
Ainsley Hall stared at a luxurious carriage made of purple oak and verdant timber. The symbolic holy trees of the church of Balaa. 'Those bastards are already here?' Ainsley Hall gazed impassively at the seven horses fastened to the carriage. His brown eyes occasionally shifting towards the gray fog in the distance.

"Ainsley, I told you I wasn't joking. They've already made their move," Haider Lewis said. He glared at the unmanned carriage with bloodshot eyes. Subconsciously tightening the reins on his stallger.

Ainsley Hall turned to Haider Lewis, his eyes fixated on the ground. "It will die if you don't calm down."

Haider Lewis frowned. 'Huh? What's he talking about?' Just then, his stallger staggered. 'What's going on?' Haider Lewis hurriedly lowered his head, only then did he realize he choked the stallger. Saliva mixed with greenish fluid poured out from the beast's mouth. It's swollen eyes rolled to the side while its limbs trembled non-stop. Haider Lewis slowly loosened his grip. 'Fuck! I lost my head there for a moment.' Out of the corners of his eyes, he noticed a young lady in a unique maid outfit. "You!" Haider called out. Pointing towards Layla.

'Who's making a racket so early in the morning?' Layla instinctively turned towards the direction of the shout. At that same moment, however, Layla noticed a huge shadow cast over her.

"You must be the head maid of this manor, yes?" Haider asked. Over seven feet tall, Layla was like a toddler compared to him. Silence, however, greeted his words. Layla swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva. Absentmindedly staring at the man in front of her, unable to control her wobbling legs or her heaving chest. She only went out to ask the stablemen if they had found Theo. She didn't notice Haider Lewis and Ainsley Hall's arrival.

"Did you hear me? Or are you deaf?" Haider barked. He reached for Layla's shoulders. Jilting the trembling maid awake. "Tell your master we are here to—" Haider suddenly felt a touch on his right shoulder. "Haider, leave her alone. She is obviously too scared to speak," Ainsley Hall said. He wore a faint smile which amplified his sharp jaws and transformed limpid blue eyes. His fingers brushed the sides of his head, gently placing his golden locks behind his ears. He leaned forward before placing his land on Layla's trembling body. At that same moment, a greenish glow covered her body. Calming her tensed mind while a refreshing chill coursed through her spine.

"Miss. Report to your Master, the owners of the Obazik and Noer manors are here to see him. Okay?" Ainsley Hall said. His voice calm.

"Yes. I will do that now." Layla answered in a daze.

"Go on then." Ainsley Hall instructed.

With renewed vigor, Layla dashed into the manor. The smile on Ainsley Hall's lips had long disappeared. He nonchalantly stared at Layla's figure before turning towards Haider Lewis.

"Haider, keep your emotions in check when we see them. We can't have a repeat of last time, okay?"

Haider's mouth opened several times, however, he said nothing. With a gentle nod, he acknowledged the Ainsley's advice.

"Good. We should prepare for—"

"Oh? Do my eyes deceive me? Aren't these remnants of the brotherhood?"

Deep frowns distorted the features of the giants as they heard Cardinal Soren's voice. Haider's bulging muscles trembled non-stop, unable to stop himself from exuding bloodlust. Ainsley Hall, however, keenly stared at Cardinal Soren and the priest with bloodshot eyes.

Cardinal Soren chuckled. Impassively waving his hand as he said, "There's no need to glare at me with such hateful eyes. I'm not your enemy. You can't blame me for what happened in the coliseum." He flashed a bright grin as he continued. "I'm sure Lord Balaa will welcome Mo—"

"Shut your fucking mouth! Don't you dare call her name with that filthy mouth!" Haider Lewis bellowed. He had long forgotten about Ainsley Hall's advice. How was he to remain calm after seeing the man that killed his lover? "Haider, don't let him bait you into attacking him. Remain calm. Now isn't the time to act. Endure it." Ainsley Hall whispered. Contrary to his words, he exuded bloodlust and could barely stop himself from assaulting Cardinal Soren and the priests.

Cardinal Soren smirked as he stared at the duo. "You Patelians are too quick to anger. I hope you can find the light one day. Lord Balaa is ever benevolent." He shook his head while laughing. Then he continued. "Let me guess, you're here to invite him to join your brotherhood, right?"

