morning came.

The sun peeked through a hazy screen of clouds, painting the sky an elaborate mix of bloodied reds and vibrant oranges, intertwined with the smoky grays that permeated this skyward canvas. The early morning fog loomed as far as the eye could see, it was almost tangible, shrouding everything in a thick white veil, the light barely penetrating the haze. The birdsong and howling winds that should have filled the air all seemed to have disappeared.

Within the main hall of James's manor, Finley paced around the empty hall with his hands behind his back. A frown distorted his wrinkled face while his eyes constantly lingered on a particular door.

'What happened to him? Did he run away?' Finley paused, shaking is his head, he said, "That's impossible. He's not that foolish... but what could have happened to him?" As the main butler of the manor, he was in charge of all its staff and their welfare. Every morning, he conducted a mandatory but brief meeting before dispatching the workers to their workstation. This morning, however, someone was missing—Theo.

No one had seen him since the previous night, and according to the head stableman, he didn't even claim his dinner.

'Did they do something to him?' Finley thought of Theo's bullies. 'No.' Finley slowly shook his head. 'Although murder isn't rare in this place, it's still too much for those brats. Or am I underestimating them?' Several decades in Kynar had taught him the ugly side of men. It wasn't unheard of for people to murder others just on a whim. The upper echelon wouldn't bat an eye for a mere slave. Even if dozens of them disappeared, it wouldn't make a difference.

Finley clenched his fists. His fingers burying deep into his palms. 'I'm sorry, Theo. I should have helped you sooner.'

"Butler Finley! Butler Finley!"

Finley woke up from his daze as he heard the familiar voice. He turned to the hallway next to the exit.

Finley frowned. "Layla, what's the matter?�� He truly didn't like disorderliness. 'I thought I told her not to run in the manor anymore... wait. Could it be that she has found Theo?' Finley's visage softened.

"Layla, did you find—"

"Butler Finley..." Layla arrived before Finley. She bent slightly, catching her breath. After all, running wasn't her forte. "He's here again." Layla muttered.

'Huh? Who?' A stern frown had replaced the Finley's blooming smile. "Who is here again?" Finley asked.

"Cardinal Soren—"

"What?!" Finley blurted out. 'What does he want again? I know he said he'll return soon, but did it have to be the very next day?' Finley mused. 'I already have much on my plate with finding Theo's whereabouts, I don't need any further drama.'

Just then, Layla's anxious voice reached him a second time, "Butler Finley, he said no matter what he must meet our master today."

"How absurd. Does he think our master is his underling or something?" Finley retorted offhandedly. Layla remained silent. Although she wasn't a believer herself, she couldn't bring herself to talk badly about the overzealous church and its worshipers.

Noticing Layla's distress, Finley continued, "Is he in the parlor?"

Layla nodded. "Yes."

"All right. I will meet him. Have you heard anything about Theo?"

"Not yet. The stablemen and the gardeners are still searching for him. Hopefully, they'll find him soon." Layla retorted. However, Finley said nothing. Slowly shaking his head.

"You can return to your duties now." Saying nothing further, he walked towards the master's bedroom. Although James explicitly warned him not to disturb him, he knew he had to inform him about the current situation. After all, something big must have happened for a figure of Cardinal Soren's status to visit repeatedly on such brief notice.


"Your Eminence, please take it easy. Why don't you have a seat?" Priest Filimo urged. He sat on a leather sofa. Staring at Cardinal Soren, who anxiously paced in front of the fireplace.

"I don't have time for that. I have to meet him as soon as possible. I can't afford to fail. I can't." Cardinal Soren anxiously stared at the hallway leading into the parlor. 'I don't want the Pope to do that to me ever again. I must succeed no matter what.' With reddened eyes and a hardened heart, he continued walking.

Priest Filimo and Christopher glanced at each other. Helpless to their current plight. Cardinal Soren's mood worsened since he returned from the Impartation ceremony. And no matter what they did or said, nothing changed.

"Christopher, what are we supposed to do? If he continues like this, we might just have a bloodbath on out hands." Priest Filimo whispered.

"If that's the only way to calm him, I don't think that's a terrible idea. Who cares if fifty believers dies? It's much better than him venting his anger on us." Priest Christopher retorted. He sat on the same chair with Priest Filimo. He impassively stared at Cardinal Soren. He would rather not suffer if others could do it for him.

'This fellow is just as unreliable as Cardinal Soren.' Priest Filimo sighed. He turned to Priest Christopher, whispering, "I know... I know. But that would damage the church's growth and reputation. If things get out of hand, we'll pass the potion to the believers in this household. What do you think?"

"I'm fine with whatever you decide. If I'm being honest with you, I don't think we must go that far." Priest Christopher said.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Priest Christopher smiled. He turned towards Cardinal Soren. Only when he was certain he wasn't listening did he continue, "I have seen part of the report on him, and to be honest, he's nothing special. If he knows what's good for him, he wouldn't dare to turn down our offer."

'This idiot. Doesn't he know the rules? What would have happened if Cardinal Soren or another Cardinal caught him snooping?' Priest Filimo was taken aback. He knew Priest Christopher's character better than most, but never would he have expected him to act so brazenly.

"Be careful next time you—"

"Cardinal Soren, I'm sorry for keeping you and your priests waiting."

Silence graced the room, only the echos of the squeaking floors remained. The three men turned towards the hallway.

'That's him? He looks so young in person...'

Finley and an unfamiliar redhead approached the parlor. He wore a plain gray tunic matched with black breeches and knee high leather boots.

"Yes... No problem. You must be the new master of this manor," Cardinal Soren said. For a moment, he lost himself staring into James's eyes. In his years of living, he had never seen such beautiful eyes, but with a devilish charm.

"That's right. You can call me Kaleb." James smiled faintly. "Please have a seat." James urged. Saying nothing further, he walked towards the main seat, before gracefully taking his seat.

"Finley, prepare some refreshments for our guests."

"Yes, Master." Finley quietly walked towards the kitchen.

'The way he walks, talks and even the way he sits has an air of grace to it. Who the hell is this kid?' Cardinal Soren mused. James actions were that of royalty. Grace that could never be erased, no matter the stain. 'Well, it doesn't matter who he was. Right now, he's just another dog for The Order.'

"So can I ask why someone of your esteem status would visit a nobody like myself?" James rested his head on his hands. Staring at Cardinal Soren without arrogance, but a gaze devoid of respect.

'It seems he's the straightforward type.' Cardinal Soren smiled slightly, as he said, "Kaleb, on behalf of His Holiness, Pope Enel I, I sincerely welcome you to the village. May your stay be a joyous one, and may Balaa lead you to salvation." Cardinal Soren bowed slightly. James, however, neither acknowledged nor dismissed Cardinal Soren's words. Without a flicker in his visage, he continued to stare at the trio. Waiting for them to reveal the purpose of their visit.

Noticing James's intentions, Cardinal Soren continued, "To tell you the truth, I'm here on behalf of the Pope to invite you to the church of—"

"Oh? Is that it? Unfortunately, I'm not interested. I'm truly sorry if that's all you came here for." James said. His countenance the same.

"Wait, a moment!" Cardinal Soren panicked. He didn't expect James to turn him down before he got to the crux of his speech. "Please hear me out before you make your decision." Cardinal Soren pleaded.

James nodded. Inwardly, the three men sighed in relief.

"Our church was formed when His Holiness, Pope Enel I, received an Impartation from the lord of salvation, Balaa. And our only goal is to guide all humans towards salvation." Cardinal Soren explained. He glanced at James, however, he still had the same impassive expression. Clearing his throat, he continued, "There are two classes of humans in the village. Those who are slaves, and us, people chosen to serve The Order. I need not say it, but you know what you had to pass through to get to this point." Cardinal Soren paused, his voice turned heavy, "Although it has been twenty years, I can't forget about my time during the selection. I was lost. My soul stained with the agony and misery of those whose lives I claimed. I wake up every night to see their anguished faces calling out to me. Tearing me apart sometimes..." Cardinal Soren's voice trialed off. Out of the corner of his eyes, he had seen a flicker in James's expression.

"However, my torment ended when I joined the church. I wasn't the religious type then. But Balaa cleansed my soul. Now I'm free. I have attained salvation." Cardinal Soren declared. He turned towards James, his eyes gleaming with expectations. "Would you consider giving us a chance? To tell you the truth, there are a lot of benefits for joining the church."

"Oh?" James's brows shot up. "Benefits like what?"

"If you become a member of the church, you'll be ordained as an Archbishop. And you'll enjoy all the benefits of the title. One of which is exclusion from the coliseum and the Akalite run," Cardinal Soren said coolly.

A faint smile tugged at the end of his lips. 'Let's see if you can remain calm after hearing that.'

James's eyes lit up and his breathing quickened. As Cardinal Soren expected, his words piqued James's interest.

Striking while the iron was hot, he continued, "That's just the beginning. It's—"

"What do you want in return?" James interjected. He had lived long enough to know that nothing came free.

Cardinal Soren smiled. "It's nothing much. We only require complete loyalty to the church. With time, you'll naturally become a believer. So are you interested?"

"Pardon me, Cardinal Soren. I'd like to ask two questions before I decide. Is that okay?"

"Of course. Please feel free." Cardinal Soren smiled confidently. 'He's definitely hooked. I bet he wants to know the other benefits of joining the church.' He mused.

"Can you tell me the other benefits of joining the church and the current population of the church," James said.