However, the duo said nothing. They wouldn't waste words on someone like Cardinal Soren. Unperturbed by their silence, Cardinal Soren continued, "I'll take that as a yes." He suddenly paused. His smile brightened as he said, "It's unfortunate for you, however. Because he will definitely join our church. Or should I say he already has?" Cardinal Soren's laugh followed.

Ainsley Hall and Haider Lewis stared at each other. Although they hated the church of Balaa, they knew it was difficult for one to resist their advances. If James had truly joined the church, then it was a waste of a trip.

"Good luck, gentlemen. I pray Lord Balaa has mercy on your souls. Goodbye." Cardinal Soren and the priest walked passed the two men before entering their carriage. Within seconds, the carriage slowly set off into the distance. Disappearing into the chilly morning fog.

"Ainsley, what should—?"

"We'll find out if he has joined the church or not. It doesn't matter what that bastard said." Ainsley hall spat out.

"And if that is the case? What then?" Haider Lewis retorted.

Ainsley Hall turned to meet Haider's brown eyes. "If he has join the church, then we have no choice other than to kill him." He whispered.

The duo nodded in silence.

"Master Lewis and Master Ainsley, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. Please come this way." Finley called out.

They turned towards the entrance of the Manor, they could see Finley subserviently inviting them into the manor.

"Let's go," Ainsley Hall said.

Saying nothing further, the men walked towards the manor in slight steps. Their hemp cloaks swaying as the early morning breeze brushed passed them. Meanwhile, In the spirit word, a merged damned soul slowly relayed the details of their conversation with James.


James sat on the main seat in the parlor, as his gaze shifted between Ainsley Hall and Haider Lewis, who drank from a steaming cup of freshly brewed tea.

"Gentlemen, is the tea to your liking?" James asked. His words neither welcoming nor rude.

Ainsley Hall placed his cup on a nearby stand, as he said, "Very much. We are sorry for imposing on you so early in the morning." Haider Lewis, on the other hand, shamelessly stuffed his mouth with biscuits.

James smiled. "No problem. If it wasn't important, I doubt you'll waste my time and yours on mere greetings."

The corners of Ainsley Hall's eyes twitched. 'What a sharp tongue.' He still could not believe someone as young as James had survived the selection. Not to talk of the rights ceremony. Although James looked fragile, he did not dare underestimate him. No one could have gotten so far on sheer luck alone.

Ainsley Hall smiled faintly. "Surely not. We are here to offer you a rather interesting proposal," he said.

"Oh? I'm listening." James said. However, there wasn't the slightest flicker in his expression.

Ainsley Hall continued. "I need you to fulfill a simple request before I begin." He watched as James's brow shot up. He remained silent, however. Only gesturing for Ainsley Hall to continue. "Did you accept Cardinal Soren's offer to join the church of Balaa?" Ainsley asked. Haider Lewis, for the first time, keenly stared at James.

James slowly shook his head while laughing uncontrollably.

A frown distorted Ainsley Hall's features. "Pardon me, but did I say something hysterical?" His breathing slowed.

"Forgive me," James said. Barely controlling his urges. A cold, impassive stare replaced James's gleeful demeanor. "Do you think me a fool because of my looks?" He stood up. Then continued. "If that's all you have to say, please leave."

Haider Lewis and Ainsley Hall stared at each other, confused on what was going on. They didn't understand the reason for James's sudden mood swing.

"Wait, a minute. Why are you—?"

"What benefit do I gain from divulging such an information?" James cut Ainsley Hall off. "If I say yes, and you're sworn enemies of the church, doesn't that mean I'm placing my life at risk? There's no telling what you'll do if I say no as well. So who in their right mind would bother answering such a pointless question?" James stated in one breath.

Silence enveloped the room. Ainsley Hall and Haider Lewis, unable to believe what they had just heard. They couldn't dispute James's words, but what frightened them was that they hadn't thought that far ahead. There was no right answer for James, and no matter what he said, their suspicion would only grow.

"We have no intentions of—"

James's laugh interrupted Haider Lewis midway through his words. James's voice followed. "Surely you won't tell me to trust you, right?" James sneered. Where were they? Who in their right mind would trust anyone in Kynar? They all had blood on their hands to make it this far, some more than others, hence James had no time for words of trust. Haider Lewis fell silent. James read his thoughts.

"Since you arrived recently, you might not know this. We can't kill each other outside the coliseum. We truly don't have any ulterior motives." Ainsley Hall said.

James smiled. "So? When did laws stop people from fulfilling their desires?" James said. He sat down once more, before saying, "What if I wanted to kill you too? Who could stop me?"