'Why does he want to know that?' Cardinal Soren's confident smile waned a bit. He expected James to ask about the other benefits, but the second question surprised him.

"Is there a problem, Cardinal Soren?"

"No… no. Pardon me. But it's against the church's rules to reveal the other benefits. However, believe me when I say it exceeds the benefits of passing the rights ceremony," Cardinal Soren smiled apologetically. "Meanwhile, our believers number in the thousands. We are the undisputed number one church in the village." Cardinal Soren declared. A gleam of pride covered his eyes. He was second only to the Pope among thousands of believers. He had every reason to be proud.

Just like him, James had a bright smile flash across his face, albeit for different reasons.

Scanning Completed!

Name: Soren.


Level: 33 (Sorcerer).

Occupation: Cardinal.

Affiliation: Church of Balaa.

Path: Darkness.


- Offering.

- Marked.

Odds of the user eliminating the Target: 90%

"Cardinal Soren, is it possible for me to meet the Pope?"

Cardinal Soren couldn't believe his ears. 'He wants to meet the Pope? This is fantastic.' He could barely control his urge to laugh. The only reason he had journeyed to James manor was to convince him to meet the Pope. Gathering his thoughts, Cardinal Soren said, "it would delight His Holiness to meet you."

James brows shot up. "Oh? Why is that?"

"His Holiness is always excited to meet new believers. Especially someone who can contribute to the church's growth." Cardinal Soren said dryly. 'Damn it. I let my thoughts get the best of me.' Cardinal Soren smiled brightly. "If you are not busy, I can introduce you to him."

James slowly shook his head. Smiling apologetically, he said, "I'm not a believer yet. However, I will take you up on your offer. But I need some time. I only came to this manor yesterday."

"Pardon me for forwardness. Whenever you're ready. I will arrange a meeting with His Holiness." Cardinal Soren suddenly stood up, "Kaleb, we will take our leave. Thank you for your time. May Balaa's presence be with you. No need to see us off. Goodbye."

"Take care. I look forward to our next encounter," James said. Bowing slightly, Cardinal Soren, Priest Christopher and Filimo walked towards the exit. However, Priest Christopher suddenly staggered to the floor.

"Are you okay?" James called out. He rushed to assist the thin priest.

"Thank you. I'm sorry, I accidentally slipped." Priest Christopher smiled faintly while grabbing James's hand.


The User has placed Skill—Rot Inducement on the target.

The User has placed The Soul Parasite Curse on the target.

Estimated Time until Activation: 30 seconds.

A minute after they left, Finley returned to the parlor, carrying a steaming pot and several biscuits on a wooden tray.

"Master, did our guests leave?" Only a few minutes had passed since he left. From the way Layla spoke, he thought Cardinal Soren would spend considerable time in the manor. He had even instructed the chefs to prepare a light breakfast for them.

"Yes. They just left." James said impassively. Not sparing Finely a glance.

"That's a shame. Pardon me, Master. I will return these items to the kitchen." Finley bowed slightly. He turned to leave. However, James's voice reached him again. "Why? We have some extra guests."

'Huh? Who is he talking about?' Finley's brows creased. Before he could speak, hurried footstep reached him. Layla walked anxiously towards him. "Butler Finley! Butler Finley! The masters of Obazik and Noer manors are here to visit our Master."

Finley staggered, nearly spilling the contents on the tray. 'How did he know?' He stared at James, unable to hide his horror.

"Butler Finley, who is the kid?"

Finley's heart sank, his knees going soft. He turned towards Layla, his eyes bloodshot. "Do you want to die? How dare you talk to our Master like that?"

"Master?" Layla stared at James, then stared at Finley. Only then did she see the horror in the butler's eyes. Her mouth subconsciously opened. Sweat gracing her palms. Her knees gave out. She prostrated on the ground. "Master, please forgive me for my insolence." Her body trembled uncontrollably while tears gathered at the corners of her eyes. She cursed herself for not keeping her big mouth shut.

James walked in light steps towards Layla. Only stopping when he stood in front of where she lay. Crouching, he reached for her shoulders as he said, "Don't be scared. It's not your fault." He turned towards Finley before continuing, "Finley, usher our guests in. When I'm done, I would like to speak with all the staff. It's time I introduce myself." James flashed a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts.

"Y-Yes, Master. I'll do that." Gathering his thoughts. He assisted Layla to her feet. Together, they left the parlor.

Will the user like to Activate the skill?

James smiled slightly. 'Not yet. There's still a lot of time to have fun.' In light steps, he returned to his seat. 'System, what's the status of the merged damned soul?'

The User has placed the Soul Parasite Curse on 2 targets.

'Oh? Only Cardinal Soren is left. That's faster than I imagined.' James chuckled slightly. 'Thousands of believers, huh? Good. Very good. This place is really not bad.' James cackled.