"What?!" Haider Lewis blurted out. His eyes narrowed into a slit. "Kaleb, I'd advice you to choose your next words carefully."

Scanning Completed!

Name: Haider Lewis.


Level: 32 (Sorcerer) Warrior (100).

Occupation: Magical Knight.

Affiliation: Brotherhood.

Path: Light.


Odds of the user eliminating the Target: 100%

Name: Ainsley Hall.


Level: 35 (Sorcerer)

Occupation: Swindler. Interpreter.

Affiliation: Brotherhood.

Path: Light.


Odds of the user eliminating the Target: 85%

James chuckled. "Do you think it's impossible for me?" He pointed towards their cups and biscuit, as he said, "You drank and eat so happily earlier. Did you consider if I poisoned it?"



The User has placed Skill—Rot Inducement on the target.

The User has placed The Soul Parasite Curse on 2 targets.

Estimated Time until Activation: 30 seconds.

This time, Ainsley Hall and Haider Lewis both rose to their feet. Their bloodshot eyes glared at James, demanding an explanation. They had previously agreed to eliminate James if he had truly joined the church of Balaa. They never expected a scenario he would poison them.

Once again, James's hysterical laugh echoed within the parlor. "I was only joking. Why would I poison you for no reason? I believe you were also joking earlier. Forgive me, please sit."

Ainsley Hall and Haider Lewis stared at each other, unable to hide their confusion. 'He was joking?' Haider Lewis thought.

'I can't tell if this brat is lying or not… he is just like a venomous snake hidden in the dark.' Ainsley Hall slowly took his seat. However, the way he looked at James had transformed. He knew how to read people, a trait he developed by all swindlers. However, James appeared in his mind like an ever shifting canvas.

"I apologize for my previous statement. However, if you're intent on getting an answer to your previous question, I'm afraid I will have to disappoint you. For my safety, I won't give you an answer. I gain nothing from it." James explained.

Ainsley Hall's brow shot up. 'It seems Cardinal Soren was talking out of his ass. If he had truly joined, he shouldn't be afraid of telling us. Unless he hasn't joined them yet. Or does he think we are in cahoots with those scum?' His thoughts wandered. Only now did James's actions make a little sense to him. 'If that's the reason, then he hasn't joined them yet. This is good for us. I knew that bastard was lying when he said he joined them.' The more Ainsley Hall thought about it, he was certain Cardinal Soren tried to pull a fast one on him.

"Kaleb, I won't ask you about matters with the church of Balaa anymore," Ainsley Hall said. His features suddenly turned stern, "However, I will advise you not to have anything to do with them. Do whatever you may with what I've said."

James neither acknowledged nor reject the advice. He blankly stared at Ainsley Hall, who looked as if he had more to say.

"I won't waste your time further. I will go straight to the point. Myself and Haider are part of a group called the brotherhood. Our sole aim is to ensure our survival in this place. We are here to ask you to join us. We will offer you protection even after the expiration of your rights. We will also tell you how you can increase the duration of your rights." Ainsley Hall suddenly paused. James's eyes quivered when he made his last statement.

"Yes, it's possible to extend your rights beyond the initial nine months. You won't have to take part in the Akalite run or battle in the coliseum. So what do you say?" Ainsley Hall asked. An expectant light flickered in the depths of his eyes. He had seen James's reaction several times over the years.

"What does your brotherhood what in return?"

"Your loyalty. Nothing else." Ainsley Hall replied without a pause.

"What are your current numbers?" James asked.

���Fifty, and we grow each day." Ainsley Hall replied earnestly. James's questions did not come off unnatural to him. He too would want to know the size of an organization that promised so much.

A smile bloomed on James's lips. "Please give me some time to think about it. I will give you my answer soon."

"All right. I understand. We won't impose on you anymore. When you a decision, come find me at the marble tower. I'll be waiting for you." Ainsley Hall said. Saying nothing further, James escorted the duo out of the manor. Watching them as they rode into the distance.

'These bastards proposed the same offer. They only need me to join, yet they would relinquish so many benefits to me. Something isn't right.' James mused. He believed it wasn't a coincidence that Cardinal Soren and Ainsley Hall proposed the same condition to join their respective groups.

'There's no point racking my brain what they're up to. With the merged damned souls tailing them, I'll find out soon enough. I should concentrate on exploring the village and finding more vessels for my experiments.' A savage smile slowly formed on James's lips.